Chapter 2

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"Mary Chadwick?"

"Here." I say to lets Mr.Brown know im here. It's only first period and my day already sucks so far. I slept in a hour too late so i had to basically throw on whatever clothes were closest to me, which ended up being a grey pair of sweats and a t-shirt from my dentists office. Then i spilt milk all over the front of my shirt with no time to change so im sitting here, in Blue Creek High School, with a large stain starting from the collar of my shirt to my belly button.

Lets see what else can go wrong today.


Four long hours later, im finally at lunch.

"You look rough." Carter tells me while looking me up and down.

"Wow, i am so glad i have you as a best friend."

"At least im honest Darling." He says and gives me a apologetic smile.

Carter Williams. Oh where do i start with this boy. I met Carter in 8th grade when he gave me his jacket to tie around my waist because i started my period unexpectedly and i had a spot on the back of my pants and no one would help me. We started hanging out after that and i began to like him, but after a few months, i had no doubt in my mind that he was gay. The boys fashion sense was just about as strong as Heidi Klums and he had a whole album on his phone dedicated to Brad Pitt. One year later, surprise surprise, he came out to me.

"Did you see Wesley today?" He says before shoving a forkful of some vegan noodles in his mouth.

"Cause he is looking fine as hell."

"No and I couldnt care less."

"Whatever. You want some of that Stromberg loving and you know it."

"You're just mad because he chases after the cats and not the dogs."

"No, you're just bitter because hes tried every pussy in this school except for yours."

"Carter!" I scowl at him and throw a grape at him but he dodges the fruit and it ends up hitting Laura Peters right on her nose. Who is, coincedently, the cat that Wesley is currently chasing after.

"What the hell was that?" She turns to see Carter then looks at me.

"Whats your deal, Chadwick?"

"Sorry Laura, honest mistake." I tell her with my hands up in a defeated position.

"Well dont let it happen again, Bitchwick."

Piss off the bitch of the school, lets add that to the list of things that went bad today.

"Hey Laura, how is Wesleys dick tasting? Can you taste the desperation of every other girls mouth on it?" Carter defends me while making the whole table behind us laugh.

"Fuck off Carter." she says and turns on her heels, her brown hair swaying back and forth, and walks away with the whole cafeteria watching. It's people like Carter that help me get through high school without shoving pencils in my eyes.

"I dont even understand why she hates me so much." I say while picking at my nails, a nervous habit i have had for as long as i can remember.

"I have a theory that when she was younger, she sat on a stick and it went up her ass and it never came out. Thats why she is the way she is cause she constantly has a stick up her ass."

"You're insane."

"Insanely hot you mean." He winks just as the bell rings for 5th period to start.

"Come on my dear, time to go sit through Mrs.Lanni talk about how often animals get horny while immature boys sit in the back and laugh cause they're horny at the very moment too." I laugh as we walk out of the lunch room with our arms linked together.

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