16. Truth hurts

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~~~ EXO - Sweer lies ~~~

Baekhyun's POV

"Baekhyun, why do you have in possession letters, I used to send to my dad?" she asked again with shaky voice. It felt like the whole world stopped. He didn't know, what to think nor what to do. The moment he opened the eyes and saw her standing there with the damned letters in her hands, he felt like everything will go down the drain. If he hadn't  taken them out of the safely hidden box this morning, because he felt like reading them again, this wouldn't have happened.

"You said you will explain, now is the time to talk. Baekhyun, why do you have them?" He saw tears welling in her eyes, as well as the determination not to let them reach the edge of her eyelids. He saw her crying two times, but he knew she is not the person who does that often, that's why she was blinking rapidly to get rid of the urge to do so. He couldn't bear to look at her anymore and lowered his gaze.

"There is a simple explanation to why I have them," his voice croaked. He wanted to tell her, to clear up the misunderstanding, which he could feel, is arising between them right here at this exact moment.

"Why does it look like, it's not that easy then? Did you... take them away from him?" she let out in a whisper, still staring at him, making him even more uneasy. He was in loss of words, which was unusual for someone who always knows what say; his mind went blank, having no idea what to tell her, how to explain himself. He didn't plan to reveal this part of his motivation to destroy her father, this way and definitely not before the time, Dee will trust him completely.

"Beakhyun..." she said his name again, sounding confused.

"Did you read them?" she murmured, when she realized all of them are open and in his room. There was no doubt, that she already knew, that he did, but she still had to ask him. He lifted his eyes, meeting hers. She covered her mouth with hand, when she read the truth in his eyes.

"Bloody hell..." she yelped.

"Dee..." he raised his arm to touch her, but she shifted away, pressing the letter on her chest.

"I don't think I really want to know anymore, what sick games you are playing," she said, while her voice cracked. She suddenly turned around and run out of the room. He stared at her disappearing back, standing there frozen in a spot. It took him few seconds before he realized, he can't just let her go, without telling her everything.

He run after her, but before he could get farther, he bumped into a Chanyeol, who was standing outside their room.

"Baek, what happened this time?" Chan sounded honestly concerned for him and Dee, but Baekhyun needed to go now, before she gets away from him, falling deeper into her own thoughts, leaving there wrong ideas.

"Not now, Chanyeol," he wanted to shake him of, but when his hand landed on Baek's shoulder, he looked up at him.

"She told me to stop you," his friend sighed, digging his fingers into the flesh of his shoulder. The only sentence made him tense in one place, only looking all the way to the end of the hallway and closed door of the apartment. She's gone, thinking again of him as a scumbag. He didn't mind that before, but now he found it harder to follow his own plan. He found it harder, whenever he met her big chestnut brown eyes.

He shook of Chanyeol's hand and went back into his room, slamming the door behind him, hoping no one will dare to disturb him now. He had no idea, how to fix things now. He thought their relationship was getting better, getting closer... which was happening, but he forgot how many secrets he holds.

He sat down on the bed again, hiding face in his hands.


He balled hands in fists, trying to remain calm, but he found it too hard. Especially looking into the face of person, who was a cause of all this mess.

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