Chapter 10 Digidestined's vs Diaboromon And win

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Lily pov Never though it come to this. Ken said. Don't say that! We never given up before! And we won't start now! I said standing with my back back to his. Lily's Right! Kari said. Now are you with me or not Ken? I asked. Always am Lily. Ken said with determined in his voice. That's the Ken I know and love! I grinned. Lady XV-Mon Stingmon DNA Digivolve too.. Paildramon! Now we can win! I grinned. Oh my god! We can't win! Yolei said scared. Yes we can Yolei! I believe we can! I believe in our digimon! I said confident. Paildramon warp Digivolve too... Imperialdramon! What are we going to do about the Kuramon? Yolei asked. Everyone get out your phones! I said. Point your phones at the Kuramon! I said. Everyone gets out their phones and points their phones at them. Cody how long do we have?! I yelled over the screaming. Not that long! Cody yells back. Don't hold back! I said. I feel hands on my shoulders. Mom Dad! I examined. Don't stop! Keep going! I yelled. Then Imperialdramon falls down. IMPERIALDRAMON! Ken and I shouted in worry. Imperialdramon get up! I yelled running over to them. LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ken shouted. I turn around. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed in fear. I close my eyes. I wait for the pain but I don't feel it. I was feeling air. I open my eyes. GOHAN!!!! I cheered. Your dad called my mom and I got a bad feeling something was up. Gohan said holding me. Gohan lands on the ground. Imperialdramon get up! Please! We need you! I pleaded. They stand up. I knew you could do it! Now take care of him for good Imperialdramon! I said confidently. Now everyone! I shouted. We got rid of the Kuramon and Dianoromon was destroyed for good. I let out a tried cheer. I sit next to Kari with V-Mon... I fall asleep with my head in Kari's lap. Izzy was seen in the high school computer room and left. A Kuramon came out of the computer and closes the door. Third pov It was still the morning and Lily was sound asleep. Yugi and Joey when to check on their daughter and finds her sleeping. V-Mon was curled up next to Lily snoring loudly. Lily was used to Jesse snoring loudly. You know we have to wake her up. Joey giggled. Let her sleep some more. She did have a big night and morning after all. Yugi suggested. She takes after you for sleep. Joey scolds Yugi. What us Muto's love to sleep. Yugi gives a Cheshire Cat smile. Joey snorts quietly not waking her daughter up. After Joey and Yugi walk downstairs. Lily yawns opening her eyes. Her phone goes off. H Hello? Her sleepy voice said. Did I wake you? Came a guilty Jaden. No no, I was up. Lily lies. Yeah right. Jaden rolls his eyes. Look out your window. Jaden said. Okay... Lily looks down her window. Jaden looks up at her waving. Lily giggles waving back. Give me a couple minutes. Lily giggles. Like I be going anywhere. Jaden winked. Lily giggles. Lily puts on some clothes and runs downstairs. Where are you going? Yugi rises his eyebrows. Jaden's here and waiting for me outside... Can I go? Please? Please? Please? Lily does the deathly puppy dog eyes on Yugi. Yugi sweats. Okay. But be back before dinner. Yugi signs. Thanks, Daddy! Your the best! I love you! Lily grins kissing his cheek running out of the door. Love you, mom! Lily yells. Love you too sweetheart! Joey calls from the kitchen. Lily runs out of the house. Let's go! Lily grins taking Jaden's hand and runs off. Hey Kari! Hey Jesse! Lily shouted. The couple turns to the grinning couple. Wanna see a movie with us? Lily grins. Sure! Kari smiles. Please, Jessey.. Kari pouts. Jessey.... Lily and Jaden laughed. Shut up! Jesse barks at the laughing couple. Let's see it.. Jaden grins. It!?!?!??!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!!?!!??!?!?!?!?!? Lily yeps in fear. Lily always had a fear of clowns. Kari rubs her shoulders. Not a good idea. Lily has a bad fear of clowns. Jesse explains. Clowns are evil.. Clowns are scary.. They want to kill you.. Lily whimpers clinging onto Kari. Jesse glares at Jaden. Now look what you did! Jesse said sarcastically. I didn't know really... Jaden said feeling bad. Maybe it is time to face the fear. Lily gulps. Are you sure? Kari looks at her. Y Yes... Lily nods. So the trio walks in the movie theater and when to get the tickets for It. They brought popcorn and soda. They movie starts. Good so far. Lily signs eating popcorn. Lily then saw a scary part. Lily winces eating popcorn so she doesn't scream. Too Yugi and Joey. Where is Lily? Yugi asked. Oh She Kari Jaden and Jesse are seeing a movie. Joey said calmly. What movie Joey? Yugi asks. Joey flinches. It. His wife mumbles. What? Yugi asked with eyebrows rises. IT! Joey said nervously. But she is scared of clowns. Yugi said. Too the trio. Lily and Kari let out a big scream clinging onto their boyfriends. Tai won't be happy about this. Tai's too baby sister's seeing a scary movie. He is going to kill Jaden and Jesse. Then the clown comes on the TV. Lily and Kari scream along with the girls in the movie theater. It's like the clown can see right threw us! Lily whimpers. At the top of the movie theater seats. Hey Matt do you hear screaming? Tai whispers. Dud Dude it's a scary movie! Matt rolls his eyes at how dumb Tai is. No no not that. I swear I heard Lily and Kari. Tai whispers. What would your sister and Lily be doing here? They hate scary movies. Matt whispers confused. I know. Tai whispers. Wait for the time next the scream starts. Tai whispers. Matt nods. Too the trio. Lily and Kari watched as It did the sex scene. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily screams. Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am never going to be the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kari screams. Lily and Kari scream long with the girls. Too Tai and Matt. I told you Matt! Tai whispers angry. Why are they here then!? Matt whispers in angry. I don't know. But we will find out! Tai whispers angry. Damn straight we will! Matt fumes. The movie finally end. With that Lily and Kari run out leaving their poor boyfriends to the rage of Tai and Matt. Tai and Matt walk down the stairs of the movie theater and see Jesse and Jaden. What were you too thinking! Tai glares. Yeah you knew Lily and Kari were scared of scary movies Jesse! Matt gives him his death glare. Matt Tai stop... It's not their fault. I wanted to try and get over my fear of clowns. Lily comes to defend her boyfriend and cousin. She is telling the truth? Tai glares. YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily snapped at Tai. Everyone looks at her. Lily never snapped at Tai before. Lily had a bored look on her face she got from Matt. They walk out of the movie theater. Never again. Lily shivers. Sorry. I didn't really think it would be bad. Jaden said. Don't say IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily yelps jumping on Matt. IT IS SCARY! HE WILL KILL YOU!! Lily shrieks. HE WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP! Kari shrieks. Oh boy. They will be like this for days. Tai signs. I did try and tell him not to see the movie... Jesse said. Jaden glares at him. Oh like you have any room to talk! I heard you screaming like a girl Jesse! Jaden scoffs. W What? My big bad cousin? Screaming of a clown? Lily asks on Matt's back as he gives her a piggy back ride. I don't believe it. Lily scoffs. IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily shrieks. Lily! Matt rubbed his ear. On the way back Lily and Kari scream for awhile then fall sleep. Lily's head falls on Matt's back as she asleep's peaceably. Kari was sleeping quiet in Tai's arms. Guess me and Kari are staying the week with Lily. Tai signs. This is why we never let them watch's movies like that. Matt whispers. Yeah Yugi had to learn the hard way.. Tai snickers. They were 8 at the time... Before we took Lily with us to the digiworld. Tai said. You and Matt where there. Jaden said. So was TK. Matt said. It was like it was yesterday. Tai snickers. It... Lily whimpers in her sleep. Tai! Matt scolds quiet. People wonder how Tai and Matt are best friends. When they got to Lily's house. Joey opens the door. Oh my poor baby... Joey signs. Who is it Joey? Yugi asked loudly. Tai Matt Jaden Jesse and Joey sweat dropped. IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily and Kari wake up screaming. YUGI YOU ARE ON THE COUCH TO NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joey snarls. Lily and Kari whimpered holding onto each other. It was so horror what in the world was I thinking! Lily wails. Never again... Kari whispers. Lily and Kari slowly walk in the house with the boys following them. Oh daddy look what you did to yourself. Lily giggles weakly. I'm not hungry... Lily said. Okay dear.. Joey said. Lily and Kari go upstairs to her room. They walk in her room. Lily! Kari giggles. Lily had pictures of Jaden all over her walls. Wow you fangirl you. Kari teases. Lily rises her eyebrows. Oh like you have room to talk Kai. Lily smirks full well Kari has pictures of her cousin on her wall. We're their fangirls. Lily giggles. Jaden and Jesse comes in the room. What the hell? Jesse said. I think it's cute. Jaden chuckles. Fangirl.. Jesse mumbles. I'm not the only one and I'm proud of it. Lily winks. Wait... IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily shrieks. Jaden rocks her back and forth. It's okay baby. Jaden said comforting. You too aren't seeing the part too of It. Jesse said. THERE IS A PART TOO!!!!! Lily squeals scared. Nice going dumbass! Jaden hisses. How is it you can fight scary Digimon but when it is a scary movie you can't handle it? Jesse asked. IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JADEN MAKE HIM STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily wails. DUDE!!!!!!!!!! Jaden snapped. What!? I was just asking!? Jesse rolls his eyes. Lily buried her head in Jaden's chest sniveling. MAKE HIM STOP BLUEJAY!!!! Lily sobs. DUDE!!!! Jaden snapped. Know what.... MATT TAI!!!!!!!!!! Jaden howls. Yes? They asked together. Kill my best friend. He made Lily cry twice. Jaden said trying to stay clam. Tai grabs him by the shirt. Let's have a nice talk Jesse. Tai smiles. Yeah lets talk. Matt cracks his knuckles. They drag a screaming Jesse off. Meanie head cousin.... Made me cry.. I hope Tai and Matt hurts him. Lily pouts. Kari was sleeping. Lily falls asleep tried in Jaden's arms. Jaden lays her next to Kari in Lily's bed. He called his grandpa saying he was staying over at Lily's for the night. His grandpa said not to do anything to the innocence girl. Jaden blushes. Grandpa I won't make her do anything she won't want to do! Jaden blushes. His grandpa said he was teasing him and says goodnight. Sometime in the middle of the night. Lily and Kari woke up screaming. They pant and go downstairs. Hey kids. Yugi said. Did we wake you dad? Lily asks feeling guilty. Nah. I was already up. Yugi said. Lily signs sitting next to Yugi. Kari sits next to a sleeping Tai. Lily curls up to Yugi. Lily yawns laying her head on Yugi's chest and falling asleep. Just like when she was a little girl. Yugi smiles fondly. Lily flinches as a nightmare comes on. Yugi rubs her back. Lily then sleeps clam. Yugi always babied Lily since she was a kid.

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