This is the Greatest Show

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"You excited for the show?" Connor had never been good at small talk, of course Evan was excited for the show.
"Of course I'm excited for the show!" I'm also excited to spend tume with you though," Evan bumped shoulders with Connor.
"I can't tell if you're a tease, a dork or both."
"I'd never tease you. 'Cos I like if just as much as you do."
"Is that right?"
"I have never been satisfied..." Evan sang in response.
"My name is Angelica Schuyler" Connor sang right back, Evan kissed Connor's hand (full Dab Howlter style)
"Alexander Hamilton."
"Where's your family from?"
"Unimportant there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait, just you wait."
"He, I'm not one of the million things you haven't done." Evan hit Connor of the arm.

"You want me to kiss it better?" Connor nodded.
"Where does it hurt?" Evan asked.
"Here-" Connor pointed to his arm, Evan kissed it. "-And here." He put a finger to his lips.

Their lips met. It sent tingles down Connor's spine. It made Evan's insides feel warm.
"It really hurts here. You need to keep kissing it better." Connor murmured his forehead still touching Evan's
"You're so cheesy Murphy."
"Says you."
"I feel attacked. Okay then, you're so needy Murphy."
"I won't disagree." Their lips met again.

As they broke apart, Evan bust into a fit of giggles.
"You okay there Ev?"
"It's just like... I don't even know... I love you Connor." He said through his laughter, Connor failed to see what was funny but he liked seeing Evan laugh. He interwove his hand with Evan's.
"You have cold hands." Evan noted
"Vampires tend to,"
"Nah, you wouldn't be a vampire you'd be a 'Gampire' like gay and vampire."
"I suppose I'd be called Gary or something. Gary the gay Gampire." Connor laughed.

"You're ridiculous." Evan joked
"Well you're gay." Connor (tried) to quip.
"Says my BOYFRIEND,"
"Shut up. You... SAPLING."
"You got me there,"

"Did you know that historically Hamilton and Laurens had something going on?"
"Wait really? I thought it was just fangirls tryna make everything gay,"
"Nah. That's why the Laurens Interlude is so sad,"
"The what?"
"WAIT YOU HAVEN'T- did you only listen to the cast recording?"
"Yeh, that and the Hamildrops and Ham4Ham."

"You're in for a surprise" Also have you listened to 'Found Tonight'? It was like this months Hamildrop thing," Evan asked
"Hey Ev, I'd never really realised but you actually look kinda like a younger version of Ben Platt,"
"That's so sweet- not true- but sweet."

Other people were beginning to trickle into the theatre and one group sat right in front of Evan and Connor to be more quiet.
"We should lower our voices."
"'Cos if you stay out of trouble you double your choices,"
"We could be like silent but not really silent."
"Just that nice kind of quiet?"
"Exactly! I mean I don't want to get kick out and we have no disguise from somebody's eyes."
"So we're just learning to be silent."
"These references are getting ridiculous."
"Well I believe that what the heck I gotta do is make reference to a musical... a musical with song and dance, and sweet romance, nothings more amazing than a musical!"
"We're in the money with these broadway puns. But I'll have to stick it to the man that the smell of rebellion is a little too strong and maybe this is going too far. I mean there's a fine, fine line and we may have jumped the fence to the other side. But at least I'll know I tried to make you talk less and smile more."

"You're so extra. Also you were tryna get me to talk less? Why you gotta be so rude?"
"Let it go."
"Arse hole,"
"Shit," They both burst out laughing.

The theatre was now full.
"It's probably gunna start soon." Connor observed. Evan squealed.
"Ha, me." Connor commented. Evan looked confused.
"Sure? I guess?"
"Lemme kiss you before it-"
"Turn off all phones and electronics. The performance is starting soon. Do not record the performance." The tannoy cut across him. Evan kissed him.

They both 'Slide power off'ed their phones and shared a smile before the lights went out.

The lights rose on the stage.
'Du duddud du dud dud doo doo doo'
"How does a bastard orphan, son of  a whore and a scotsman dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean, by providence impoverished, in squalor grow up to be a hero and a scholar?..."

Connor always thought when this moment came he'd be staring at Evan's face as the other boy laughed, smiled and frowned at the stage. He was wrong. He'd also been waiting two years to go see Hamilton and he was not throwing away his shot.

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