Chapter 10

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I felt like I was reborn into a stronger and more powerful creature. Her speed - the lycan - is ten times the speed of my wolf! I felt more confident in my strides as I leaped over a small creek. I squeezed my eyes closed, taking a deep breathe, as each sound of the forest flooded my ears.

I had done what Rita told me to do. The lycan, she didn't feel like she was trying to fight me; she felt at peace within me. I wonder?

"Hello?" I whispered, hoping she was there.

'Hello,' Her voice filled my head, 'What's your name?'

"Bree," I replied, biting my lip, "Do you have a name?"

I held my breath.


Relief washed over me as a sudden realization came to me. I picked up my speed, staying close to the wall, as Rita came into my view. She was beaming at me, her eyes dancing with delight, as she put some clothes in front of me.

I frowned, I just hope this shift is not as painful, taking a deep breath. I squeezed my eyes tightly as I focused my mind on my human form.

I felt my bones breaking, as they repositioned themselves to their original size, my skin started to pull tighter - my body was starting to shift into my human form. It didn't hurt at first until my body started putting itself back into place. My agonizing howl soonly turned into screaming as I finished shifting.

"It will only hurt the first couple times," Rita grinned as she attempted to reassure me.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Thanks, that is great to know."

Rita laughed as she threw her arm around my shoulders, "Come on, your mother cannot wait to see you."

Our walk back to her house she opened up more about her life. Rita told me about her five kids she had. She had three girls: Danita, Tami, and Beth, and two boys: Caleb and Joseph.  She told me how she did used to live in a mansion in the city. When she became pregnant with her first she bought this place in the forest - outside the city limits. Rita claimed it made training her children easier than it would have if she did it in the city.

"They don't visit me much anymore..." She mumbled, barely audible.

I was about to respond back to her when my mother started running over to us.

"Bree!" She screamed.

"Ma!" I squealed back, running into her arms, I love my mother.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried about you. I'm still worried about you."

"I'm okay," I smiled softly, "Rita is helping me and I have this necklace."

My mother pulled me into another hug. She squeezed me as tight as she could.

"Uhm," Rita coughed, breaking the moment between my mother and I, "I have some ground rules for you," Rita spoke extremely serious as she eyed both of us, "Lola, I love you, you are my best friend, but you are a wolf. You know the protocol. Bree, you smell like a lycan but you have the faintest scent of wolf still lingering on you. You can not go into the city. You may go running at night but only at night. You can not make any friends here. As you can not speak to anyone either.

They will report you to the King. The King will then come find you and take you away. They might keep you and do tests on you or they might kill you. Bree, once the King has you, I won't be able to save you. You have to listen to whatever your mother and I tell you. This is for your protection. Do you understand?"

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