Chapter 27 Something evil is coming and talking about the future

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Lily pov I got up this moring and got ready. I get something to eat. I drink my ice coffee. Goodmoring. Kari yawns. Moring. I said. You gonna go on your Duel Runner? Kari asked. Yup. I said. Let me go get ready! Kari runs to our dorm. I laughed. She is still the same after all these years. We walk outside. The boys are sleeping. Kari said as she put on her Helmet. I put on my Helmet and got on my Duel Runner. This is so exciting! Kari squeals. I put in the key. Hold on Tight Kari. I said staring up my duel runner and driving off. Hey Uncle Yusei! I called. Hey Lily! Hey Kari! How's the driving? Uncle Yusei asked. Before I could say anything there was a big boom. ~BOOM~ What the hell was that?! I examined. I don't know.. Uncle Yusei said. Hello Lily Muto... A voice said. Where is that voice coming from? Kari asks. Up here! Annoying voice called. I look up. Who the hell are you!??!!?!? Both me and Uncle Yusei growled. We look at each other and sweat drop. As I said before it runs in the family. What do you want? I asked glaring. Oh it's quiet simple. I want you Child of Miracles. Me!? I gasped. My niece! What the hell do you want with me!? I snarled. You'll find out soon Child of Miracles. He laughs evil and leaves in thin air. Who is he? What does he want with me? This seriously can't be happening. I groaned. We Better go tell the boys. Kari said. I nodded. I start up my duel runner again. Be careful Girls. Uncle Yusei warns. Are you forgetting who you are talking too. I winked at Uncle Yusei. I drive off. Hey boys. I said and turned off my duel runner. No fair! Kari got a ride but not me! Jaden whined. Chill Bluejay. I giggled. Jaden if I told you someone was after me. How mad would you be? I asked. I would find the bastard and kill him. Jaden growls. Now Jaden. We don't know who is after me. So you can't go after him. I scolded him. I well go.. You certainly will not! I snapped. But baby.. Jaden whines. I glare at him. I'll be good. Jaden signs. I giggled and sit in his lap. Bluejay? I asked. Yeah baby? Jaden asked. What do you think about marriage when we are older? I asked. Too you? Jaden asked. I nodded. Nothing more in the world would make me more happy then marrying you. Jaden smiles. What brought this on thought? Jaden asked. Well. I've been thinking about it for sometime now.. And I have been having dreams of us married and having a little baby boy. I admitted. Really? Jaden asked with a big smile. Yes.. I blushed. I had dreams of being married to you as well. No need to be embarrassed about it baby. Jaden smiles. In my dreams We name our son after my Uncle Yusei. I smiled. What are you too talking about? Jesse asks. Our future. Jaden smiles warping his arms around me. Okay and? Jesse asked. We are married and with a baby boy. I smiled. Jesse laughs. Kari smacks him across the face. Oh I'm bad. I rubbed off on her. I giggled. Jaden snickers. Your Your serious! Jesse squeals. Jesse squealing? Jaden said confused. I smirk evil. Don't you dare Lily! Jesse threatens. Well there was that one time. I giggled. LILIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesse shouts. I giggled and whispered it in Jaden's ear. You are so whipped. Jaden laughs. And your not. I snorted at Jaden. I am so manly! Jaden whined. I share a look with Jesse laughing quiet. Manly! I giggled. Jaden Manly! Jesse snorts. I hear you too making fun of me! Jaden wails. You have a kid for a boyfriend cuz. Jesse chuckles. He's my kid. I giggled cutely. I heard that. Jaden grunts. I giggled kissing his cheek. Jaden smiles cheekily at me. What was the name for the baby? Kari asked. Yusei.. I smiled. Like your Uncle Yusei! Kari said giggling. Yup! I giggled. Uncle Yusei Aunt Luna and Uncle Atem and Aunt Mana came in the Slifer Red Dorm. So have you too like done it yet? Jesse asked smirking. No you didn't! Kari you bad girl you. I teased her. Kari blushes. And I am pregnant. Kari said blushing ten different colors of red. Don't you worry Your secret is save with me. I