Request: Phone Number

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By that stair case down stairs, just right in front of that classroom of ours, I will not forget the day she asked me for my number, gosh that was surprising; at the same time I was happy.

That moment she asked me for my number, I gave it to her, my world stopped, and time stood still for a split second, when she wrote on a piece of paper and gave me her number.

Once again, I was mesmerized by this mysterious, charming girl called Ley, it's a wonder how she completes my day just by seeing her, it's a mysterious how she can soothe and calm down the storm that rages inside of me with just the sound of her voice, and it's a wonder, how she can make my heart beat faster like it's a race, my heart racing as I am near her

But one thing is for sure though, what I feel for her was not of infatuation, but that of love, yes I am deeply and madly in love with her. It's sad that I can't directly tell her my feelings, I know... I'm really disappointed of myself, for being a fool, a coward, but I just thought that maybe this was for the best, I tried convincing myself, that if I asked for more, it would ruin this bond that we have right now

But there was no questioning and there was no hiding, the fact that my heart aches with the mere thought of me just being a friend for her, it hurts but it's a hurt that I can bear and carry on with

I went home smiling, I'm happy so happy to get her number, I rushed towards my room without even paying heed to my mother's call, I hurriedly took my phone and typed in her number in the contacts, I named her, well as usual Ley in the contacts, but there was something in me that wanted more I thought that "Oh well she doesn't need to know what her name is on the phone right?" and so I changed it from Ley to My Love

Waah, the thought that me changing her name to "my love" was a little bit corny, but I admit I was pretty happy when I had changed it.

I felt complete, I felt really happy at that moment, I lied down on my bed and just relaxed, this feeling I could not explain, I was happy ready to burst at any given moment, but at the same time I was satisfied, a feeling that I just wanted to lay their all my life, it was bliss

I thought I had enough surprises for one day, when suddenly

My mother called me yelling, she entered my room "For Pete's sake Lee! For the fifth time! I'm calling you!" yeah a really surprising event indeed, well I admit that it was my fault to begin with, I just rushed straight to my room without even paying attention that my mother was calling

"Go to my room, now!" and then she left

Well despite being yelled at, I was still happy, the achievement, the feeling of success was there within me, still dwelling inside, and so I placed my phone the table and went to report to mother

"Yes mother?" I asked while faced down

Mother: Where have you been? I've been calling you for like five times now
Me: ah yes mother, I am sorry, I was a little exhausted and decided to take a quick rest

Well the truth is, no I am not exhausted

Mother: Okay then, now can you buy me some- why are you smiling?

Mother suddenly asked me a hard to answer question, who can blame me? I was so happy and couldn't contain, I just tried to shrug it off "Ah nothing mother, it's just I remembered something funny in school"

My mother just paid me none of her mind and just gave me some money and sent me on an errand, I took the money and just went out, oh of course I took my phone with me just in case, you know someone calls

Yes, as I was on the errand I was hoping that maybe she'd call me, I was getting a little impatient but I waited, a thought bumped into my head, a thought that maybe I should call first, but I didn't do it and disagreed of that thought because maybe I would be bothering her or what and so I just went on with the errand with my phone inside my pocket

One item after another, one errand after the other, there was no call, I was about to finish up everything my mother wants me to do and buy and yet there was no call, but such as life, I expected too much, I will be honest, my hopes were crushed but it's okay, I just stayed positive that maybe one day I'd call her or she'd call me, and to think that day would be of this moment as well

A moment that I was about to enter the house, my phone rang, I was shaken, suddenly nervous, nervous of the thought that maybe it was Ley calling me, I am not yet mentally prepared for this! Is what I thought to myself.

My hands shook along with the vibration, I took heavy deep breaths, to ease my breakdown, and just steeled by resolve to answer "it's now or never!"

My thumb moved and pushed that answer button

Ring Ring

Beep beep *connected*


Oh my gosh, the moment has finally come, the moment that I've been waiting for, the moment where me and Ley would finally be able to talk through a cellphone "Hey!" I replied awkwardly

Ley: Is that you Lee?
Me: yeah it's me
Ley: (Laughs)
Me: What's so funny?
Ley: you sound different on the phone
Me: oh really?

And so the conversation went on and on, one small thing after another, after another small think that we talked about, it was another small thing to talk about. Our supplies of topics didn't end, we would just talk about, something, we talked and talked until time passed us by, we checked the time and I'll be damned it was already 6:30pm it was almost an hour and a half since we started talking

Ley: it's that time already? Darn I gotta go Lee
Me: yeah, I need to get going as well
Ley: see you tomorrow Lee
Me: yeah see you Ley

And so the called ended, and I'm just so satisfied with what we have as I went inside the house, my mother suddenly approached me "Where have you been?" she asked me angrily

I was like " uh oh"


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