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"..." The man said nothing, making Y/N's mouth twitch downwards, forming a small frown. Couldn't he tell that she had the upper hand?

"C'mon tell me, I'll find it out eventually anyways..." She waited for a response.

"..." He kept quiet, eyes switching from the strayed gun and around the balcony, for anything he could use to help him out. His neck muscles were straining, if he moved his head in any direction, he was going to get a fresh gash.

Y/N moved a bit on his back, re-adjusting her hold so she could have her other hand. She didn't waste a second to push her free hand to his scalp, firmly grasping his short tresses and yanking his head back with a harsh tug. He groaned. She looked down at his wide eyes with a bored expression before leaning down to his left ear. "I'll find it out eventually, might as well spill the tea before I do it myself." Y/N pushed up the slider on the box cutter, exposing more of the sharp blade.

"..." Not a peep. The intruder looked everywhere but her. He wasn't going to give up this easily, he just needed to bear it a little longer. He didn't expect her to act like this, it caught him off completely off guard.

She lightly glided the fine edge to the right, leaving a small, shallow slice. She observed the few drops of blood trickle down his exposed neck.

"Oops, finger slipped." Y/N breathed into his ear and watched as his mouth twisted into a grimace. His raised upper lip exposing some of his clenched, white teeth.

"..Y/N? What are you doing?!" Y/N looked towards the source of the confused and frantic voice, seeing it was Hoseok at the now open balcony doors. Taehyung walked up behind him, watching through the glass instead of coming outside like his hyung. They both looked confused and worried, confused because of both what was happening and because of what Y/N was wearing.

Y/N plastered on a scared face, quickly retracting the miniature blade. She released her grip on the stranger's hair, making his forehead fling forward and bash onto the hard ground, he groaned in pain. She tucked her small weapon into her palm as she pointed ahead. The two followed where her finger was, and Y/N shoved the cutter into her bra before they could look back at her.

"Can you come and get her off of me?!" The stranger asked, frustrated that it wasn't the first thing they did when they came outside. He had raised his head to glare at them as Y/N kept him grounded and unmoving, accidentally widening the small slice on his neck. "Please?" He didn't like to beg, but he needed to look like he was speaking the truth.

Taehyung picked up the gun and looked at it curiously, Hoseok walking over to where the two were situated.

Hoseok looked down at the stranger and suddenly smirked, "The innocent act doesn't suit you, Woong." He extended his hand out for Y/N to grab onto.

Y/N's expression changed to one that looked very confused, she sent it up to Hoseok who kept an amused look at the so-called "Woong." Woong didn't have a weapon on him, that she knew of anyways. She had kicked away the gun he was about to pull out, probably to shoot her with. Why else would he take it out? Y/N looked at Hoseok, he watched as she hesitated to put her hand in his. He ended up just grabbing it himself and pulling her up.

"This idiot tackled me as soon as she saw me, I had just gotten here then she popped up out of nowhere and pounced on me like I was trying to murder her or something!" Woong exclaimed, beginning to push himself up as Y/N stood up, but got pushed back down when Y/N "accidentally" stomped on his back. Taehyung held back a laugh, resulting in a quiet snort. Woong ended up busting his chin, adding to the many other decorations that Y/N had embellished him with. Y/N made a shocked face at him while he was getting up as if she were saying sorry, he just glared back, she put on an apologetic smile in return.

As soon as the man stood up, he looked Y/N over from head to toe, a smirk gracing his features. "Didn't know that Jin was still in the game, especially with lower standards." Y/N dropped her smile and just stared at the tall man intensely, fists clenched by her side as she raised her foot to take a step towards him. She wasn't sure if she was more offended by the fact he thought she had slept with Jin because of her attire, or that he thought Jin had lowered his standards to be able to sleep with her. Hoseok sensed the upcoming danger and wrapped an arm around the front of her shoulders to hold her back.

He laughed nervously and looked at Woong, "T-That's not why she's here, Woong..haha..."

"Are you sure? I think that's his shirt.. right? There's that little pink heart sewed into it at the bottom so it has to be his, only reason for her to wear boxers from the same owner."

Y/N tensed up.

What's wrong with this guy?

Don't get triggered by this dickhead, he isn't worth your time Y/N.

He's just trying to get you angry.

You've already had a bunch of outbursts just today.

Keep your cool no matter how much he needs a good kick in the-

Y/N sighed and relaxed under Hoseok's hold, he held back a small smile of relief.

Woong gasped enthusiastically, "Or maybe, don't tell me, it isn't just Jin?" His eyes looked into the angry teens, her own eyes narrowed.

Hoseok felt Y/N tense up and prepared for her to lurch forward. Instead, he got a hard elbow to the gut. He frowned and huffed, bent forward slightly from the impact, but regained his posture quickly. His hold on became Y/N tighter and unwavering. Y/N was disappointed in her inability to free herself, but she wasn't going to give up that easily. She prepared to elbow a little harder, her arm raising higher than before.


The small noise came from Taehyung's direction, but the sight in front of them stopped them. Woong's teasing face had turned neutral and his eyes rolled back before closing halfway, his body falling to the ground with a thump.

"Oops..." Taehyung managed to mumble.

  ✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   

(edited 7/11/19)


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