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~~~ EXO - For life ~~~

2 months later

"It was good. But try it again and at the high note try and hold it a little longer," she heard his voice for zillionth time coming out of the headphones she was wearing. She was holding back, but couldn't help and glare at him through the glass window which was the only thing separating them and which was the only thing that was saving him from her jumping on him, kill him or at least strangle that long beautiful neck of his, a bit.

"I am exhausted Baekhyun," she complained for the first time after he bullied her for two hours in the row, when he suggested they could do some demos together, she was so excited, but she didn't realised Baekhyun is perfectionist freak, back at the time. If she knew, she would run as soon as he asked her.

"Okay, you can have  five minutes break, come here," he suddenly turned from slaver to her adorable boyfriend again, showing her with his forefinger, to come to the main part of the recording studio, and as stupid she was, she forgot about past two hours of constant ordering around, got rid of the headphones and almost ran out of the room to come to him for those five minutes of bliss.

He opened his arms for her to just jump on his lap not strangling him, as the murderous thoughts left her mind the moment, she linked her lips with his.

He moaned in a satisfaction, pulling her closer to himself. They twirled on the chair, he was sitting in, making her even dizzier than usual. He stopped kissing her, only tracing his lips over hers. She wanted to kiss him more, but he didn't let her.

"Baek...," she murmured into his lips.

"No distracting..." she didn't let him finish the useless sentence and took his lower lip between her teeth, teasingly biting down, taking front part of his t-shirt in her fist and tugging to pull him to her.

He let out curse, forgetting all about the work, crushing her with the intensity of the kiss she wanted from him.

Definitely not five minutes after, their lips finally parted leaving her brain in mushy consistence. He didn't let go of her, keeping her on his lap and gazing into her eyes without saying anything for a long time.

"Let's go to England," he said all of a sudden. She lifted her eyebrows.

"Why so unexpectedly?" she smiled at him fixing his messy hair, which was her work.

"Well we were planning to, but thanks to our comeback and promotions, there was no time. Now there is, so let's go," he meant it. She stopped playing with his hair and narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you up to?" she said being suspicious.

"I just want to take you there because you miss your friend and food and...," his voice trailed off, as he bit his lower lip.

"And?" she urged him.

"I want to meet your mum," he mumbled quickly. Her heart stopped for a second and then started to beat faster, being aware of the warm sensation spreading all over her body.

"Baekhyun...," she  was touched by his simple reason, not having to say more, she understood.

"I only met your father and I wasn't impressed. I think it's the time you take me to see your mum too, so I can tell her, that I will take care of you from now on," he smiled at her sweetly.

"Did I tell you yet, that I love you?" She whispered not being able to contain the happy bubble inside of her, kissing him again and again, giggling like a crazy person.

"I promised that I'd take Sehun with us though," He added up, when she come down from her high cloud, not having any objection to this, as the day of the trip was set.

On the day off their flight to England, she and Baekhyun went to the airport themselves. While Sehun and Suho, already managed to get there, saving them the place in waiting lounge. Why is Junmyeon traveling with them, you ask? Well Sehun was blubbering something about, not wanting to sit next to Beakee couple and overdose on sugar and rather die of boredom next to Suho, who didn't complain and just went along with the plan, accompanying his youngest. When Dee asked him what is he going to do when Sehun will be spending time with Eve, he told her he will just wander around and take lots of selfies.

They got to the airport, meeting many fans, but the security staff escorted them safely to check in, being on their way to meet their travel companions.

"Hey guys are you ready?" Jun welcomed them, sitting on the comfortable chair, smiling with lifted eyebrows.

"Yes, where is Sehun?" Baek askee, while leading her to sit with him next to the group leader.

"He said he has to just go and get something," Suho shrugged his shoulders, looking uninterested. Not long after, they were called to board onto their flight, but the Sehun still hasn't come back.

"He will join us, he has his boarding pass and passport, so let's just take his stuff, he is not kid," Jun ordered and they walked to get to their airplane. The thing was, Sehun was not coming long after, they were already seated and ready to take off.

"Do you still want to say, he is not kid? He got probably lost or he is wearing his ear phones, not hearing his freaking name being called all over the airport," Baekhyun mumbled leaning his head back.

"Maybe he got scared to do his journey for one girl," she pointed out, as Suho turned to look at her with worried expression.

"This strongly reminds me of Home Alone scene, except this is Asian edition," Baek didn't seem to be moved by the fact, they might take off, without his friend, making jokes on top of that. She kicked him in his leg and while he was groaning next to her she tried to calm down Suho on the other side.
At the moment, the person everyone was waiting for, just casually appeared in the aisle, taking off his shades, in no big deal way.

"Hey guys thanks for taking my stuff," He said and sat down on his seat.

"Where the hell were you?" Jun half whispered and half growled.

"I just boarded and went to the bar, I was thirsty," He waved with bottles of suspicious liquid in his hands, winking.

"Impossible," Baekhyun chuckled. "Give me some, I need it to cover the pain from the kick I just received, thanks to you," he demanded.

She roller her eyes. Well, this is going to be interesting flight. She thought, realising that she will never get bored in the presence of EXO members.


- this really is it... Just little sweet cherry on top🍒

I didn't want to focus on Director Kim or anything and leave the thins nicely sweet and open...

there is a spin off for Sehun and Eve, only small oneshot I made about them... I can leave it here, if someone is going to be interested, but that is all for this story:]

Say goodbye to our characters!

Thank you for the memories guys! I mean all of you, who read it till the very end! I love you all! I will never foget the fun I had during the time with Mr. Player! And all those perfect words you said under every single chapter, I will keep them in my mind forever! ❤️💙💚💛💜

Until next time and in different story👋

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