winked at Kari. I knew I could count on you. Kari said. I smiled. We are just waiting for the right time. Right Jaden.. I smiled up at him. Yeah we are. Jaden said with a wink at me. I giggled. You too shouldn't even be thinking about sex in the first place. Uncle Atem said. I let out a shriek in surprise. Atem! Aunt Mana scolds him. Don't you ever do that again or I well sick V-Mon on you! I squealed. Besides We are old a enough to have sex. I stated. Don't let your father hear you say that. Uncle Yusei warns me. Yes Uncle Yusei. I said. Why does she listen to you and not me! Uncle Atem pouts. Because I am the favorite. Uncle Yusei smirks. Jesse and I laughed. Lily tell Yusei he is wrong and I am the favorite! Uncle Atem whines. Jesse burst out laughing. S S Sorry Uncle Atem. I love you and all.. But Uncle Yusei is my favorite. I giggled. Told you so. Uncle Yusei smirked at Uncle Atem. Beep Beep. Hello? I asked. Lily.. Izzy? What is it? I asked. The Dark Masters are back. Izzy said. My eyes widened in horror. W W What!? But you guys! You guys destroyed the Dark Mas...... I trail off. We did. But somehow they came back. And Lily... Izzy said. Yeah Izzy? I asked. Be careful. The dark Masters want the power of the Golden Radiance.. Izzy said. I tensed up. What are we gonna do Izzy? I asked. You need to be protected at all times. Izzy said. I am 17 for crying all out! I raged. I know Lily but this is the only way to keep you and the Golden Radiance safe. Izzy explains. I will call you when I find out more news. Izzy said. Okay. Stay safe Izzy. I said worried. You too. Izzy said. I hung up the phone. How lovely. Some evil digimon after me now. Just lovely. Just lovely. I grunted. Who is it Lily? Kari asked. I look at Jesse unsure how to explain. Kari you know these Digimon. I signed. I know them? Kari asked. I get up and start to pacing back and forth. Honey just tell us. Aunt Luna said with her hand on my shoulder. I run a hand threw my hair. It's the Dark Masters. D D Dark Masters. Kari squeals. Kari shh. It's okay. It's me they are after. I said dryly. What is it they want? Uncle Atem asked. The power of the Golden Radiance. I signed. I keep pacing back and forth. I then got grabbed by Uncle Yusei and fell on the couch with me on his lap. Relax Lily. We will figure this out. You don't need stress on your body. That isn't good for your body. Now just relax sweetheart. Uncle Yusei said soothing. But... What are we supposed to.... Relax honey.. Uncle Yusei says rubbing my shoulder. I close my eyes. Yusei pov Kari signs as Lily falls asleep. This was just like with.. Me. When I was under Myotismon's control. Ken said guilty. Ken Lily forgive you! Kari said sad that Ken was doubting himself. Lily has the most biggest heart in the whole world. She is was to forgiving for her own good. She even forgave some people that didn't deserve her forgiveness. Kari said with a smile. That is something she gets from Yugi. Atem smiles. The way Lily duels and acts she gets more like Yugi everyday. Atem smiles. When Joey found out she was pregnant She though it was going to be a boy. But Yugi said it would be a girl. A girl that as Yugi warped around her finger. Atem chuckles. I rise my eyebrows. You mean all of us Atem. Or did you forget she has you warped around her finger. If I remember when Lily was born you cried like a baby until Yugi finally let you held Lily. I smirked. You cried! Ha ha ha! Jesse laughs. Atem gets a evil look in his eye. If I remember when Lily told us she had a crush on her Senpai you went on a rampage and she would get hearts in her eyes every time she talked about Tai. Atem smirks. You you went on a rampage just because my best friend liked my brother! Kari giggles. Dad is very overprotective of cuz. Jesse explains. Yeah like you are any different Son. I scoffed. What! I am allowed to be protective of Lily! Jesse protests. Lily opened her eyes. Yeah yeah yeah Jessie. If I remember when you met Kari you were a stuttering mess the whole week. Lily smirks. well she is your best friend. Jesse blushes. And what was I doing since we were kids. Lily rolls her eyes. playing cupid. Jesse blushes. And did It work. Lily giggles. And did I get a thank you.. NO! I GOT A BIG NO! Lily fake growls. I I I I.. Jesse stammers. Kari and Lily giggle. I remember the first time you told Yugi You liked Tai.. I laughed. Yeah Yugi was like. Y Y You like your Senpai!