Chapter 6

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Moonlight Walkers

 Clay found his way to the forest, aimlessly walking whichever direction, until he found a decent tree to sit on. He was seconds away from marking her. His whole body is craving her, yearning for her, he leaned against the tree. This was a lot harder than he had anticipated. He sighed as his mind flashed back to their earlier conversation.

His parents.

He hadn't thought about them in such a long time. He brought his hands to his face as he leaned into them. He hasn't thought about his parents murder in years. He shut eyes tightly as tears fought their way to the surface. His mind drifting to that memory.

"You need to stay here!" His mother screeched with pleading eyes.

"Ma! I can help, let me help you!" He screamed back, tears escaping.

"Sugar Bear, I love you so much, I need you to stay here with the others. To protect them from inside, I'll be back," She said cooley giving him a kiss on the head before shutting the door.

"I love you ma," He replied to the closed door.

He wiped his tears with the back of his palms before turning around to face the rest of the pack members. They were all wide-eyed and trembling. Darrel had came back with his own rogues and was attacking. His mother forced him in here while his father stayed outside with the warriors and anyone who was willing to fight.

"We need to keep moving," He said, using his best alpha voice, "Ready?"

He stayed back making sure they all headed through the tunnel, he didn't even know where it led to, his parents refused to tell him. He turned back to the door as the last member disappeared from his view. He sighed as he started his way through the tunnel only to stop as he heard a cry from one of the members from outside the door. He growled and ran his way back above ground.

There in front of him was his mother and father fighting Darrel. He didn't hesitate when he shifted into his wolf as he attack the rogues around him. He was struggling with the first few, he was only 16, and compared to the rogues he wasn't nearly as strong. He glanced over at his parents right when a rogue snapped at his neck, he growled and tried his best to fight out of his hold, only to fail. He glared daggers at the rogue, this isn't how he was going to die. He growled taking the advantage to flip to his side pinning him on the ground. His grip was locked down on his neck. He used all of his strength to backflip using the rogues body for a boost barely escaping from his clutches.

He was panting but didn't take his eyes off his parents. He started making his way over to them, to help them. He was just about there when he heard their conversation,

"This is fun, is it not?" Darrel snarled, nipping at his father.

"Darrel, end this foolishness before I end you," His father growled back lounging at him, but he wasn't fast enough. Darrel smirked as he sidestepped him biting his neck as he lounged, shaking him vigorously before throwing him to the side like dirt.

'How is he able to do that?' Clay asked himself gaining speed. Once he was in jumping distance his mother snarled at him to back down. To go back with the others. This gave Darrel the perfect opportunity to lunge at his mother. He watched in horror as Darrel bit, chomped, and ripped his mother into pieces.

He let out a growl and leaped into Darrel, digging his teeth deep into his back, using his front legs to latch onto him. He felt Darrel twirl around trying to shake him, but he held. His father clung to his leg, breaking it, causing Darrel to snarl and bite at his father. Darrel bite down on his father's snout, his father growling softly, blood seemed to be pooling up all around them. Clays jaws started to get stiff, aching from biting him so hard, he had to let go. He took a deep breath, he can do this, he let go quickly rebiting his neck only to be shoved off by an incredible force.

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