Chapter 40 The Seal of Orichalcos The duel part 4 and the win

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Lily's pov I was watching Kari finish up dueling Dartz and.. Now Toon Dark Magician Girl Finish off the rest of Dartz life points! Kari shouts. I squealed. Kari did it! Kari won! I knew she could do it! I squealed. I then fainted again. The time I open my eyes it was sunny. Uh. Dammit, light. I grunted. I heard a chuckle. I look up. Matt-SenPai! I squealed. Kari did it! She won! I squealed. I should have known you would have helped Kari. Matt-Senpai said with pride. I hugged him. I had faith in her the whole time. I told Tai Kari can hold on her own. I smiled. We were so worried about you Lily. Matt-Senpai said stern. You are not leaving my sight again. Matt-Senpai said stern. Aw But Matt-Senpai! I whined. Don't argue with me, Lily. Matt-SenPai gives me a look. Humph! I pouted. Kari and Tai turned around. LILY! Kari cried with tears in her eyes running at me. I gasped in surprise as she hugs me tightly. Please never do something like that again. I couldn't take it. Kari cries in my hair. I will try but I can't promise anything, Kari. I said rubbing her back. I love you sister. Kari whispers. I love you back to the moon. I whisper. Now. Okay okay okay! Stop hogging her! Tai-Senpai whines. I giggled and hugged Tai-Senpai tightly. I should have known you would do something like that to help Kari. Tai-Senpai smiles down at me proudly. I blushed at all of the praise. Is.. Baby... Lily baby.. Jaden chocked. I unwrap my arms from Tai-Senpai and wrap my arms around Jaden's neck. I'm back baby. You can't get rid of me that easy. I grinned. Lily! Jaden cried and sobbed in my neck. There there there bluejay. I am back now. I rub his back. Jaden looks at me. Just so you know. I'm not letting you go anytime soon. Jaden said with a wink. I wouldn't have any other way. I smiled and kissed him deeply. We break apart. God, I missed that. Jaden huffed. I giggled and kissed his cheek. Lily. Cuz. Jesse said. Jaden walks over to Jesse but doesn't let go of me. Jay come on! Let me hug my cuz! Jesse whined. NO! Jaden growls at Jesse. Jaden. I scolded. You can have your makeout session when we get back home. I giggled. Jaden gasps. I giggled and hugged Jesse. God, I missed you. Just seeing your body like that in Matt's arms. Jesse shivers. Was it that bad? I asked. It was something you better not put me through again. Jesse glares at me. I swear I won't. I smiled. I love you, Jessey. I smiled at him. I love you too Li. Jesse said putting his chin on my head. Younger mom and dad saw me talking with Jesse. Oh, thank god! Younger dad signs. I hugged him tightly. I'm sorry I put you through that dad. I just didn't want you to go through that again. I said with a sad look. I understand just don't ever do that again. Dad says weakly. I promise I won't. I smiled. You are so like your father. Younger mom giggles. I saw the white light again. I get up from younger dad's arms. You have to go huh. Uncle Atem said. Yeah. See you soon. I smiled and we walk through the white light. God, I am so tired. I yawned. That is understandable. Matt-Senpai says. I yawned and curl in Jaden's side tired. Carry me? I yawned. Okay. Jaden chuckles picking me up and I fall asleep in his arms. Jaden's pov Aw. Kari cooed over a sleeping Lily. This time she is sleeping. Tai smiles. Hey guys! Jesse said. Yugi and Joey pushed Jesse out of the way. How rude! Jesse gasped. What happened? Yugi said going overprotective. You tell them, Tai, when I take Lily to bed. I called with Jesse and Kari following me. Lily opens her eyes. Huh. What the hell happened? Lily cruses tired. Her mouth never changes. I smiled. Lily yawns and curls into my chest. Four hours later. Lily opened her eyes. Hello. I chuckled. Mm. She snuggled in my chest. Still tired? I asked. Yes! She muffled in my chest. I laugh quietly. She falls back to sleep. I chuckle quietly. Her parents and Aunt's and Uncles walked  over. Tai just told us. Yusei whispers as Yugi takes Lily from me. Her head falls on his chest and she snorts quietly. Lily's pov I opened my eyes. Mom? Dad? I yawned. That