Chapter 37 The Seal of Orichalcos The duel part 1

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Kari pov Its showtime! I said my catchphrase. Let's duel! Both of us said. I'll start off first! I said. I draw and saw some of Lily's cards. I smirked. She put her deck in mine to mix it up. I am going to have fun with this. I smirked. First I summon Dark Witch in attack mode! Isn't that Lily's card? Tai asked. Lily must of put it in Kari's deck! Matt said. That was a smart move. Tai said. Then I summon Harpie Lady Sisters in attack mode! Hello Kari. The three Harpie Lady Sisters said. You knew. I whispered. That Lily put us and her other duel monsters in your deck. Yes, we do. They whisper. I place too face downs and end my turn. I said. My turn then. Dartz said and draw his hand. First I summon. Orichalcos Gigas in attack mode! Then I Summon Lady of Faith in defense mode! I end my turn. Dartz said. I first activate my Trap card. Mirror Force! I redirect attacks to my duel monsters! Next, I activate my spell card. Cyber Shield! It can protect my Harpie Lady Sisters! I said. Now Dark Witch attack Orichalcos and Harpie Lady Sisters attack Dartz directly! I ordered. Dark WItch attacked Orichalcos and Harpie Lady Sisters attacked Dartz directly. Dartz loses 8000 life points and gains 7000 life points. I place one face down and end my turn. I said. My draw! Dartz said. I look over at my friends and brother. Matt was holding Lily and they were watching the duel. I can't stand to see Lily like that. I tear up. NO! Lily would want me to be strong! I think. I Summon. Souls of the Forgotten in attack mode! I send Lady of Faith to the Graveyard to Summon. Timeater! If you attack him you skip a turn. Dartz smirks at me. I growled. This is for Lily! My best friend! My other half! And I end my turn. First I start off by activating my trap card. What!? Dartz gasped. A Rival Appears! And I have the same level of monster you have on your field. Say hello to Etoile Cyber in attack mode! Now I send my Harpie Lady Sisters to the graveyard to summon. Mind on Air! You must play with your hand revealed! I smirked. Go, Kari! Tai cheers. Dartz revealed his hand. This is for Lily! I thought determined. I won't let you down, Lily! I thought determined. Then I'll have Etoile Cyber attack you directly! I smirked. What!? Dartz shouted. Go, Etoile Cyber! I ordered. Etoile Cyber attacks Dartz directly. Dartz loses 7000 life points and gains 6000 life points. Go, Kari! Tai cheers. I place one face down and end my turn. I said. My draw! Dartz said. First I summon Orichalcos Shunoros in attack mode! I send my Timeater to the graveyard to summon. White Magician Hat in attack mode! Dartz said smirking. I growl under my breath. I saw a some of Lily's cards in my hand and smirked. Toon World. I will save them for later. I smirked. White Magician Hat attack Kari directly! Dartez orders. Oh no, Kari! Tai called out in worry. Chill Tai your sisters got this. Matt said holding Lily closer to his chest. I winced in pain as White Magician Hat attacks me. I lose 8000 life points and gain 7000 life points. I draw a card and smiled. I end my turn. Dartz said. My turn! First I activate my trap card. Mirror Force! I attack all of your attack Position monsters! Alright, Kari! Tai grins. Now I summon. Watapon in attack mode! I giggled. Tai and Matt laughed. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!? Dartz examined. Do not call Watapon a thing! That is Lily's Duel Monster! I glared. Watapon take out White Magician Hat! I ordered. Watapon attacks White Magician Hat. Dartz loses 6000 life points and gains 5000 life points. I'm not done yet! I said sounding like Lily. Tai laughs. Etoile Cyber attack Dartz directly! I ordered. Etoile Cyber attacks Dartz directly and Dartz loses 5000 life points and gains 4000 life points. I send Watapon to the graveyard to summon. Lonefire Blossom! I end my turn with one face down. I said determinedly. Matt pov I end my turn with one face down. Kari said determinedly. I smiled then looked down at my sweet Kohai. Oh, Lily. Why did this happen to you. I signed. After this you are not leaving my sight do you understand me. I said stern to the unconscious girl. How is she? Tai asked petting Our Kohai's hair. As the same before the duel started. I signed. Lily is strong Matt. She will pull through. I know Lily. Tai says ruffing her hair. It's a good thing TK isn't here. Tai said. I cringed at the through. TK is like me protective of Lily. Will Lily was TK's best friend before she got V-Mon. Or Ken. I shivered. Yeah, Ken. Tai shivers. Ken is not only Lily's best friend she is his sister. Lily was the first one to befriended Ken after the whole Digimon emperor thing. Where that girl goes she makes friends. I smiled. Will it was no surprise she got my crest of Friendship. I smiled. We look back at the duel. My draw! Dartz said. I summon Orichalcos Dexia in attack mode! Orichalcos Dexia attack Kari directly! Dartz orders. You just activated my trap card! Wall of Thorns! Kari said. That a girl Kari! Tai cheers his sister on. We watched as Dartz's monsters got destroyed. Dartz loses 4000 life points and gains 3000 life points. Tai smiles proudly of Kari. Where is your strength coming from!?!? Dartz demands. It is simple. My Best Friend is my strength! Lily never gave up on me before and I am returning the favor! Kari snapped. So get ready or not because here I come! Kari shouts sounding like Lily. I stare down at Lily. Wherever you go people sound like you huh. I smiled down at the unconscious girl. I am proud to be your Senpai Lily. I smiled down at her. .... Was all she said. It is still your move. Kari said. I Summon Electric Lizard in attack mode! Electric Lizard take out Etoile Cyber! Dartz orders. Electric Lizard takes out Etoile Cyber. Kari lost 6000 life points and gained 5000 life points. Now Electric Lizard attack Kari directly! Dartz orders. Electric Lizard attacks Kari directly and lost 5000 life points. I end my turn. Dartz said.

Can Kari save the world and all the souls and most important soul her best friend Lily Muto or will her soul get taken too?

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