Chapter 19 The past and Future

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Lily pov It's been a couple of weeks and I am getting use to Obelisk blue. Jaden and Jesse became best friends with Syrus Truedale. He is such a sweetheart. I walk with Kari over to the three boys. hey there boys. What's up? I asked as Kari sits on Jesse's lap. Jesse warps his arms around her. Noting much. Jaden winked at me. I roll my eyes and sit on his lap. W What is that? I pointed at the blue light. Looks like I am needed again. Jaden signs. If you think for one minute I am letting you go without me. You are sadly mistaken. I growled at him. What!? No way in hell! Jaden growls back. I grab him by the throat. I know i am your weakness. I am coming with you. no buts or ifs about it Yuki. I hissed. Alright. Find. But if you get hurt be warned Yugi will kill me. Jaden groans. Wait! Kari squeals. We turn around. Kari puts something around my neck. My lucky charm. It will keep you save. Kari said. Okay. Lets go. Jaden said. I hold onto his hand as we go threw time. Jaden you don't think this is like the Paradox do you? I asked. I hope not baby I hope not. Jaden signed. Jaden you didn't tell me everything that happened. Tell me? I was out of my mind worried about you. Please. I begged. Alright baby. But you aren't gonna like it. Jaden signs. I don't like it already. I mumble under my breath. Jaden grinned hearing that. Me Your dad and Uncle Atem and Uncle Yusei almost died. Jaden waits for me to say something. I froze. W W What? I almost lost you. I stammered. This is why I didn't want to tell you baby. I knew you would act like this. Jaden signs. We're here. Stay close to me. Jaden said. I warp my arms around his neck tightly. Bluejay.. I whisper. Yeah? Jaden asked. I'm scared. I whimpered. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise baby. Jaden said. Jaden! Uncle Yusei called with dad and Uncle Atem. But younger. Whoa. I whispered. Now I see where I get my looks from. I blinked. Jaden who is she? Younger dad asked. Yugi remember when I told you. you had a daughter. Jaden said. Yeah. Younger dad said. This is Lily. Your daughter. Jaden said. Mm. Now I see where I get it from. Alright. You are more short in the past dad. I giggled. h-Hey! Now that is not nice Lily Muto! Younger dad barks. I giggled. Jaden if it is Paradox then why isn't he......... I paused. DAMMIT!!!! THAT BASTARD TRICKED US BLUEJAY! I snapped. Bluejay. You didn't say you were dating Lily Jaden! Younger dad snapped. That is a story for another time! Jaden snapped back. What do you mean baby? Jaden asked me. Baby. How dare he.. Younger dad mumbles to Uncle Atem in ghost form. Dad! I snapped. Shut up! I snapped at him. Don't use that tone with me young lady! Younger dad snapped. It means we are screwed of course. I say sarcastically. Lily! Younger dad growls. Wait... He is coming.. I have a plan.. But... I turn to Jaden. Bluejay how would you feel if I did something stupid. NO!!!!!!!! Jaden growls. What choice do we have Jaden Yuki.. I glare at him. Find.. What should we do? Jaden asked me. Mix your cards up. So he won't know your cards and you can throw him off. I said. Brilliant! Younger dad smiled. Thanks.. I said with a blush. Here he comes now. So get get to work! I told them as they start to mixing up their cards. Your duel is with me right now. It's time to duel! I said. Younger dad changes to uncle Atem. Lets duel! Both of us said. Ladies first. Paradox said. How kind! I said. Younger Uncle Yusei pov How kind! My niece drawls. I Summon Summoned Skull in attack mode! Then I summon Harpie Lady in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn! Lily said confided. Well being Yugi's daughter is something. I though. My draw then! Paradox said. Lily had a bored look on her face. I Summon Rainbow Dragon in attack mode! All of us hissed. We know that card can do damage. Rainbow Dragon attack Summoned Skull! Paradox orders. You are in for hell now! Lily laughs. I play my face down card. Rose Whip! Harpie Lady Rose Whip Rainbow Dragon to the graveyard! Lily smirks. Harpie Lady attacks Rainbow Dragon and destroyed him. How!? Paradox examined. I am the daughter of Yugi Muto dud! Lily spat at him. Paradox lost 300 life points and gains 200 life points. That niece of ours. Atem smirked. You are right. That niece of ours. I smirked. It is still my draw! I Summon Red-Eyes B. Dragon in defense mode! I end my turn. Paradox said. My draw! I Send Harpie Lady and Summoned Skull to the graveyard to summon. Dark Magician and Dark Magician girl in attack mode! I place two face downs and end my turn. Lily said confided. My draw! Paradox said. Bring it on then! Lily glares. Yugi comes next to Atem in ghost from. Wow. Yugi said. Atem looks at him. Yeah whoa. That is your future daughter. Atem teases Yugi. I Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon in attack mode! Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack Dark Magician! Paradox orders. You fell for my trap! Lily laughs. I first play my face down.. Mirror Force! I can control your monster.. I pick Your Red-Eyes B. Dragon! That's not all! I then play my other face down card. Gravity Bind! Lily shouts. So say goodbye to your Red-Eyes B. Dragon! Dark Magician Girl take out Red-Eyes B. Dragon! Lily orders. Dark Magician Girl takes out Red-Eyes B. Dragon. Paradox loses 200 life points and gained 100 life points.. I end my turn. Paradox said in angry. He is mad he is losing to a girl. I laughed. Not just any girl Yusei. Our Niece. Atem winked. Lily had a playful smirk. Too our niece. This is so perfect. He is going to fall for it. Lily chuckles. Jaden watched Lily and smirks. What? I asked. Lily is going to prank him. Just wait and see. Jaden grins at what his girlfriend has planned. Are you ready for this? This is a powerful monster. Lily says trying not to laugh. Then show me little girl.. Paradox said annoyed. WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU SON OF A.... LILY!!!!!!! Atem yelled. Your lucky my uncle saved you dick. Lily sneers. LILY! I shouted. My draw now! Lily smirks. I Summon Kuriboth in defense mode! W WHAT!? Paradox falls to the ground amine style. Jaden was laughing so hard I though he would cry. Next I summon Red Archery Girl in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. Lily said confided. Too Lily. My four turn I need to make a sacrifice. Lily think. Or something in this duel I need to sacrifice myself for my dad Uncle Atem Uncle Yusei and Jaden. They are the only ones that can beat him. My draw! I Summon Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon in attack mode. Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon attack Kuriboth and Red Archery Girl! Paradox orders. I play my face down Waboku! Lily called. I take no battle damage from your monsters this turn. And my monsters can't be destroyed by battle this turn! Lily explains smirking. Smart baby! Jaden called. We are almost done baby! Jaden called. When it is my next turn I will sacrifice myself. Lily thinks. My turn then! Paradox said. Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon take out Kuriboth Paradox orders. Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon takes out Kuriboth and Lily loses 300 life points and gained 200 life points. I end my turn. Now or ever. Lily thinks. Red Archery Girl attack me Directly! Lily orders. WHAT!? Lily what are you doing!??!?!?! Jaden cried. Lily turns over to us. My sacrifice is needed. You three next to beat him together. Red Archery Girl look horrified at the thought. Red Archery Girl waits a few minutes. I can't blame her. Having to attack your own master is a horror thing to be put in the middle. Red Archery Girl nods at Lily and goes to attack her. Lily files back land landing against a tree. Jaden rushes up to her. Why did you do that? Jaden asked with tears in his eyes. Bluejay you know my sacrifice was needed. I know you three can beat him. I believe in you three. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain Jaden. Beat him. I know you can. You are the most amazing person ever. I love you for always putting others before yourself. You and I are alike. Save the world again. Go be my hero. That I know you can be. Lily closes her eyes tried. Always know I love you Bluejay. Lily said falling asleep. Then a light came. Lily Jaden! Kari said. Lily was sound asleep against the tree. What happened to her? Kari asked as Jesse picks her up. Lily's head rolls on Jesse's chest sleeping. Who are you? I asked the boy. Who looks like Luna and me. Your son in the future.. Jesse smirks. Lily opens her eyes. Lily! What did you do!? Kari asked. Sacrifice. Was needed Kari.. Lily yawned. You dueled Paradox? Jesse asked her. Yeah... Lily nods. Now it's up to you three. Don't let me down now Jaden or I won't kiss you for a whole month. Lily weakly threatens. Jaden gulps knowing Lily is serious. Lily rests against Jesse. I believe in them. Lily talks to my son. So do I. Jesse warps an arm around her waist. Lily curls up to her cousin tried. Can I have a kiss before I.. Jaden looks at Lily with puppy dog eyes. Lily rolls her eyes and grabs Jaden's face kissing him rough. Jaden grinned against her lips. Yugi's ghost form. Yugi was glaring at Jaden. Yugi knock it off. Atem chuckles. He is your daughter's boyfriend in the future. Atem smirks. But why.. She is only a baby. Yugi whimpers. Excuse me. I am 16 daddy. I've been dating Jaden since I was 15. Lily says. Good luck BlueJay. Lily whispers against his lips. Thanks baby. Jaden whispers back. Anything for my Jaden! Lily giggles hugging him tightly. Go get him now! Lily whispers in his ear. Jaden just threw her his normal wink. All three of us stand in front of him. It's time to duel! Atem said. Get your game on! Jaden said. Let's rev it up! I said.

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