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Evan and Connor walked to school their intertwined hands swinging between them.
"Yeh Evan?"
"Can we take things slow? I mean itms not like I don't like you or anything, it's just this has all happened so quickly. Too quickly. A few days ago you were just the hot druggie and random guy that texted me. Then suddenly you were this amazing dude who could make me smile with just a text and even though we barley knew each other, we were talking like best friends. And now this? I don't know it's just we've only even texted like five times and-"
"It's fine Evan we can take it as slow as you like. At the moment it kinda feels like we're in an insta-love romance novel written by some shitty author who can't pace stories correctly, but I don't want this- us to be like that. How about we just start over. Get to know each other properly. The hard way, but the right way." Connor looked over expecting to see Evans shining eyes looking back at him. But instead he just saw Evan looking down at his phone.

Connor frowned. Then his own phone buzzed. He dug it out of his pocket, probably his mom again.


Hey, my name's Evan Hansen wanna be friends?


"Dork," Connor murmured.
"Gay." Evan muttered in response. Connor looked at him in surprise.


Sure, that might be nice

You know what else might be nice?

To cuddle you, you adorable little kitten?

I was going to say 'to have Washington on your side'. But that also sounds good you adorable little giraffe.


"You're so mean to me." Connor smiled.
"You think I'm mean, look at what Jared photoshopped." Evan held out his phone

"What the fuck, where did he even- I hate him

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"What the fuck, where did he even- I hate him."
"That's what God said when he first saw you." Evan responded before covering his mouth and turning completely red.
"OhmygodI'msosorry, I-I normally th-th-th ugh think those sorts of things but I-I-I-I never say them out loud u-u-uh-uh I'm so so so so so sorry Connor."
"Chill dude," Connor punched his arm playfully

The pair reached the school gate.
"See you later alligator!"
"In a while Giraffe!"

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