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Wait what?

That's the only reaction left behind in me, when Nix said "She likes you"

Waahhh, she really asked her! I feel happy, nervous and embarrassed, ugh I honestly can't tell what I'm feeling right now! Oh my... "Why don't you talk to her?" Nix asked me while I am awestruck by the fact that Ley likes me "It's not that easy you know!" I replied as I was flustered from the revelation given to me by Nix, and besides I don't know what to talk about with Ley

I mean this is all too sudden for me! I mean what would I tell her anyway???

Wouldn't it be too awkward for us to talk? I mean I suddenly blurted out that I like Ley out of nowhere because of Julie and now I'll know that she likes me as well gosh, this is like a dream come true! Like really but I don't know how to react in this situation, ugh I'm pathetic! Even knowing that the girl of my dreams likes me I still can't decide on what to do, even if I knew what to do from the start, the question is how? How will I initiate it, ugh this is so hard

And so I curled up in my little world, I put my head down on my desk and just muttered, Nix was staring at me the whole time and I know I got her annoyed, being an indecisive man like who else wouldn't be annoyed by this pathetic sight


I heard Nix sigh, that makes me sigh as well because of how pathetic I am, ugh why am I so.... Like this... the only way I could describe this is... why am I so torpe, I'm so pathetic of not approaching Ley. Sigh...

"I'll help you"

Amidst my endeavor on the matter, amidst my grief, I suddenly heard something that ticked my ears and made we want to listen, "I'll help you okay?" and then again that voice from before said it again, Nix offered me her help, I couldn't be happier hearing it, I couldn't believe what I'm hearing honestly, I was also surprised by the fact that Nix told me that she'd help, at first I couldn't believe her so easily and so I blankly looked at her, conveying that question in my face "Will you really help me?"

Nix sighed and earnestly replied "Yes Lee, I'll help you, so stop your whining and man up"

And so I sat straight and face Nix, my ears and ears were all forwarded to Nix, and I was ready to listen to anything she has to say to me in order for me to improve my relation with Ley and be able to finally make some contact and maybe just maybe, be able to finally get into a serious relationship with her, I looked at Nix and said "I'm all yours, please help me with Ley!"

Nix: You really like her don't you (smirks)
Me: Obviously! (blushes)
Nix: you really want to get close to her?
Me: Absolutely!
Nix: hmmmm okay then... first step on getting close to her is...
Me: Is...
Nix: Get close to her, literally
Me: eh?
Nix: I mean you couldn't progress if you're always so distant towards her, well make your move go close to her, talk to her personally not through some letters!
Me: okay, okay, I'll do just that, anything else?
Nix: Take it slow, start with small talks and just enjoy what you have and next time go even further, but not too far just the right progress and slowly but surely you'll be in a relationship don't worry
Me: noted, anything else?
Nix: hmm that's it
Me: eh?

What? Did I just hear, is that the only tip she can tell me? Get close and just talk to her? No, no it can't be how can I progress with just these two tips??? Ugh I'm so clueless and so useless, no there has got to be more ways! Maybe Nix is just hiding it from me

Me: Nix are there more ways to progress in a relationship? Excluding the previous tips you have given me?
Nix: nope, there is no more tips to give you because that's all there is to it
Me: You have got to be kidding me Nix!
Nix: no I am not joking around and I am serious! That's all you have to do for now, just go and talk to her idiot!

Nix took my hand and pulled me right over to Ley, I tried struggling but damn was she so persistent, I mean I could easily break out of her grasp and make a run for it, but every time I break from her grip, another grip would just be there in my hand and I knew, from that moment, there was no escaping this moment, she pulled me closer towards Ley, she took out a chair for me and placed it beside Ley, Nix pushed me down to sit on the arranged chair and said "Now go! Do your thing" before suddenly leaving me out in the air like that, I suddenly just realized that my wingman Nix, just suddenly left me here on the battlefield alone, without really knowing what to do

Ahh my mind is spinning, I mean I'm happy to be near her and to know that she likes me as well! But because of that it became so awkward between Ley and me, I just couldn't seem to talk to her like we always do, like we usually do! Because now the jig is up, she knows I like her and I, well I don't know if it's real or not but I think Ley likes me too? According to Nix

But waah, it's been like 5 minutes since I started sitting here and there is still no progress between us, no words were spoken and the air and atmosphere is kind of eerie, trying to think of topics was hard, I tried to carefully select my topics with regards on what we would be able to talk about with our interests in mind, ugh damn it I should've asked her before what were her interests so I can easily come up with a topic that can somehow pique her attention, in this moment I feel like I'm overthinking it all up, I happen to think that maybe the situation isn't as awkward as it seems, maybe I'm over reacting somehow and so I tried testing the waters

"hey the weather is kind of hot today huh?"

What the hell did I just say?! It's so damn cliché, what the actual f.... I just hope this lasts

"Ah yeah, I think so too" then sudden silence

Ahh I knew it! It was awkward to begin with, I started showing sign of nervousness and I was starting to stutter, my speech was kind of shaky and I was sweating all over the place, my knees were weak and my hands are shaking, I was trying to say something new to change the topic, cliché topic to top it all off

But my mouth was just paralyzed I stuttered and I just shook, my whole body was shaking and sweating due to intense nervousness and pressure, I was just really being in that time and I was quite embarrassed to let the weak side of me be exposed Ley I thought "Ah this is it, she'd be turned off seeing this side of me, this pathetic side of Lee", suddenly I heard something,

It was so pleasant that everything, including what I'm thinking of the feeling I'm feeling in the moment was completely irrelevant, I felt everything steady, my hands, and body, steady, they stopped shaking, my sweating stopped, my thoughts were clear, my eyes were glued into something beautiful... a view of Ley giggling with a well sunlit face as the sun started to sink, I was mesmerized, hearing her giggle, was so calming, seeing her smile with the sun's rays hitting her face so gently, was so heart-warming, her tears due to laughter glistened like gems and complimented the accent of her white pale skin, it was a sight to see, she was really gorgeous, and I couldn't ever be happy falling for her, I just stared there, watching her, and alas the moment has come she stopped, she wiped the tears and looked at me

"Why are you so nervous?" she smiled while saying it and I was just speechless I couldn't say anything but "Beautiful"

Oh my! I just said it unconsciously, aahhh I'm starting to feel nervous again! I screwed up! But all the tension that was about to build up just suddenly disappeared, as her warm soft hands, touched and held mine, me very being resonated in that moment, my heart skipped beats but it remained beating fast, everything in my surroundings seemed so slow, as if time stood still in that moment, everyone was talking and laughing but somehow I couldn't hear them for some reason, the only thing I'm really focused on was her... Ley and her voice sounded so clearly and yet so soft saying "Calm down okay?"

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