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? Then Yugi fainted. Atem laughs. Mum told me to tell dad that. Lily chirped. Then dad was like. YOU WILL NEVER DATE UNTIL YOU ARE 30!!!!!!!!!! Lily giggles. Man this is funny! I wish I knew you back then! Jaden whines. What does Lily seen in Jaden. I sweat drop. As if My niece reads my mind. She whacks me over the head. Ouch! Abuse here! Abuse here! I cried. Lily gives me her best bored look she got from me. What does Aunt Luna see in you. Lily teases. I Chuckled. What's the party? Joey asked. Yeah why weren't we invited. Yugi teases. Oh hush up dad. Lily huffed. Really. You tell me to hush up. Yugi said amused. Yes is that a problem with you dad. Lily winks. Can I tell them.. Please.. Oh please daddy? Lily pouts cutely. Alright. Yugi chuckled. We have a test in four weeks. Lily said. Test!? Study!? WHY!? Jaden and Jesse whined. Chill. You have me and Kari to help you study boys. Lily giggles. That means I pass! Jaden fist bumps with Jesse. Uh no. We are not doing your homework for you. Lily rolls her eyes. Jesse? Did Lily do your homework when you too were little? I asked narrowing my eyes at my son. Some of it. But she walked me threw it most of the time. Jesse admits. Hey. Lily said. I look down at her. At else he isn't a cheater. She smirks. I smirked. h-Hey! Jesse snapped at Lily. What? Lily blinks innocence. I did noting.. I am innocence. It is all in your head Jessie. Lily says cutely. Yeah right. Jesse snorts. We have class tomorrow. Lily said. Boo! Jaden and Jesse grunts. Boo yourself. Lily rolls her eyes. You can't boo the King of Slifer Red.. Jaden protests. Oh yeah. Lily rises her eyebrows. She gets that from her mother. Yugi comments. Watch me.. Lily said sassy but with a Yugi smile. She's a mix of you too that's for sure. Atem chuckles to Joey and Yugi. Lily sassy walks away with Kari. One. Lily starts. Too. Kari said. Three. They said together. Baby wait! Jaden examined running after my sassy niece. Yes? Lily said sassy. Forgive me.. Jaden said at her feet. Lily tries to keep her serious face but burst out giggling. Yes I forgive you bluejay. Lily giggles. Jaden signs. for now. Lily says sassy. Jaden falls down amine style. I like your sassy woman. Jaden winks. Lily smiles. Never I mean never call a girl woman. Jaden.. Lily said. Yes? Jaden said. Your on the couch tonight. Lily scoffs. Jaden falls down amine style. But but but baby! Jaden runs after her. Jaden always says the wrong things to her doesn't he. I chuckled. He does. Yugi chuckles. You did a sin... You never call a girl a woman.... But since you didn't know. I well let you off the hook. Lily smiles pecking his lips. Yugi scoffs and turns away. I laughed. You should be use to this now Yugi. Lily and Jaden are going strong for all long now? I asked. 3 months. Lily chirped behind me and Jaden next to her with his arms around her waist pulling he closer to him. Yeah 3 months! The hyper teenage laughs. Lily turns around and smacks his chest playful. You dork.. Lily teases. But your dork. Jaden winks. Yes my boyfriend is a dork. Lily signs. But I am manly too! Jaden examined. Lily blinks. You manly! Ha! Lily giggles. Just you wait! You making fun of me now will back fire on you soon baby! Jaden winks at her. Lily giggles. I bet. Lily winks. How soon baby.. Lily giggles. Just you wait babe. Jaden winks. Lily giggles. Lets have a study party next week! Lily says excited. My niece is probably the only one that likes to study. I chuckled. Jaden looks horrified at her. Jaden if you don't study next week. I will won't kiss you at all this month. Lily threatens. Jaden's eyes widened in shock. I I'll study! Jaden squeals. I laughed loudly. That's my daughter for you. Yugi laughed. Lily giggles and Kari giggled.

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