Chapter 15

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"Can you two give us a minute?" Drew asks Libra and Laura before sitting down in the seat next to me. I lean towards the opposite way of him and bring my knees up to my chest, a thing i do when i feel uneasy. His facial expression shows that he is hurt by my action but after seeing him the way i just did, i can't help myself even though I know that my brother would never hurt me.

"Is he...?" I say so low that its almost a whisper. I've looked out the window more times than i can count and i don't see Wesley anywhere.

"He's fine. Maybe a black eye and a few scraps and bruises but other than that hes fine. I should have done a lot more though." I cringe at his comment and he automatically apologizes.

"Look, there's a reason i don't want you seeing him."

"I'm not seeing him Drew." Or at least i'm not anymore.

"But you are associating with him.". He says in a matter of fact voice.

"Why does it bother you so much?"

"Do you remember that girl Savannah that i dated last year?" He asks.

"Yeah you were in love with her and then you two broke up after about 6 months. Why?" What the hell does this have anything to do with Wesley?

"And what reason did i give you for it?"

"You just said that it wasn't working out."

"Well that was a lie."

"Why would you lie about something like that?"

"Because I was too ashamed to admit what really happened." I'm so awfully confused right now.

"She actually got pregnant." He slowly looks up at me as if i'm suppose to realize something but i'm clueless.

"But what does that.."

"It was with Wesley, Mary. Savannah cheated on me with Wesley and he got her pregnant." I feel like a bomb has just been dropped on my lap and it blew up in my face.

"Oh my God Drew i am so sorry i had no idea." I hug him and he hugs me tighter. I can't believe i was falling for a guy that my brothers ex girlfriend cheated on him with and got her pregnant. I feel terrible.

"But how come no one knows? This seems like something that everyone would talk about. And why doesn't he talk about it?"

"Because he left her once she found out. He told her that he wants nothing to do with it and that she was on her own." Im in complete shock from what hes telling me because i know that Wesley isn't the best guy but i never thought he would do something like this.

"So i'm gonna guess that she didn't move away because of her moms new job?"

"Yeah, no. She moved away cause her parents were too ashamed for anyone to know." We sit in complete quiet for a minute while try to take this all in. I can't believe i was starting to think he was different when he's really just a coward that ran away from his problems. He hurt my brother and he left poor Savannah all by herself. It's no wonder Drew didn't want me to talk to him.

"I was just trying to keep you safe from him Mary. I don't want him to hurt you like he hurt her."

"Thank you. I am so sorry about this i was so stupid for not listening to you." I kissed him. I actually kissed this bastard that caused pain for my brother. I told him my whole life story because i thought i could trust him. How was i so damn stupid?

"Don't feel bad, you didn't know when you should have known. It's my fault."

"Does Mom know?"

"Nope. And she never will cause she doesn't need anymore stress on her." I nod in agreement and i hug him once more.

"Lets go home."

"Yeah you go ahead. You have to take Libra home so ill meet you at the house."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah yeah go." I smile to reassure him and after one more hug, he and Libra leave and Laura must have left with Wesley cause i don't see her outside. I walk back inside and the tears just start falling but i don't do anything to stop them. I let it out for a good 15 minutes before locking up the restaurant and heading home.

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