14. Boyfriend and Girlfriend material

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~~~ EXO feat. Yu Jae Seok- Dancing king ~~~

She was standing in front of double door, her hands sweating, like she was about to do her examination in high school again.

Before she came here, she parted with visibly confused Lay, but she couldn't tell him, what was that about, she needed to quickly change from her gym clothes to normal ones. She will feel small as a pea anyway and she didn't need to be
even more degraded thanks to her poor attire.

She stroked the fabric of her red soccer jersey, getting rid of non-existent crease and let out breath she held in, up until know. It took her lot of persuasion to take step forward and knock on the door. She knew those so well. She remembered the first time and last time, she knocked on them, with hopeful heart and full of emotions which belonged to her dad and which she was hiding inside her safely.  She also clearly recalled the regret and disappointment, when she was leaving.

She shook he head, when she heard Director Kim's voice from inside, telling her to come in. She took the cold knob of the door and walked inside of her dad's office. Just from simple look, she knew there is nothing much, what has changed. Except few little details, which was interesting, when her last visit here, happened more than four years ago. She scanned the room, until she found a man, sitting behind the desk, with strict mask on his face. His hair was dark brown, even though she was sure, he dyes them, they still have the same colour, she has. The shape of his eyes, were the same as hers, even though irises had darker shade of brown, she knew already, hers are more like her mom's. She resembled him, their faces were similar, or maybe that was her wish to see the similarities between them. It didn't matter to her, even if she was kicked out million times, she liked the idea of knowing there is someone in the world, who she took her looks after. Did it sound too pathetic? That's probably what would Baekhyun thought, if he saw her longing for her father.

She mentally slapped herself, thinking about him again.

"Please, sit down Iseul," he prompted her with low voice and she followed his words immediately. She knew what is going to come upon her, she wanted to give him at least a little bit of meekness, before she will tell him to go to hell.

She seated herself in comfortable leather chair facing him in front of his desk.  She looked him right in the eye, knowing exactly what picture he has in his mind. She was there personally, when it all happened.

"I'm surprised that you called me up after a week," she decided to break the deafing silence.

"I had quite eventful week thanks to the ally you made," he informed her in calm way. She even knew, that he will only blame her. She was thinking to tell him, that she doesn't have anything to do with it, but it would be like trying to tell the same to the EXO members or anyone in this case. She was all alone. 

"I'm sorry to hear that," she didn't lower her gaze, she decided to be strong today. She was taken aback last time she saw him, she is not going to break today.

"What exactly you want to gain from this acting up, Iseul? What do you want? If you stop this tantrum, I will do everything you want me to do," he did the same, as always. His approach never changes. He will be always trying to bribe her. She ignored the painful tugging in her chest and kept looking at him with straight face.

"I don't want anything from you, so let me live my life here, because that is what I've decided I want," her voice was shaking even though she was holding back all the emotions bottled inside her.

"You know that it can't happen. We had a deal, if you break it, it will have bad consequences as for you, for me especially," he reminded her. Bitter taste on her tongue was getting stronger, longer she was looked into his cold eyes. She slowly realized, Baekhyun's action, already managed to touch him. She was scared, when she heard him saying, he will destroy Director Kim. He already started.

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