Chapter 17

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I got little to no sleep that night. The images of my brother and Wesley on the verge of killing each other swam through my head mixed with visions of Savannah struggling alone with a baby kept me from closing my eyes for more than 30 seconds. When i did finally fall asleep, it only lasted for roughly a hour because nightmares developed behind my eyelids. I dreamed about Savannah being deserted by Wesley but it wasn't Savannah that was there, it was me. Wesley left me in the same place i found him, on the cold pavement sidewalk in front of my work. The rain was pouring down the same way and i just laid on the ground, ready to give up when a group of guys began walking towards me saying stuff like "What a pretty girl you are." and "Don't say anything." The last thing i saw before waking up was a hand coming down to my face before snapping my eyelids open and sobbing into my pillow until my alarm clock went off at 6:30 am.

My head feels as if a rock is knocking back in forth inside of it and my eyes are swollen red when i force myself out of bed and i pile on as much eye makeup as possible to hide the bags under my eyes but after applying powder for the 5th time, i come to the conclusion that they're here to stay. I throw on my Panic! at the Disco concert shirt and pull yoga pants onto my legs before taking a big breath and heading downstairs.

It took me 10 minutes to get out the door because i had to reassure Drew 509 times that i'm fine going to school today. Which im really not, but i know staying home won't fix anything. I just really need Carter right now.

Much to my relief, Carter is sitting at our bench with Starbucks in one hand and a brown bag from Roses, a small breakfast place next to the school that makes the best biscuits ever known to man.

"Whos the best?" Carter waves the bag in front of me when i sit down and it makes me laugh, something that i need right now.

"Peter Parker?" He hands me a sausage and egg biscuit that smells so good it could give you an orgasm from that alone.

"No, Bruce Wayne." We laugh together and i take a bite into the round dough, filling my mouth with its goodness.

"So whats been up with you lately?"

"Too much has been up. I need a lot to go down."

"How's Stromberg doing?" There goes my appetite.

"I don't know." I rewrap my biscuit and take a sip from my vanilla cappucino, letting the liquid burn the back of my throat.

"Oh." Carter replies and wraps his arm around my shoulders, obviously noticing that something isn't right.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head no and we sit in silence until the bell rings.

It's lunch period and i haven't seen Wesley yet. I hope he stayed home today, it would make everything easier. But i guess i jinxed it cause when i leave the cafeteria, hes standing right in front of it. I turn around to go back into the lunch room without thinking and i can hear footsteps following right behind me.

"It's not like you can stay in here." I ignore his voice and keep walking, heading for the door that leads straight to the outside.

"Mary please let me explain." His voice is getting closer and i pick up my speed, practically running to the door. I push the door open and run down the ramp, hiding myself next to the wall, praying that he won't see me.

"Mary!" He says once he gets out the door, looking back and forth. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying and watch him say my name 5 more times before going back inside, leaving me alone sitting against the brick wall.

I run to 5th period when i look at my phone to see i have a minute until the late bell rings. I make it in the door just as it goes off and i take my seat next to Keaton.

Oh my god Keaton. Does he know?

"Hey Mary." He greets me with a giant smile and i give the same smile back, mine a lot more forced than his though.

"Are you okay? You seem a little out of breath."

"Oh yeah im fine. Just was running late to class." I lean over to get my green binder out of my bag, hoping to end this conversation.

"What were you doing that would make you so late you had to run?" I rummage through my bag a little longer to think of some lie to tell him.

"Forgot something in my locker." I come back up and ask him if he watched the episode of Big Brother last night, changing the topic completely for the rest of class.

I manage to avoid seeing Wesley the rest of the day and kindly reject Carters offer to go the the movies. I thought of something i want to do during 7th period.

As soon as i get home, i rush upstairs and lock my door behind me. I pull out my macbook and log on to Facebook, almost forgetting my password cause it's been so long since i have used it.

"Savannah Vamp" i say out loud to myself as i type it into the search bar. Only one comes up and it's obviously her. That bleach blonde hair and giant blue eyes are hard to forget. Her location says Santa Monica and im surprised because Drew made it sound like she moved to a completely different state when in reality, shes only like a hour away. Her profile is private so i send her a friend request and anxiously wait for the "Savannah Vamp has accepted your friend request" and after 30 minutes, my computer dings and she has accepted me. I rummage through her photos before messaging her, hoping to see any pictures of the baby but i find none. No pregnancy pictures, no baby photos, nothing. That seems weird but maybe she just prefers to not exploit her child.

"Do you remember me?" Is what i send her and when she replies back with "Of course i do!" i feel a tad bit relieved.

Me: Great! Hey, i know it seems random, but i was hoping we could meet up for coffee some day? I see you only live about a hour away and im sure we can find a coffee shop to meet halfway at!

Savannah: I would love that! I miss seeing you! I can do this Saturday? (:

Me: I can do Saturday! Here, 714-277-3472 is my phone number. We can talk details later. (:

Savannah: Sweet! Talk to you later Mary.

I save Savannahs number and begin searching for coffee shops about 30 minutes away for the next hour.

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