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The week went as a flurry. There was a slight hiccup on Wednesday when Connor's parents fought, 'It started with 'I don't like the casserole as much as the normal recipe Cynthia 'and ended with 'this is why I cry myself to sleep at night Larry and you don't even care.'' The whole night ended with Connor and Evan listening to the 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them' audio book on Evan's sofa as they talked about life and other stuff.

But soon enough the weekend rolled by; announced by Connor in a sarcastic text.



Wait, we're boyfriends?

We've made out like 10 times Evvy.

True... very true.

I promised you a surprise after we got caught for bunking right? Well get ready. IM COMIMG OVER!

Cool, cool. See ya soon hon. :-*



Evan had assumed Connor had forgotten his promise. Evan was still in bed. Connor lived like fifteen minutes away. Fuck.

He rushed around the house as fast as he could. A flurry of toothpaste-foam, half rinsed out shampoo and panic. Was it formal? Should he dress formal? If formal ow formal? What if it was casual and he way overdressed? Um... shirt, a shirt. A block coloured t-shirt, jeans and a jacket is appropriate everywhere right. And umm... converse? Converse should be fine- wait no vans. Vans are better. Good for penny boarding too. But they weren't going to penny board, like why would they? Or would they? Better to be prepared. Vans. Oh! Also backpack, just for like a water bottle, tissues, anxiety meds, phone and portable charger and a wallet. He'd need a wallet. Okay time to brush- the door bell rang. Evan careered towards the door and opened it, flushed.

"Hi Con!"
"Hiya Ev!" Evan fiddled with his shirt.
"Oh, here," Connor passed Evan an envelope. It was metallic green. He opened it carefully, making sure not to tear it. Inside was a few sheets of printer paper, as soon as he saw what it was he flat out squealed.

"How-" Why-" You're insane-" I love you so much!" Ahhhhh!" Hamilton Tickets. Connor had got him Hamilton tickets.
"Calm down. The train leaves in twenty minutes, come on." Connor acted like he didn't care but his stammer and blush said otherwise. They both clambered into Zoe's car.

"How did you get these?"
"Umm... there where like thirteens seats for this Saturday. It wasn't that hard."
"They must of cost a fortune-"
"And they'll be worth it. You deserve them just as much if not more than most people,"
"I can pay you back if you want,"
"Nope! However, we will have to get interval snacks and bring them to the theatre with us, sorry,"
"Yeh but still-"
"Nu-uh Connie, no buts."
They smiled at each other.

Evan internally panicked. He wasn't dressed for the biggest show on broadway! Oh my god, Connor had spent- waisted so much money on him and he couldn't even dress right. But it wasn't like Connor would break up with him cos he wore the wrong thing was it? Was it? No he was just over thinking things... but what if he wasn't? I mean he was ugly, he was too skinny in some places yet simultaneously really pudgy in others. Right? I mean Connor would never like him. It's probably all an elaborate set up and-

"You okay Ev? You look like, panicked?"
Evan tugged on his shirt.
"Yeh, yeh, I'm fine just nervous that's all."
"No need to be ,yeh?"
"Okay, yeh."
"Let's put on some music, you pick,"
"Umm... 'Elaine Paige Presents Showstoppers from the Musicals' sound good to you?"
"Sounds great Ev." Connor grinned

To this day Connor Murphy swears on his life that he's never heard someone scream along to 'Popular' from Wicked so passionately. And he'd heard Zoe do it for their talent show in elementary school. And Cynthia when she got into armature improv classes. And Larry in the shower when he thought no one else was home. In other words the bar for screaming along to Wicked (in Connor's family at least) wasn't exactly low.

They pulled up to the station just as 'I'm a believer' from Shrek ended (they hadn't listened to the album in order). The ticket machine was broken, as always. But they got on their train none the less, they just had to explain to a worker at the other end that the ticket machine was broken.

What Evan hadn't appreciated at first was that Connor Murphy didn't believe in half measures. They were going to frekin' New York. He'd just kind of assumed they were seeing it in Chicago (it's a bit cheaper than NYC) but no. Connor just had to be 'extra af'.

Before heading to the theatre they picked out snacks (Strawberry milk and Flipz white fudge pretzels for Evan, Mountain Dew and Chili heatwave Doritos for Connor. (Connor said it wasn't just for the meme. Apparently if it was just for the meme he'd have gotten Mango Rubicon and fonzies. Apparently Evan was too young to understand. (Whatever that means.))

They walked into the theatre thirty minutes before the show was due to start and took their seats.

[A/N: First off; THANKS SO MUCK FOR 2K!!!! second; sorry this chapter didn't have much happening.]

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