Chapter 15

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"Axel?" I whispered again, he had shifted into his lycan, as he stood in front of me. His breathing was heavy, his eyes a dark gold, and in the pit of my stomach I knew whatever was about to happen was not going to be fun.

He leaped over her cause her to lose my balance, what was he doing? He was running deeper into the woods. I groaned as she shifted and chased after him. This was going to be a long night. I was getting slowly catching up to him when he came to a sudden stop in front of me. I being as super graceful did not stop in time and crashed into him. Knocking us both over into a tree.

I grunted, that fucking hurt, I opened my eyes only to be startled. Axel had me pinned on the ground. His eyes seemed to flicker back and forth between dark gold and his usual bright gold ones.

I didn't try to fight him, I didn't even try to move, I laid their pinned on my back holding his gaze, his dark gold eyes shimmered against the moon light. I felt my head start to get dizzy as it started to spin. My eyes fixating on the full moon behind Axel just before everything went black.


I groaned, my head throbbing, slowly opening my eyes to a blinding light.

"Shit!" I jumped up, glancing around, the sun was almost above the tree line and I wasn't back home. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I shifted as I raced against the sun back to Rita's house. She was really going to kick my ass now.

I got back just in time to see Rita coming down the driveway. I silently thanked my legs for doing such a good job. Not wanting to think I just got back - which I did, but she doesn't need to know that - I ran upstairs to change into my pajamas.

"Bree! Wake up!" Rita yelled upstairs.

"Coming!" I responded.

I waited a couple seconds longer before heading downstairs. I had to get my breathing under control or she would really think something is up. Rita was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready when my mother stood beside me.

"Hey ma," I grinned, she was already dressed in a light blue sundress, I don't know how she does it in this weather. It's almost winter and here she is in a bloody sundress.

"It's only Autumn," She replied, "Now get that look off your face. We have lots of work we need to do today."

"Yes ma," I mumbled back. That woman knows me too well.

Rita handed me my breakfast plate, telling me to eat fast, and handed me a list.

"What's this list?" I questioned, eyeing it.

"It's ingredients, I need you to give this to your dad when you see him, he will know what it is for."

I shrugged shaving it into my pocket. Greatly enjoying the food Rita had made us.

"You okay?" Rita asked, suddenly eyeing me up and down.

"Yes?" I replied, confused, "Why?"

She shook her head, "I don't know, something just seems and even smells differently."

"I went out in the woods last night and I forgot to shower when I got back," I frowned, "I probably need to shower."

"Please do," My mother gagged, plugging her nose.

"That's just rude," I laughed, putting my plate in the sink, "I'll go shower and then I'll start packing."

I took the stairs two at a time, wanting to get rid of that smell Rita smelt.

"Wait," I spoke softly to myself, I stripped my clothes off as I turned on the shower, "What happened last night?" I was so freaked out about not being at Ritas on time I didn't even think about last night. Or even the fact that I had passed out in the fucking woods! Was Axel there when I woke up?

I started scrubbing my body as I tried to remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember is looking at the moon. I shook my head, as I towel dried myself off. If it was important I would have remembered. Right?

The drive to the city felt like a lifetime. The dirt road soon turned into a paved road, which lead us deeper into the city as skyscrapers began to surround us. It was beautiful! Rita wanted us to drive past the Kings mansion and it instantly gave me butterflies.

"It's been passed down from generation from generation," Rita awed, "It's even bigger inside then the outside leads on."

"Wow, that's amazing," I gushed, as it soon disappeared behind us.

I took a deep breath. I could feel my hands starting to get sweaty. We were leaving the safety of the Enlights and going back into the forest. Which only met going back to the real world. I squeezed my eyes shut. Everything was going to be okay.

The car hit something.

I flung forward into the seat in front of me. Rita and mother collided with the airbags. My vision started to blur.

My door opened, a dark figure unbuckled me, dragging me out of the car.

"My ma and Rita," I mumbled weakly trying to go back to them.

"Shh, you're okay now, I got you," The figure cooed, "It's okay."

I could feel myself starting to lose consciousness. My eyes slowly fluttered as I tried making out the figure.

"Wh -" I attempted to speak but my voice broke as darkness took over.

"My precious lycan," The dark figure dangerously smiled.

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