Chapter Part 13 Father vs daughter Part 1

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Lily pov Are you ready for today babe? Jaden asked ever so sweet. Of course! I am dueling my dad! How amazing is that! I grinned. Jaden chuckles warping his arm around my shoulder. Now now boy... A voice said. Oh Tai you leave him alone! Came Sora's voice. I turn around. Oh my god! What are you guys doing here!? I squealed happily. Your mom and dad. Yoiel said. I grinned. All of you guys are here.. With you guys here I know I can win! I said confident. That a girl Lily! Tai grinned. Good luck Lily! Kari calls. We'll be here for you Lily! TK shouted. Till the end Lily! Mimi calls. All of my friends are here cheering for me! I won't let them down! I though. I look in my father's eyes confident. I won't lose to you dad! I won't let my friends down! I said confident. It's time to duel! We both said. Lets duel! Both of us said. You can start first Lily. Dad said. Okay. My draw! I called. I Summon Dark Witch in attack mode! That's not all! I summon Harpie Lady in defense mode! I place one face down and end my turn. Your move dad. That's if you can keep up with me. I say cheeky. Oh you are your mother's daughter all right. Dad chuckles. Alright it's my draw. Dad said. Bring it! I said confident. I will. Dad smirks. I Summon Dark Magician in attack mode! I end my turn. Dad said. You can do this Lily! Kari calls. Yeah baby! Jaden cries. I face palm at him. My boyfriend for you. I grunted. That boyfriend of yours. Dad shakes with laughter. My turn! I called. I play my face down. Rose whip! Harpie Lady whip Dark Magician to the graveyard! I ordered. Not bad Lily you took out one of my strongest monsters and took out some of my life points as well. Dad said. That's not all I have up my sleeve dad. I winked. That's my baby! Mom cheers. Mom! Stop it! You are embarrassing me! I whined. My draw! I send Dark Witch to the graveyard to summon. Mammoth Graveyard in attack mode! I send Harpie Lady to the graveyard too Summon. Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle in defense mode! I said. Ruby files over to me purring and rubbing my cheek. RUBY! We can play later! Right now we are in middle of a duel. I said blushing. Ruby nods filing on her side of the filed. I place one face down and end my turn. I said. I summon Dark Magician of Chaos in attack mode! I then summon Kuriboth in defense mode! I end my turn. Dad said. My turn! I first play my face down The Eye of Truth! I smirked. WHAT!? Dad shouted. That's it Lily! Keep it up! Kari calls with her hands around her mouth. You got this buddy! Tk cries. Well dad... I smirked. Dad curses under his breath. Bad dad you cursed in front of your class. I scolded him. I send Mammoth Graveyard to the graveyard to summon.. Dark Magician Girl in attack mode! I said. Hello Lady Lily. You look lovely today. Dark Magician Girl winks at me. Alright Dark Magician Girl save your flirting for later. I giggled. Yes Ma'am! Dark Magician Girl giggles. Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle attack Kuriboth! I ordered. Ruby attacks Kuriboth and dad loses 5000 life points and gains 4000 life points. Well done Lily. Your dueling as gotta better. Dad smiles. Aw thanks daddy! I blushed. That's my girl! Tai cheered. I blushed. You mean our girl.. Jaden said. I face palm. Why... I moan. Dad chuckles. Still my turn. I think. I look at my hand. Not the card I want but it will have to do for my next turn. I grimed. Lily remember what I told you. Trust in the heart of the cards. Dad reminds me. He's right. I need to trust my cards and I do! I grinned. Dark Magician Girl take out Dark Magician of Chaos! I ordered. Okay Lady Lily! Dark Magician Girl says and attacks Dark Magician of Chaos. Dad loses 4000 life points and gains 3000 life points. I end my turn. I said. Man Lily as been getting better. I am sure proud of her. But she is making me sweat. Yugi sweat drops staring at me. What's wrong daddy? I asked. Noting Lily. Yugi smiles at me. Okay daddy! I chipped. Alright dear I draw! Dad said. Bring it on daddy! I said confident. I Summon Beaver Warrior in attack mode! I end my turn. Dad said. My draw! I send Crystal beast Ruby Carbuncle to the graveyard too summon. Armored Lizard in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. I smiled. I hope you take my bait dad. I giggle quiet. That's my girl! You got this! Tai howled. Tai! Matt whacks him over the head. And people say how Matt-Sen-Pai can be best friends with Tai-Sen-Pai. I giggled. My turn! dad said. Beaver Warrior attack Armored Lizard! Dad orders. Beaver Warrior attacks Armored Lizard. Heh. I smiled. I lose 5000 life points and gain 4000 life points. Why is Lily smiling her monster was destroyed. Izzy said confused. She planed that. She had that planned form the beginning. Kari smiles. Your right Kari! I called. I end my turn. Dad said. My draw! I said looking at my cards. I smiled seeing the cards I have in my hand. I start laughing. You are in for it now dad! I grinned. I summon Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode! That's not all! I summon Curse of Dragon in defense mode! Then I play my face down.. Gaia The Dragon Champion! I fusion Gaia The Fierce Knight and Cruse of Dragon together! I shouted. WHAT!? Dad examined. THAT'S MY BABY! Mom howls. WHOO-WHOO! GO Lily! Kari cheers. Now My Champion take out that Warrior! I ordered. Gaia The Dragon Champion takes out Beaver Warrior and dad loses 3000 life points and gains 2000 life points. Well played Lily you took out one of my monsters.. Dad praises me. Aw gosh dad stop it. You'll make me blush. I giggled. That's not all I have up my sleeve dad so you better be ready! I said confident. I look forward to that. But Remember I have some tricks of my own. Dad said smirking. Bring it! I shouted. I end my turn. I said confident. My draw! dad said. I Summon Summoned Skull in attack mode! Dad said. That's the best you got! I taunted. She gets that from you. Matt said to Tai. No... I'm just warming up. Dad smirks. You hold back on me dad and I will kill you! Mom said I could! I threatened. Again from you. Matt said to Tai. I Summon Mystical Elf in attack mode! Dad said. She comes on the filed. Hello Lady Lily. She bows. Mystical Elf. I smiled. I end my turn. Dad said. I look at my hand and giggled. I am going to play a prank on daddy. Now daddy can you handle this monster. It is very strong. I giggled. She plans to prank Yugi. Jaden said. How do you know? Tai asked him. Because. Lily played the same prank on him! Kari giggles. I can't wait for this. Matt smirks. Alright dear! Dad smirks. My draw! I giggle. Prank time. I giggled. I Summon...... I made dad nervous.. Watapon in attack mode! I giggled. WHAT!? WHAT WAS THAT!?!? Dad shouts. Nice one Lily! TK said shaking with laughter. Like my prank daddy. I winked at him. You are so like your mother. Dad groans. Nice one Lily! That was amazing! Yolei shouts. I giggled as my friends keep praising me. You got pranked dad! I winked. I send Dark Magician Girl to the graveyard too.. I look at Dark Magician Girl. It's alright Lady Lily. She said. I Summon Baby Dragon in defense mode! I end my turn. I said.

Well Lily win again Yugi or Well Yugi bet his daughter? Read to find out

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