1. First encounter

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~~~ Fall - EXO ~~~

"Dee! Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here like a half an hour ago," Dee held her phone a bit farther away from her ear, because she knew she would be lectured, as soon as she picks it up.

"It's not my fault, today is just not my day. I got stuck at school and then, there was underground strike! I literally am still trying to figure out my way to the club!" she was desperate, giving up on the underground transportation, she went back up on the surface and began to look for the free cab.

"Dee, the manager is looking for you, he looks seriously pissed," her friend was whispering, which meant only one thing, manager was somewhere around her. Dee cursed under her breath and waved her hand to try stop the car, even more eagerly.

"Eve, do me a favour please, tell him I'm almost there and that he can postpone my performance. He can put someone else there instead of me, I will be there soon, the cab is here. Thank you, save me!" she screamed into the phone and jumped in the cab, which she managed to stop.

"Where to?" the driver asked her, she quickly told him the address and finally relaxed in her seat. Today was one of the day, you wish you didn't get up in the morning. She would definitely be better off in bed, it would be safer for everyone else around her too. She sighed quietly and looked out of the window. The rain stopped, but she was still drenched. As much as she loved her always rainy country, it didn't go well with the lack of her luck.

While she was being driven to the club, where she worked as an evening entertainer, she was trying to fix her disastrous appearance in the reflection of driver's front mirror. The place she was heading to, wasn't big venue, or famous, but she still loved it. She enjoyed the vibe of small crowd, even though she wasn't professional musician.

"Miss, we are here. It will be fourteen quid," the cab driver spoke, as he parked the car in front of the club. Dang it. She is going to regret this ride by cab later, when she is about to buy herself a supper. She paid the fee, even though it pained her empty wallet and stepped out the car, with her heavy guitar case and backpack full of study materials from her university.

She was about to start walking towards the building, where she was supposed to be standing on the small stage, but something, or more likely to say, someone bumped into her, causing her to loose balance and end up sitting in the paddle on the ground.

"Hey!" she exclaimed as she looked up and saw a person standing above her, like a dark shadow. It was already night time and to see stranger looking at her from beneath his black hoodie, while his was face was covered by black wimple, gave her fright of her life. She opened he eyes wide, which caused him to do the same with his dark brown ones, while he moved his arm, that was tucked in front pockets of his black pants until now. She thought he was about to rob her, so she did the only sensible thing, that came to her mind. Still sitting on the ground like a wet puppy, she took advantage of it and kicked him hard in his calves, while he let out pained moan.

"Leave me alone, freak!" she yelled at him, while she managed to get up again. She didn't care if she really hurt him and ran for her life. After disappearing behind the front club door, she felt safe. The girl living in the London, needs to know how to defend herself, especially when she was the kind of person, who works mostly at night time.

"Dawn! Here you are. Manager! Manager, Dawn's arrived," Eve started screaming as soon as she saw her, standing by the door with puddle forming under her feet.

"Oh my, why do you look like this? You are soaked," Eve pointed out. Dawn looked at her annoyed, trying to squeeze water from her denim jacket.

"Don't even get me started. I need to make myself a human again. Can you lend me your jumper, just for the performance, I'm going to get cold like this," she asked Eve, then she noticed another person, coming to her. Manager of this venue, looking all furious, which made her want to hide and wait until he calms down.

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