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They slowly broke the kiss, still staring into each others eyes.
"Like whoa-" Connor said, eyes sparkling
"Our fist kiss and your already making 21 references, this isn't going to last long." Evan breathed
"What's wrong with Chump street?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"You confuse me tree boy."
"So lets do the one thing that makes sense..." Evan trailed off as he leaned in. The kiss was sweet, short lived but sweet.

"That was so cheesy, oh and we're so bunking."
"Cummon Ev!"
"Two wrongs don't make a right."
"Well I'm going... you'd better follow me out and try and stop me."
Evan pouted at this.
"Okay, fine. We'll get ice cream,"
"I'll take that as a yes," a smile.

The two boys strolled right out of school. That was until a teacher shouted at them and sent them to the principals office.

"Sorry Ev, I'll make it up to you. We'll do something nice this weekend." Connor whispered under his breath as the principal walked in.
"What did you boys think you were doing? Attempting to bunk off school? I've come to expect this much from you Mr. Murphy but this is your companions first time here. You will both get a day of in school suspension and behaviour points added to the system. What do you have to say for yourselves?"
"Sorry," Evan stammered helplessly,
"It won't happen again," Connor said with a more casual air.
"I should hope not, you're to wait here as I add this onto the system and then return to lessons immediately, understood?" They both nodded.

The teacher clicked at his computer a while before, asked Evan his name and then sent them back off to class, Connor apologising the whole way;
"This is like probably like the first time you've ever gotten in trouble at school-"
"I swear I thought we'd be fine-"
"I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize-"

Evan stayed quiet apart from the occasional;
"No really it's fine Con-"
"No, I don't blame you-"
"You apologise a lot."
He seemed to be lost in thought- go figure.

He'd just kissed the guy he'd been crushing on for years after talking together for like a week. He'd just kissed Connor Murphy. Connor Murphy had just kissed him. Connor Murphy had kissed him first. Connor Murphy liked their kiss. Evan loved their kiss. Their kiss. They kissed. Kiss. Kiss. What does that make them? Like boyfriend? Evan didn't know. Evan wanted to know but he didn't want to ask. What if they never kissed and he just imagined the whole thing and he brought it up with Connor and Connor was disgusted with him? What if it was just a one time type of thing? What if Connor didn't actually enjoy kissing him? What if Connor secretly hated him, like initially he'd blown him off this evening and if he didn't want to hang out with him then, why would he now? What if he himself didn't like the kiss and is just trying to delude himself otherwise for the sake of him and Connor being friends? What if-

"Helloooo Hansen?" Connor snapped his fingers in front of Evans face.
"Y-yeh, hi, wait what?"
"You looked really zoned out and your breathing when weird."
"O-oh yeh... I was just, um, you know-" He wiped his palms on his trousers "-like over thinking things a bit, it's really nothing at all. Like you don't need to worry about- not that you would normally have to worry about. What am I talking about? I'm rambling aren't I? I'm so sorry, I-I do that s-some times,"
"Calm down, miracle boy,"
"Yeh, sorry. Also is that a reference to something? I'm sorry, it just sounds kinda familiar- but it might be one of those thins were I just think I recognise it cos I've heard something similar before or something,"
"It is a reference. To a book."
"What book?"
"A smutty gay fanfic about a wizard vampire and his half dragon boyfriend,"
"Oh, cool cool."

"This one's mine sir," Evan said as they drew near a class room.
"Is everything a Hamilton reference with you?"
"Lord show me how to say no to this, I don't know how to say no to this,"
"Oh my god Hansen."
"If you love me let me go- to class."
"At least it wasn't Hamilton." Connor picked up Evan s hand and squeezed it before dropping it and begging to walk away. 

When Connor was half way down the corridor he heard Evan's voice.
"Nobody needs to know~" and with that Evan disappeared into his class room.

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