Chapter 47 Summer and goodbye to our Digimon.

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Lily pov I can't believe the second year is over with already. Jaden said with his arm around my shoulder. Hey Jaden. I said. Yeah? He looked down at me. Have you seen V-mon lately? Because I can't find her anywhere. I said. Funny you say that. I can't find Renamon either. Jaden said. Hey Lily! Kari and Jesse said. Yeah? I asked. Have you seen Terriermon anywhere? Jesse asked. I can't find him. Jesse said. The same with Gatomon. Kari said. This is so not good. I said. The last day of Duel Academy. This is so sad. The last day of Duel Academy. Kari said. Let's make the day the best of it! I grinned. We all did fun things and had a lot a fun today. We then got on the boat and when back home. V-Mon there you are! I smiled. V V? What's wrong? I asked worriedly. We're going back to the Digiworld Lily. V-mon looks up at me in tears. I looked at my friends. No. I won't allow it! I hugged her tightly. They need us, Lily. I need you V. I don't want you to go. I cried hugging her. V-Mon. I said in tears as I watched her turn back to DemiVeemon. DemiVeemon. I cried. We'll be together again won't we Lily? DemiVeemon asked. You bet we will pal. I said with tears falling down my face. Kari pov Gatomon. Please don't leave me. I pleaded. Please stay Gatomon. I pleaded. I wish I could Kari. But the DigiWorld needs us. Gatomon said. But I want you to stay. I cried. I watched as Gatomon turns to Salamon. We will meet again right Kari? Salamon asked. Of course. I smiled with tears in my eyes. Jesse pov Please Terriermon don't leave. Just stay here. We can do what we always do. Eat food and laugh at Lily. Just don't leave. I pleaded. I wish it was that easy. But I can't. We can't stay. Momental Jesse. Terriermon said to me. Momental buddy. I said with tears in my eyes. Jaden pov You have to leave. I said to Renamon. Yes. That's why I didn't tell you. I will miss you Jaden. I am proud to be your partner. Renamon told me. Renamon turns into Viximon. We will be together someday soon Right Jaden? Viximon asked. Yeah, girl. We will be together again someday soon. I said with tears. You stay warm DemiVeemon! Lily said waving at her with tears smiling. Remember Lily your promise! You promised! DemiVeemon said. We all watched as they when back to the Digi world. Lily pov three weeks later. I was walking with Jaden. I miss DemiVeemon but we will see them soon. I said laying down on the grass. Jaden lays next to me. What a nice day. Jaden said with his eyes closed. I look at his face and giggle. Jaden opened his eyes. What? Jaden asked. Nothing. I giggled. Really? Because you are laughing and it's something. Jaden smirked. Oh no. I know that smirk! I thought. Not if you catch me first! I giggled and ran off. No, you don't! Jaden examined and followed after me running. I ran all the way to Kari's house. I ran inside and closed the door giggling. Tai-Senpai and Matt-Senpai turned around. H. OPEN THAT DOOR! Jaden yelled outside. I giggled. Never! In a million years! I giggled. I opened the door. Really. Jaden groans. I giggled. I saw Kari at the Piano. Since the last time, you sang Just wanna be with you. I added more to it. Kari said to me. We then went to the theater auditorium. I looked over the lyrics with Jaden. I look up at him with a smile. And He smiles back. All of our family found us.

Jaden: You know how life

can be, it changes overnight

Lily&Jaden: It's sunny then raining

But it's all right

Lily: A friend like you

Jaden&Lily: Always makes it easy

Jaden: I know that you get me

Jaden&Lily: Every time

Through every up, through ever down

You know I'll always be around

Through anything you can count on me

All I wanna do

Is be with you

Be with you

There's nothing we can't do

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