was a stupid move. Mom said. Hey! Dad and I both said at the same time. I look at dad and he looked back. You are so your father's daughter. Mom rolls her eyes. I grinned. Of course, I am! I grinned. I want you to sleep for a while more. Mum says. Yes, Ma'am! I chirped. I walk back to my room were Kari and Blair were. Lily-Senpai-Chan! Blair hugs me. I tried to stop her. Kari told me. It's fine. I told Kari and picked up Blair and all three of us fall asleep on my bed. The next week I was all better. Ready to go home, Blair? Mun asked. But can't I stay with Lily-Senpai-Chan. Blair pouts holding my hand. When you turn 15 you will come back to the Duel Academy. Mom said. The boat to take mom and Blair home was here. When I finish middle school I'll make you proud of me Lily-Senpai-Chan! Blair said to me with passion. Until then B-Chan! I waved at her. I think you are going to make a great Senpai Lily. Alexis smiles fondly at me. Thanks. I smiled back at her. Later that night. Lily come here! Dad called. I walked with my friends. Uncle Pegasus! I smiled. Hello Lily girl. Uncle Pegasus smiles. I found these cards and I thought they would work well with you. Uncle Pegasus said. The ten Legendary Warriors. Uncle Pegasus said. I look at the cards and feel the power coming from them. Hello. I am Agunimon Warrior of flame. Agunimon grins at me. I can see Tai in Agunimon. I think. Please ignore the idiot Lady Lily. I am Lobomon the Warrior of Light. Lobomon told me. Hi, ya sug! I am Ranamon! I am the Warrior of water! She winks at me. I can see Yolei in her. I think. I am Beetlemon the Warrior of Thunder. Beetlemon told me. Izzy and Joe. I think of my friends. I am Kazemon the Warrior of Wind! She smiles at me. Kari and Mimi and Sora. I think. I am Loweemon. The Warrior of Darkness. Loweemon told me. Did he say darkness? Kari asked sacred. Kari Darkness can be used for good as Light can be used for evil. I reminded her. I see Ken in Loweemon. I think. Hello, Lady Lily, I am Arbormon the Warrior of Wood. Arbormon told me. Wills. I think. Hi! I am Kumamon the Warrior of ice! Kumamon looks at me cutely. Oh my god! He is Cody! I think with stars in my eyes. Kari and I squealed loudly as I picked up Kumamon and hugged him tightly. Aren't you such the cutest thing ever! I squealed. Kumamon blushes. He is such a cutie Lily! Kari squeals. Kumamon blushes as the Warriors laughed. CUTENESS! Kari and I cried in unison. My daughter and her best friend. Dad mumbles to Uncle Atem chuckling. I'm Duskmon the brother of Lobomon and Loweemon. I am the Warrior of darkness as well. Duskmom tells me. I am Mercurymon Lady Lily. I am the Warrior of Steel. Mercurymon told me. I am Grumblemon human girl. Grumblemon tells me. I put the cards in my deck. My two spirts that been with me since I was a kid appeared next to me. So you will protect Lily then. Magician's Valkyria says hoving around me. Valkyria I don't think they would let anything happen to Lily. Dark Magician Girl says on my other side. Yea Dark Magician Girl is right Valkyria. I told her. Don't take this the wrong way but Valkyria has always been protective of Lily since she was a kid. Dark Magician Girl told them. It's fine Lobomon said. Thanks, Unlce Pegasus! I smiled at him. Anytime Lily girl. I better go. Uncle Pegasus says and dad walks out with him. Uncle Atem. I looked at him. Yes, dear? Uncle Atem asked me. I hate it when Uncle Pegasus calls me Lily girl. It makes me feel weird. I shiver. So did your dad and I. Uncle Atem shivers. Tomorrow I am going to duel. I can feel it. I said still holding Kumamon. You feel it? Uncle Yusei asked. Uh huh. I nodded my head. Aw, how cute he fell asleep. I cooed. Kari cooed how cute Kumamon is. You mean Uncle Pegasus called dad Yugi boy. I laughed. Yes, he did. Uncle Atem with his badass smirk. ATEM! Dad shouts. Yugi boy. I teased dad. Lily girl. Dad smirks back. I glared deathly. You two should go to bed. You have class tomorrow. Dad says to me and Kari. We walk in our dorm. Night boys. I kissed Jaden on the cheek. Night baby. Jaden winks. We get dressed for bed and go to bed.

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