System Missing: I love you.exe

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Oh no, that is the only thought I could think of in this kind of moment

Who knew that talking with someone you like on the phone could actually take hours, and here I thought about those kinds of scenes in the movies were unrealistic and very cliché, thinking that there was no way two people can talk like that for hours

And here I am now, in that cliché hard to believe scene that I was always running in my mind impossible

Well I didn't expect this to happen, and so I tried running my mind, I tried processing possible answers in order to convince mother, in order to answer her question, where have I been all this time


Is what popped right out in my mind, I'm blank, I'm speechless about what to say to my mother, honestly I don't know what to tell her, I don't know what to answer in this kind of situation, I just hope that she takes the bait, and damn how I really prayed in that moment that mother wouldn't get more angry than she is right now

"Oh was talking someone on the phone nothing?" mother asked

Oh no she knows that I'm speaking to someone, err, uhm, think Lee think! What could even possibly say about this, "oh that was my classmate, gave him my number a while ago, and he just tried calling me if it would go through" is what I replied

What a pathetic excuse I have! I thought to myself, man oh man, mother is going to get pissed

I readied myself for the loudest yelling I'll receive for the whole year, I tightened my grip on the plastic bag and just prepared my ears and prepared myself to accept anything my mother would say

"Well okay come inside I need those things you bought for me A.S.A.P"

Wait what? I wasn't scolded; I wasn't yelled at, yahoo! Praise to you Lord, thank you! Thank you for giving me a chance to live yet another day of my life, I went back inside the house full of joy and glee, I gave mother the materials I bought for her, I left the change and walked upstairs towards my room

But before I reached the room, my father then walks out of the comfort room and notices me

"Lee where have you been? Your mother and I was waiting for you"

Oh no, mother is hard to deal with, that's one thing for sure, but my father, no, this one was something even harder than my mother, and of course just like what I said to my mother, I said it that besides the fact that I only walked to every destination my mother designated me to buy the materials I also mentioned that I was held by my classmate when he (but honestly it was Ley) called to me just I was about to enter the house.

My father just stared at me, a blank face just looking at me straight, like he was looking inside me piercing my very person and looking inside my soul with a hymn of "hmmm" as he directed his gaze on me

Then snap "Okay then, rest well and prepared for dinner" father said as he entered their room, I let out a deep sigh of relief and finally went back to my room and just rested, I noticed that my brother wasn't yet here

Oh yeah I have a brother, and his name is Luke, so yeah Luke wasn't still home but it was kind of late honestly.

I waited for Luke to home and tell him of what just happened, Luke and I are very tight brothers, what's Luke's secret is my secret as well and that goes in both ways, so what's my secret is his,

While waiting I gazed out from the window to check if he was there on our street walking towards the house, but none, I saw no Luke but I still waited for him, I sat down on the open window and just felt that breeze pass my by, that was very pleasing and soothing, It was cool and windy and I never wanted to go back inside, until I heard the table vibrate because of my phone

At first I just didn't react that maybe it was someone I didn't knew, but then again it vibrated, and so with the third time it vibrated, I stepped down the open window and checked my phone and then there

There was about 3 messages from Ley, and I was "whaaaaat?" I was surprised and extremely happy, my heart was racing once more because she texted me, my gosh, and here I thought I had enough blessing today, and God just never ceases to surprise me on how generous He is, thank you Lord I gave praise as I read the text messages

Ley: Lee, Hey, Yohoo

Were the messages sent to me, and so I had to reply "Hey what's up?"

That was kind of lame, what's up? Does anybody still use that catch phrase of greetings?

Well anyways there was nothing that I could possibly do, the message was sent and there I was waiting for that one reply from that particular person

I waited for like an hour and a half but there was no reply

Dinner came I ate, with the phone beside me, but there was no text, I was beginning to feel impatient, but I still waited for that one particular message that I really waited for the whole hour

After dinner I thought there'd a text a message, but it never did came

I took a bath to ease this irritated feeling, but it didn't work, I went to my pajamas and just started to lie on the bed and just relax, I gave up on waiting, I started to just don't care anymore about her message, I felt down and depressed, and so I started preparing to sleep, I placed my cellphone on my working desk and went to bad

The moment I closed my eyes it vibrated, without a second though, I hurriedly went to check on the phone, I saw one message, from her, all that doubt and depression went away and I was sooo happy my heart racing once more

And when I viewed the message, I was speechless and very much my mind went blank, my heart raced even faster, when I saw the message that contained "I love you" coming from Ley

I stared blankly, my chest tightened and I just said to myself "Ley you're unfair I'm not yet ready for this kind of progress"

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