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        It wasn't very secret to be truthful. There was nothing stopping Y/N from entering, for example a pit full of snakes or a door disguised as a bookshelf. None of the lights in this particular hallway were on except for a very faint one coming from this specific door. The door was actually disguised as the wall, but the way Y/N figured out that it was not the wall, was:

Number one: The light from underneath,

Number two: The creases of the door were visible, but only if you were trying to look for them,

Number three: "Dust the shelves or I'm setting them on fire," was written on a sticky note on the right of the door,

Number four: Jesus, they didn't even hide the doorknob.

Y/N looked around just in case before turning the handle and peeking inside. As expected, it was a library, and oh was it gorgeous.

The door opened to an interior balcony that overlooked the medium sized library, lining the upper part of the room completely. Dark rosewood created the bookshelves and the uncovered parts of wall. The light that revealed the door to her was the same edge room lighting from her own room, but on a very dim setting.

At the far left corner of the overlook, there was a spiral staircase that accessed the blood red carpeted ground of the room, carrying a small living room. In the living room, there were two leather recliners angled to a dark marble fireplace framed in the same dark rosewood. Both chairs had end tables with a lamp, a lamp with green glass and a brass pull chain. Above the fireplace was a gold framed mirror that reminded her of a lion's mane, luxurious swirls and thick curls holding the glass in place, and a clock sat atop the mantle. Laying beneath all of the furniture was a large square oriental rug. It was a mix of colors that all flourished together in various designs to create a beautiful masterpiece, with gold tassel edges that kept the colors from escaping. As for books, they were everywhere, like you'd expect in any other library. All along the walls of the balcony, most of the area below, it was a bookworm's dream come true. Or in other words, Y/N's.

She looked around in silent awe, closing the door behind her and slowly walking to the spiral steps. Just by walking past a few shelves, she noticed there were already a few classics she recognized in well preserved hardcovers, looking fairly new even though they were older than herself. She went down the stairs. As hard as she'd tried before, her efforts just weren't enough. It was difficult for her to collect any sort of early edition book, whether it was an auction online or real life. Yes, she had won a few pricey titles on her own, she could match the vigor of her competitors quite easily, but she books she really wanted were always snatched away before her eyes by somebody stronger.

How scary would it be if I've gone against one of these guys before but didn't know.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Maybe Mr. Boss man, he's controlling.

He probably steams through the nose and whistles like a kettle when things don't go his way.

Or Hoseok or Jimin... They look persuasive enough.

They could no doubt haggle a gold watch from a jewelry store for cheap.

She smirked to herself for a moment before stepping off of the last step. The carpet was velvety on her feet, making small indents into the fibers as she padded around. She was only exploring, figuring out which books she had yet to read or had already powered through.

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