Chapter 34 Blair's bad past A lovers duel and win

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Lily pov My draw! Jaden said. I Summon Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode! Then I summon Dark Blade in defense mode! I end my turn. Jaden said. My turn! First I start off by activating my Magic card. Silver Bow and Arrow! It increases fairy-type monsters! So say goodbye to Dark Blade! I grinned. Injection Fairy Lily attack Dark Blade! I Ordered. Jaden lost 1900 life points and gains 1800 life points. I send Toon World to the graveyard to summon. Curse of Dragon attack mode! I then Summon Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode! Then I fusion them together. Gaia the Dragon Champion! I called. Oh no. Jaden whimpered. Oh yes! Tai grins. That's my baby! You go, hun! Mom grins. I facepalmed. I place one face down and end my turn. I said. I skip my turn. Jaden said. Are you sure bae? I asked. Yeah. Jaden said. Alright then! I then start off by activating my spell card. Card of Sanctity! I said. I send all of my cards in my hand to the graveyard min. 1 from each one and I draw to new ones. I said and draw new cards. I start by summoning Harpie Lady Sisters in attack mode! Then I summon Harpie's pet Dragon in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. I said. My draw! I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in attack mode! Then I summon Poison Mummy in attack mode! I grimed my teeth. I remember him. Elemental Hero Clayman attack Harpie's pet Dragon! Jaden orders. I activate my Magic card. Rose whip! Harpie Lady Sisters Rose whip Clayman to the graveyard! I ordered. Not this time Lily! Jaden winks at me. What!? I shrieked. Now Elemental Hero Clayman attack Harpie Lady Sisters! Poison Mummy attack Lily directly! Jaden orders. Elemental Hero Clayman attacks my Hapie Lady Sisters. Poison Mummy attacks me directly. I lose 1800 live and gain 1700 life points. Poison Mummy attack Harpie's pet Dragon! Jaden orders. Poison Mummy attacked Harpie's Pet Dragon. I lost 1700 live points and gain 1600 life points. I end my turn. Jaden said. My draw babe! I called. I draw some cards. I smirked as I saw more Toon cards and Toon kingdom. First I summon. Dark Magician Girl in attack mode! Then I summon Dark Magician in attack mode! Then I place one face down and end my turn. I smirked. I hope you take my bait Jaden. I smirked. Lily is smirking. Lily has a plan! Kari grins. My draw! I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman in attack mode! That's not all I then summon Elemental Hero Bladedge in defense mode! I end my turn. Jaden says too cocky. Bad move to act cocky Jaden! I smirked. Yayay Go Lily-Senpai-Chan! Blair cheers. Tai and Matt chuckled at her. Our Kohai is going to be a find Senpai-Chan ain't she Tai. Matt says watching me fondly. How about this for size! I activate my Spell card. Swords of Revealing Light! You can't play for 3 turns! I smirked. Dammit! Jaden curses. Jaden Yuki! There is a child in here! I scolded my boyfriend of three months. My bad. Jaden says smirking. Now Dark Magician take out Elemental Hero Bunnleman and Dark Magician Girl attack Jaden directly! I ordered. Dark Magician took out Elemental Hero Bubbleman and Dark Magician Girl attacks Jaden. Jaden loses 1800 life points and gains 1700 life points. Jaden grunts in pain. Sorry! I called. Don't worry. Jaden winked. I look at my hand and smirked. My turn still. I smirked. I first send Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl to the graveyard to Summon. Yubel in attack mode! Yubel comes on my side of the field. Y You have a Yubel! Jaden shouts. Surprised. I smirked. That's not all! I then Summon Elemental Hero Burstinatrix defense mode! Yubel take out Elemental Hero Bladedge! I ordered. Yubel took out Elemental Hero Bladedge. Jaden lost 1700 life points and gains 1600 life points. They Match! Kari shrieks. I look at my hand. Yubel attack Jaden directly! I ordered. Yubel attacks Jaden. Jaden lost 1600 life points and gains 1500 life points. That girl is on fire! Jesse sang. I place too face downs and end my turn. I said confidently. My draw. Jaden said sweating. I smirked. Like father like daughter. Mum whispers to dad. Third person pov Like father like daughter. Joey whispers to Yugi. Yugi