Command: /Reveal /Mysterious Girl

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Ley Anne Ruby

Such a mysterious girl, approached by almost everyone in the class, a nice, pretty and sweet student of our school, she was friendly with everyone who approaches her, she wears a smile that seemed bright as the sun, quite energetic and hyper when she's with the boys and very docile and timid as she's with the girls

The progress between me and here is stable I guess, she'd get pretty chummy with me and she'd ruffle my hair from time to time, sometimes she'd play pranks on me, I guess you could say we're pretty close? But I don't like to assume though

From time to time she'd go out; her mask in the classroom would somehow change when she's out, from that joyful smile in front of everyone into frown hidden in the outside world becoming unnoticed. It's as if she's forcing herself somehow, but I just can't put my nose where it shouldn't be and so I decided to just leave it be.

It was already about the second week since school started, lessons were taking over, everything was smooth and steady, we get to meet our subject teachers and had settled some ground rules in the room, finally recess came, I'm not a fan of eating on recess but this time I was quite hungry myself and so I decided to walk around and go to the canteen to eat and drink something. Man it was packed, there were so many people flocking in front of the canteen windows, I thought to myself "What a drag" no reference intended there but it was all that I can think of, because I was hungry and really wanted to eat, for the sake of buying something I stayed and tried to make my way through that sea of people

The progress was slow, but all good things come to those who wait as they say, or so I thought, there were only a few options left on what to buy, and luckily those options were my kind of standards, a juice and a good classic fish ball on a stick, but wow these prices were unbelievable when I asked for them, I mean 15 currencies for only a 300ml juice and 10 currencies for a 4pcs fish on a stick, but I had no choice but to pay up, I slowly ate my fish ball and drank little by little the juice, I slowly walked towards our room, I walked through the corridor and sat on the bench in front of our classroom, I noticed Ley Anne wasn't there in her sit

Her sit is located at the back which you can clearly see just by looking from the door way, and I just happen to sit facing the open door way making the classroom visible from the outside, I looked around and I noticed that the surroundings aren't that bad, it was filled with plants and designs that complemented a nature like environment, it was calming and very pleasant to see.

Looking around I notice Ley coming from somewhere, but she is definitely making her way back to the classroom, I plan on approaching her, but she looks like she was not in the mood this time, her vivid bright smile was nowhere to be seen, instead I see this very problematic look on her face, she was frowning while drinking her juice, her eyes were looking somewhere very far away it seems like she's looking for something that's not in this school, she looks like she's about to burst into tears but she's holding it back as best as she could, she would from time to time face down and look at the ground and secretly wipe her face off. Suddenly the power of absolute choice comes once more

The choices was either I make her laugh somehow or I just ignore her

For the latter I'd go with the ignore her, because I don't really have much experience when it comes to things like this, especially I don't have any experience when it comes to girls, but there was something inside me that continuously screams that I should make her smile, I released a sigh and instead, I chose the first option, I stood up from the bench and slowly I went up to her

I blocked her pathway while she's facing down, and I thought she'd bump onto me, but somehow he she stopped I think she noticed that someone was in the way, and so I tried to start a conversation "Yo Ley Ley" I gleefully teased her playing with her name, "now is not the time Lee" she said as she was still facing down the flat ground, her voice was somewhat shivering and almost sounds like she's about to burst. Because I don't have any experience and I was quite dense, I still tried to joked around "What you got left by someone you cared?" I tried laughing that one out, hoping that she'd replay somehow embarrassed by that question and she'd avoid it like, no I don't have that kind of someone, or something like that, but instead all I got was a long silence

A silence that I didn't expect would come with a follow up, she stood there frozen and I stood there in insecurity, maybe I went too far with that joke, and so I asked "Ley you okay?" a sudden burst of a punch went flying straight to my abdomen, I wasn't prepared for that like really, it really hurts, she packs quite a "punch" hahaha. Ehem well anyways

She went inside the room first as I was left outside wreathing in pain; I sat down on the bench once again and tried to let the pain go away before entering the room, I saw her head down on her arm chair, and I was like "ah I think I really had gone too far, I think she has a problem" that's what I thought, meanwhile, I slowly massaged the pain to go away and someone just tapped my shoulder and pat my head, and I know who that person might be, "Hey Maria what's up" I asked as I still massaged the pain, yes it was Maria and slowly she sat down right next to me "What happened to you?" she asked in curiosity. I told her the whole story starting from I went to the canteen up till the part where I got punched, Maria laughed "Thanks for listening you dumb ass" I said to her as I was still wreathing in pain, "So you got to ask her name now did you?" Maria asked as she started poking my cheeks while I was in pain. "Yeah" I replied while stretching out to slowly get rid of the pain, "What's her name" Maria implied, I replied "Ley Anne Wolfstein", that's a good name Maria said, she blabbered about other stuff about the school which I didn't bother to listen to, instead I focused my vision on the head downed Ley, I am clouded from what just happened and suddenly that cloud burst and disappeared when I heard Maria say "She has a problem go talk to her" I was confused "What do you mean?" Maria smiled and carefully explained "Girls will be girls lee, it takes one to know one that a girl has some kind of a problem" with that Maria went inside the room, still I was left puzzled about what Maria meant at that time, the pain had gone away and I still want to hang out here outside our corridor, as much as I want to but I can't because our subject teacher was on they, so I went inside and went back to my chair, the teacher went in, we did our greeting but I noticed that Ley was still on the head down position

I thought to myself that maybe she really does have a problem, we all sat down and brought out our notebooks for lecture, while I was writing someone tapped by shoulder, no it wasn't Ley but it was her seatmate, it was Yuuki Rose, "Hey what happened to her?" She asked, "I don't know" is what I replied. With that I went back on taking notes, and again someone tapped my shoulder and again it's not Ley, still it was Yuuki, "Hey Ley is telling me to call you" she said "Ok, but I'm quite busy at the moment" I replied, it's not like I don't want to talk to Ley, but it was kind of awkward, while again writing the lecture someone tapped my shoulder, I thought it was Yuuki and yes now it was Ley while tapping my shoulder she said "Hey you didn't even bother giving me your attention" I stopped writing for a while and looked back at Ley "what's up?" I asked her and she said "I'm sorry about earlier Lee"


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