Chapter one Duel Academy and the duel and win

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Lily pov How are you kid? Uncle Atem asked. Kari sits next to me. She was nervous all night. Kari explained. Don't worry Lily. You'll do find. Yugi did. Atem comforts me. I want to be known as me! Not my father's daughter! I said bitter. And you will. Dad said. I... I stammered. I don't like it either Lily. You are our own person. They will see that soon. Dad said. Your a teacher at Duel academy along with mom Atem Mana Yusei and Luna right? I asked. Yes. Dad said. We all get on the airplane. It was a 4 hour plane ride. I look at my deck. Can't wait to duel? Ken smiles. You know it! I grinned. Kari giggles when Jesse snorts. Watch it Jesse. I know how you feel about Kari. I whisper in his ear. Jesse blushed. Are you really Lily Muto! A fanboy asks. Nope. I said bored. I watched as they walk away. Mind if I sit here? A voice said. I turn around. N N N Not at all. I stammered. Names Jaden Yuki! Jaden said with a wink. Boy gosh Jesse you didn't say you had a cute cousin! Jaden winks at me. Eep! I squealed. Cute! Jesse gasped. Now Mr. Yuki you aren't flirting with my niece are you? Uncle Yusei asked serious. EEP! I squealed. I guess he did. Uncle Atem said amused at me. Well I was wondering.. Jaden starts. You want to duel when we get to Duel Academy.. I grinned. Boy you read my mind! Jaden grins. I expect your challenge Jaden Yuki. I grinned. Alright! Jaden cheered rising a fist in the air. So much like your father. Uncle Atem chuckles. When we get to the duel academy. I was a slifer red. All my friends hover around me. I saw my mom dad and my aunt's and Uncles. Since you are a fan I'll let you go first. I said. REALLY!? Jaden examined. Yup! I grinned. It's time to duel! I said. Let's duel! Jaden and I said. Whoo-whoo go Lily! Kari calls. I draw! Jaden calls. I Summon Dark Blade in attack mode! Then I summon Sonic Duck in defense mode! I end my turn. Jaden said. My draw! I called. I Summon Dark Magician in attack mode! Jaden gasps in shock. You like Dark Magician? I chuckled. LIKE I LOVE THAT CARD! Jaden shouts. I then Summon Dark Magician Girl in defense mode! I place one face down and end my turn. I said. Sonic Duck attack Dark Magician Girl! Jaden orders. I signed. I play my face down! I called. Mystic box! I can Target one monster on your field controls and I can control one of your monsters destroy it. I pick Dark Blade! I smirked. Jaden grind his teeth. Alright Lily! Kari cheers. Now Dark Magician Girl take out Dark Blade! I ordered. She destroy's Dark Blade and lands back on her side of the field on my side and winks at me. My draw! Jaden called. I summon Elemental HERO Sparkman in attack mode. Jaden said. I gasped. Never saw a Elemental Hero? Jaden asked. C C COOL! I squealed. Thanks. Jaden chuckles. Elemental Hero Sparkman take out Dark Magician! Jaden orders. I watched as Dark Magician gets destroyed. I lose 300 life points and get 311. Lily we are here for you! Kari calls with her hands around her mouth. I look at my hand and smirked. My draw! I called. I summon Cyber Harpie Lady in defense mode! But that's not all! I summon Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle in attack mode! I end my turn. I said. Ruby fly's over to me purring licking my cheek. R R Ruby not now!!!!!!! I giggled. She a friend of yours? Jaden asked amused. Had her since I was little. Ruby purrs rubbing on my cheek. R Ruby!!! I love you too!! I giggled. Ruby we are in middle of a duel! We can play later! I giggled. Ruby nods and fly's back. My draw! Jaden grins. I summon Gemini Elf in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. I send my Cyber Harpie Lady to the graveyard for Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode! I said. I'm sorry Cyber Harpie Lady. I said. It's find Lady Lily. She said. I end my turn. I said. My draw! Jaden grins. I Summon Poison Mummy in attack mode! I end my turn. I grind my teeth as I go down to 200 life points. Lily you can still pull this off! Don't give up! I've been giving you this speech since you been dueling! Kari calls. Kari's right! I though. My draw! I called confident. I summon Curse of Dragon in defense mode! That's not all I fusion them together! Welcome Gaia the Dragon Champion! I smirked. W What!? Jaden shouts. I'm still not done yet! I said. I send Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle to the graveyard. To bring out... Valkyrion the Magna Warrior in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. I said confident. My draw! Jaden called. I Summon Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke in defense mode! I end my turn. Jaden said. Gaia the Dragon Champion attack Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke! I ordered. Gaia the Dragon Champion destroy's Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke. Jaden loses 300 life points and gets 200 life points. That's not all I play my face down The Eye of Truth! You must