Game Start

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"It is not just a game, it is a way to escape reality and be someone that I wish to be without anyone stopping me. It is my way on how I could get by and fill this void inside me"

Ah, yet another day passes by, it's just me and my games here in this tightly packed room, with nothing but myself and this screen, this screen that lets me project who I am, "My Ideal world" it's even better than this world that I walk upon, well will you look at the time, it's already 7 in the morning, I better get some rest, but first off I should eat I guess.

My name is Lee Alsief, NEET, but my mother enrolled me to this nearby school, 13 years of age and I'm in grade 7, I don't stand much of the crowds, nor do I stand people, I'm mostly introvert, people often say I'm just shy, but trust me, I'm an introvert, talking to people drains my energy, I can only keep up a conversation for such a short amount of time, I tend to sleep in between classes because it drains me, from grade 3 to grade 6 this was how I spent my school days, alone in the corner, I did make a few friends I guess, and these guys were more or less the ones who understood my condition, until summer came, I was introduced to the beauty of "games" not the physical games, but these virtual and online games

At first I was quite hesitant didn't know much on what is the significance of this so called games, I think there was a trigger on how I was so caught up in these virtual programs in the first place. I saw my friends play these online games, at first I was confused on what they found fun in games, I just saw them looked at the screen and just smile, seeing them like that brings somewhat joy to my heart, seeing them happy also made me happy, trapped in their little world they laughed and had fun.

The trigger for my game addiction would be the time when my father and mother decided to split, leaving me in my mother's care, I don't know, I wasn't really sad on that practical moment, I think a normal kid would somehow cry along the lines, but I didn't really feel sadness when the two of them decided to split, practically my family was broken, but it didn't bother me, well that was what I thought anyway, but somehow I guess I was sad sub consciously and from there that's where I more or less started to play games, at first it was quite boring, just me looking at that flat screen of pixels trying to figure out on how to play and what objectives I should follow, slowly I became attached, addicted.

And now school year starts and here I am going rogue on the very first day of school, I'm like "Nah I'd just skip school" and just go to sleep but my mother says otherwise, she comes in my room yapping about me not going to school, with all that shouting there was no way I could sleep, my drowsiness suddenly just went out of my system and I was fully awake, with my mother getting mad like that, there was no way I would survive to see tomorrow if I skipped out school, and so just like any other kids, I packed up and prepared for school, took a shower, wore my uniform, got my stuff, ate and walked towards this school of mine

Oh yeah did I forgot to mention that we were newly moved in the area, well practically just me, my mother lived here before, in this town called Nas Onilecram. Yeah the town itself is a handful to pronounce, so yeah I was new in this town and didn't much knew anything where to go and what things I could do here, but luckily I was already shown the way to school and so I just walked there with my memories on where the school was, after almost 15 minutes of walking I arrive at the entrance of the school, and my golly, the entrance itself was filled with people, people I don't know, it was okay if the entrance was just crowded, but this time, it was flooded, you couldn't see any gaps as to how you're going to enter, I was just like "woah, that's a lot of people"

Knowing myself, I knew that I couldn't fit right in those people, and so I waited until the sea of people can disperse and finally went inside the school campus, slowly the people got a little fewer and I was able to get inside the campus, slowly as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a senior of that school, I was startled, awe struck by how that senior acted, cool and very nice, I got that impression that this school wasn't so bad after all, well as convincing as it sounds that the school sounds cool, it had its share of flaws as well, there were somewhat thugs at the moment, but as long they don't have to do something with me, then I don't have to mind them too much, and then the search and hunt for my classroom begins, there were a lot of buildings and rooms that I didn't know much, it was very confusing for a firs timer like to really know which is which, but luckily a senior student helped me distinguish each building, like the first building at the left side of the stage was the elementary department and the right side would be the high school department, the senior student also distinguished the rooms of the high school department, grade 7 and 8 down stairs and grades 9 and 10 were on the second floor, it wasn't much but it was completely different and it was totally bigger than my previous school

I started going in the crowd to see my classroom and section, but I couldn't barge in that pile, then suddenly I saw my cousin Maria Wolfstein, and yeah the reunion between two cousins, we were like really loud when we first saw each other in school and kind of caused a commotion the scenario went like:
Me: Heeeeeeey! Maria is that you?
Maria: ...... OH HEEEEEEY!!!!!!!
Me: it's me! Lee, remember? Your cousin?
Maria: Yeaah I remember! Wow nice to see you, you look really good in your uniform
With a little matching hug from my cousin and so the conversation went on, me and my cousin were having the same problem, we still don't know which and where are classroom is, unlike me my cousin is quite slender and small, and so I asked if she could squeeze right in the crowd and find our names from the list, she agreed and she went to dive in the sea of people, as I waited, I looked around and saw that there was a parish next to the school, and in the surrounding there were two mango trees and it was kind of nice seeing a view like that from time to time, out of boredom just as I was able to walk around, my cousin tapped my shoulder and said that we are in the same class, and so she gave me the name of the classroom which is class "Amitaf" bizarre sounding section, and so we set out to check the classrooms downstairs because that's where are room would probably be, one by one we checked and finally, room Amitaf was found, there were not a lot of people in that moment, and both of us had second thoughts on who was going to go in the room first and like that, but in the end it was both of us at the same time going inside the room, me and Maria settled in somewhere around the back of the room, we were only one chair apart but we would lean at our chairs just to get closer to talk with one another, and because we were like childhood friends, me and Maria were pretty much the same as back then, close as ever, and I think it made quite the commotion and rumor around the room that me and here were dating, I know it was kind of awkward when we first head of this same rumor floating around, it took a while for us clear the rumor inside the room about me and Maria but it went out smoothly.

Well everybody seemed to trust us about me and her being cousins, but some wouldn't just give up. We settled down when a teacher came, supposedly she was our adviser, and so introductions and stuff went underway, I was lost in space and had a blank mind at that time, I was awe struck looking at the view outside, it took me a while to come back to reality and realize that it was my turn to make an introduction, just like how I did it in my previous school it was the same as how I did it here in this new school of mine, I spoke and left everybody speechless, well maybe not but it was kind of awkward, after that dilemma I decided to take a power nap, it drained all my energy just to stand and speak around the crowd, when someone tapped my shoulder
I decided to just ignore that tap, in fear that it would just be someone baiting me or making fun of me, but the more I ignored it, the more furious the tapping, it wasn't annoying or anything but it did made me want to see who was the source of that tapping, and so I looked around, it wasn't Maria, nor was it my seat mate who happened to be my friend right off the bat, but instead it was someone from the back, it was a girl, she was plain, simple, cute a little boyish but cute, she was the one who tapped my back, and so we engaged in the conversation. "What's up?" she said as she waves her hand at me, and I was lost for words, didn't know what to do at that time, I just raised my hand a little and waved and said "Yo"

Awkward silence followed after that, ah what am I doing? I said to myself, it was a staring contest between me and that mysterious girl afterwards

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