Chapter 12

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Moonlight Walkers

The empty night seemed to match the void in Clays heart. His eyes searching for someone he knew wasn't out there. Lighting lit up the sky as thunder echoed in the distance. The rain was able to blend his tears as he continued to watch the trees.

Clay felt his wolf dig into his skin. He couldn't have agreed more than right now. If he would've marked her he wouldn't have to go through the never ending thoughts of not knowing if she is safe or hurt.

"Seven days," He spoke softly running his hand through his now drenched hair.

"We found John," Lucas rushed out, catching his breath, "Matthew is waiting for you in his office."

Clay nodded as he gave the forest one last glance before sprinting off. John must know something about Brees disappearance. He was the last person that seen Bree. As Matthews house got closer Clays heart started racing.

"I can explain," John started, a frown firmly planted on his face, "She woke up a bit after you left. We didn't know what to do, she was freaking out, and took off out the door. Lola and I followed her! Lola was right behind her, but after an hour or so the storm started."

John paused taking a deep breath, "I lost them..."

Clay watched him suspiciously. He sounded sincere but his body language told another story, "I don't believe you."

Matthew relaxed into his chair, "John, you've been one of my close friends for years, but as the Alpha I will not hesitate to kill you if you don't tell me what the fuck is happening."

Clay watched as a wave of emotions washed over Johns face. He wish he could tell what was going through his mind.

"I can tell you what I know, but Bree, I don't know where she is."

"Go ahead."

Clay tuned out as he filled Matthew in. His mind was to busy on finding Bree and this conversation was clearly going nowhere. If John knew where Bree is he doubted John would tell him, but then why wouldn't he?

"Why won't you tell me where Bree is?" Clay asked, "She's my mate..."

John eyed Matthew but remained silent.

"Matthew! Could you come here!" Jenny called from downstairs.

Matthew excused himself almost regretting it as he slid out of the office. Clay waited until he heard the door click.

"I don't feel her. I can't tell if she is okay or if she is hurt. I never thought I would ever find my mate and now... " His words drifted off as he stared into Johns eyes, "Is she okay?"

John matched his stare, "She's safe."

Clay felt his muscles relax at his words, "Thank you."

"Clay," John whispered eyeing the door, "I know you care about her but right now you need to stop looking for her - at least for right now. She needs to figure this out by herself. I promise you that she is safe."

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