Chapter 8

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Moonlight Walkers

 They stared at her as the monitor continued squealing in the background. Everything they ever feared just happened. Lola fell to the ground as she screamed out in pain. John curling up with her, holding her as tight as he could.

"Where is -" Clay was cut off by the cries of her parents. His eyes flickered between them before finally landing on Bree. He felt himself shut down as he stared at his motionless mate, "Bree?"

"I'm sorry," John whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks.

His soul broke down as he continued to stare at her. Every fiber in his being told him this wasn't real, it couldn't be, could it? He took the IV and heart monitor out before scooping her into his arms. He brought her to the living room sitting down as he held her on his laps. His wolf clawing at him, trying to get out, howling in agony. He felt his vision beginning to blur as he blinked back the tears.

"Bree..." He whispered, resting his forehead on hers.

He was answered back by a shriek.

He jumped, sitting her on the floor, watching closely for any other sign. John and Lola rushed into the room watching just as closely as Clay.

Her body kept twitching as if she was having a seizure. Her howls of pain echoed in the room as her body started shifting. Shifting? He glanced at her parents confused.

"Clay, you're going to want to stand back," Lola whispered as she and John took a giant step back. He was very much lost at what the hell was going on but stood beside them.

Her skin started to fall off of her body as her screams continued, her legs bending in different positions before they changed into beautiful white hind legs - only it didn't stay like that. They begun to grow in length, as her back arched awkwardly, her face pushing forward as her mouth started splitting away as a snout formed. He watched as her jaw continued to dislodges her snout as it doubled in size, it was massive compared to the typical wolves, shit! It was bigger than his.

"Bree?" He asked, he didn't even recognize her wolf. The color was the same, but her eyes shined red. Her wolf had grew three times her original size. It was incredible.

She growled baring her teeth as she got into a defensive position not taking her eyes off him as she ate her skin that had fallen off during the shifting process. Licking her lips she took a steady step forward sniffing him. He felt his wolf fighting him to come out. He hasn't felt that type of rage from his wolf since his parents died.

His wolf finally breaking free as he shifted with ease quickly pinning her on her back. He felt the anger, the sadness, and the love his wolf was feeling as he glared into those red vibrant eyes.

It didn't take long before she had him pinned on the floor where she once was. Her luminous red eyes stared straight through him while snarling as drool and blood with chunks of skin dripped out of her mouth.

He felt the fear crawl over him as he continued to stare in her cold dark eyes.

Her expression soften when in a glimpse of an eye she shifted back to her human form, landing on top of him.

She had passed out.

He shifted back holding her in his arms, "What - like - what the fuck just happened!?"

Lola excused herself to fetch them some clothes as John sat on the couch facing them.

"She's a hybrid." John said, watching as Bree breathed in and out, "Half wolf and half lycan."

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