revealed your hand! I smirked. Jaden growls showing his hand and losing more points. He is down to 1000. Whoo-Whoo! That's my baby! Mom cheers. I end my turn. I said confident. My draw! Jaden called. I Summon Mataza the Zapper in defense mode! I place a face down and end my turn. Jaden said. My move! I called. I summon dancing Elf in attack mode! I play my face down.. Mirror Wall! I said. I send Valkyrion the Magna Warrior graveyard. Too Summon Princess of Tsurugi in attack mode! I end my turn. I said confident. Jaden loses 2000 life points and goes down to 9000 life points. Go Lily! V-Mon cheered. My draw! Jaden called. I play my face down first! Rush Recklessly! Lily stay on your toes! Dad cried. I Summon Chiron the Mage in defense mode! Jaden said. I end my turn. Jaden said. My draw! I called. Heart of the cards don't fail me now. I think. I remember what dad said. Don't over think of what cards you get. Any card you will get in your deck to duel will help you dearly. Dad's words said in my mind. I look at my hand. Toon World and Dark Rabbit! Yes! I smirked. This may be a bit of shock to you Jay. I winked. Did did my baby just want at that boy! Dad fumes. Say hello To Toon World Jaden Yuki! I smirked. T Toon World! Jaden shouts. That's not all! I Summon Dark Rabbit in defense mode! I end my turn. I said confident. My draw! Jaden called. I summon Cyber-Tech Alligator in attack mode! Then I summon Elemental HERO bubbleman in defense mode! I end my turn. Jaden said. What would Gohan say when he was in a sticky situations like this. I think of my childhood friend. Never give up. Stay strong when things get hard. Because I know you can handle these things. I remember his talk when we were going to fight Cell. ALRIGHT JADEN LISTEN UP! I shouted. Jaden jumped surprised. I AM NOT GOING TO HOLD BACK ANY LONGER SO GET READY! I shouted confident. I remember a talk I had with a friend of mine! I AM NOT GOING TO LET HIM DOWN! SO GET READY OR NOT HERE I COME! I grinned. Bring it! Jaden glared. Yugi's pov Okay you should come out now. I whispered. Gohan steps up with his family. I Summon Queen's Double in attack mode! That's not all I Summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus in defense mode! I end my turn. Lily said confident. We are here for you till the end Lily! Kari calls with her hands around her mouth. That's right we are! Came Gohan's voice. Lily froze. Later. Lily mumbles. Now lets end this don't you agree Jaden. Lily smirks. Queen's Double take out Cyber-Teach Alligator and Elemental HERO Bubbleman! Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus take out the rest of Jaden's life points! Lily ordered. Jaden life points goes down to zero. That rocks! Lily winked at Jaden. So she has a crush.. Gohan chuckled. Sadly yes she does. I grunted. Yugi you knew Lily would start to like boys. Joey rolls her eyes. I was find with her liking Tai! But this! I complained. She was 8! Joey glared. Gohan! Lily squeals throwing her arms around his waist. Daddy! You sure do love surprising me don't you! Lily giggles linking arms with Gohan. So who is he? Gohan smirks. I'll tell you when you tell me about her. Lily smirks. Knew it. Gohan chuckles. Of course! Lily winks. Wait.. Didn't you know. I am a student here. Gohan smirks. P A R T Y!! Lily and Kari sang. You know it woul.... Lily's eyes widened in shock. What did you see? Jesse Kari and Gohan asked. See what? Jaden asked confused. I see the future. Lily explains. COOL! Jaden cheers. Lily face palms. Gohan chuckles at her. Oh you! Lily fumes at her childhood best friend. Well it was about this guy... Lily trails off. He sounds.. Gohan stopped and saw her face. Oh shit.. Gohan whispered. Tch. Lily and her friends turn around. Chazz what's up dude! Jaden grinned. Lily can only sign. Is this the guy you saw? Gohan mumbles to her. Yes Chazz Princetion and his brother Ryan. Lily whispers to Gohan. Chazz look! It's Lily Muto! Ryan examined. Lily twitched she hates fanboys. How about you dump the slifer Slacker and hang with us. Chazz smiles kinda at her. Lily scoffed. How about I beat you up first. Lily adds sweetly. Gohan burst out laughing. She was always like this since they were kids. Daddy may I beat him up? Lily bates her eyelashes at me sweetly. May I teach him not to insult my friends? Lily asks sweetly. No... I said. But But dad! Lily whined. You can duel him. I said. Find with me. Are you with me Gohan? Lily turns to her childhood friend. After everything we've been threw. You Doubt me. Gohan chuckles. Never. Lets show these too what friendship is really about! Lily shouted. That is if you too can keep with up us. Lily says sweetly when Gohan crossed his arms smirking. I can't want to beat the daughter of games. Chazz smirked. You mean the Queen of Games. Gohan corrects Chazz. Lily laughs. Gohan always corrected her when she said the wrong thing. It's time to duel! Lily said. Yup she takes after me. I smile fondly.

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