Part 1

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Edited 6/30/23

Moonlight Walkers

*13 Years Later*

Clay started pacing as the muttering filled his ears. His mind started racing as it attempted to grasp what just happened to his men. He could feel his wolf grow with rage with an almost overpowering urge to shift – his wolf clawing with frustration to come out.

Clay clenched his fist as he continued to pace in his office. Lucas just informed him about an attack on their border which sent one of their men to the infirmary.

All he needed was an attack on his pack from some nobody while there was something bigger just around the corner. His wolf was clawing to come out, his eyes flickering between hazel and black, tightening his fist as he struggled to control his wolf – Clay kept pacing.

"Emery is in the infirmary with Sarah now. Ren is coming with an update." Lucas stated entering Clay's office. One of the few members of their pack that may enter without permission.

"Sir!" The door was thrown open causing a loud thud to echo the room, "Two rogues came from the north while another emerged from the west. We were able to defeat them but not before one of them got Emery." Ren reported, without hesitation.

Clay's nostrils flared as his eyes remained dark before tightly squeezing his eyelids closed. 'It is not the moment to go on a rampage.' Clay harshly thought to his wolf. He kept pacing, his wolf's temper was trying to get the best of him, and pacing seemed to be the only thing to keep his wolf at bay.

"I'm going to talk to Sarah," Clay paused, briefly, not wanting his wolf to take it as an opportunity as he processed his thoughts, "Lucas go pratol the border with the others; double-check the point of attack and leave the report on my desk. I don't want even a second's gape in-between shifts, overlap them if you need to."

Clay took off down the cliff towards the infirmary. He trusts Lucas to fulfill his orders without much protest. It was one of the benefits of having your beta also be your childhood best friend.

The infirmary is near the middle of their pack's community with connecting tunnels underneath the building. Not even bothering with acknowledging the men beside the entrance he shoved open the door making his way to Sarah, their pack doctor.

Sarah was standing outside of Emery's room, clipboard in hand, her eyebrows scrunched together. Clay's gut felt tight and queasy it couldn't possibly be good news.

"What can you tell me?" Clay asked, taking the clipboard from Sarah's hands, "Is Emery going to make it?"

"The weapon entered his left shoulder, horrible aim really; yet it disarmed his wolf." Sarah paused, for a nanosecond Clay could sense the fear that lingered off her, "We should seek Dr. John Hammer. I'm afraid I do not have the proper knowledge of this particular weapon as he would - Emery is barely holding on."

"Dr. Hammer has told stories about that weapon. Most of the wolves thought of them as rumors, you know? Merely folk tales. He would be our best bet."

Clay sidestepped past Sarah to get a better look at the weapon, it looked manmade, the original color of the hilt masked by his fellow member's dried blood. From the hilt two blades curved in opposite directions as they curved around each other, appearing as if someone had braided it before straightening out to form the piercing ends. This weapon told him two things.

One: It was not something he had ever seen before.

Two: The rogues were getting help from someone else.

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