smiles and crosses his arms just watching the duel. Lily takes Dueling seriously. That's how she was raised to be. Come on Jaden. Are you scared. The younger Muto taunts her boyfriend. Jaden glares at her. My draw! I Summon Elemental Hero Necroshade in attack mode! Then I summon Sonic Duck in defense mode! I end my turn. Jaden said. Lily crosses her arms and smirks like her Uncle Atem. Oh, Jaden. Lily says in a sing-along voice. Jesse and every male that knows how scary Lily can be winces and signs for Jaden. Take this! I Activate my first spell card. Brain Control! Jaden growls. I control your little Ducky! The young Muto winks. Jaden growls loudly. Lily is the most strongest duelist in the Muto Wheeler and Fudo family. What I am going to do is stupid. Lily thinks. Then I activate my other face down. Graceful Charity! Lily draws three cards then discards too. Now is show time. Lily thinks. What is she planning? Tai and Matt think. I see Lily girl. I see Lily girl. Pegasus smiles fondly at the girl who loves his toon cards. She is using the same move Yugi boy did. Lily Girl is truly Yugi boy's daughter. Pegasus smiles. Sonic Duck attack me Directly! Lily orders. Everyone but Yugi Atem Yusei and Pegasus's jaw drops. What in the world are you doing Lily!? Tai shouts scolding her. Sonic Duck attacks Lily. Lily loses 1600 life points and gains 1500 life points. If she is doing what I think she is. Yugi trails off. What? Atem whispers. She is gonna let Jaden win the duel! Yugi whispers to Atem. Atem's eyes widened in shock. What? Yusei whispers. Lily is gonna let Jaden win the duel! Yugi whispers to Yusei. I Summon Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress 1 in attack mode! I then Summon Feral Imp in defense mode! I end my turn. Lily said. My draw! Jaden said. I Summon Cybernetic Cyclopean in attack mode! Then I summon Chiron the Mage in attack mode! Cybernetic Cyclopean attack Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress 1! Then Chiron the Mage attack Feral Imp! Then attack Lily directly Chiron the Mage! Jaden orders. Yugi saw the smirk on his daughter's face. her plan is working perfectly. Jaden will get is win against me. Lily thinks giggling quietly. Cybernetic Cyclopean attacked Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress 1 and Chiron the Mage attacks Feral Imp then Chiron the Mage attacks Lily. Lily loses 1500 life points and gains 1300 life points. Should I finish her off? Jaden thinks. Yeah, I am gonna do that. Jaden thinks smirking. Chiron the Mage finish off her life points! Jaden orders. Chiron the Mage finished off Lily's life points. Kari gasps in shock. This is the first time she saw Lily lose a duel. Tai looks at Kari. Oh man. She is upset that Lily lost. Tai signed. Tai saw a smirk on Lily's face. Tai raises his eyebrows smiling. That girl. She let Jaden win. Tai chuckles fondly at his sweet Kohai. Matt looks at Tai confused. Tai this is the first time we saw Lily lose. Matt says confused as for why Tai is smiling. Lily let Jaden win. Tai whispers loud an enough so Matt heard him. Matt looks at Lily and back at Tai. Our Kohai. Matt chuckles. Kari had tears in her eyes. I can't believe Lily lost. Kari snivels. Hey Kari. Tai whispers. Kari snivels and looks up at her brother. Lily let Jaden win. Tai whispers smirking. Kari gasps then giggles. That is something Lily would do. Kari smiles. Too Jaden and Lily. That's Game! Jaden winked at her. Lily holds in a laugh. For now, she will let him have his fun. How he beat her then Tomorrow She will tell him the truth. Lily giggles. I am so proud of you jay. Lily fake squeals. Jaden smiles. Lily and Jaden walk over to their friends and Lily's family. Lily caught Yugi's eye and winked slyly. Yugi only shakes with laughter at her. Lily walks up to Yugi warping her arms around his neck. Lily looks up at her dad with a smirk. Well? She asked smirking. You have done well young grasshopper. Yugi jokes. Lily giggles at her father's lame joke. When will you tell him? Atem asked with a smirk. Tomorrow. Lily smirks. I have shown you will young one. Atem jokes. Lily laughs at Atem's lame joke. That is so lame. You are so lame. Lily teases. All three of you are lame. Lily teases. Excuse me. I raised you. So I am not the lame one here. Yugi pouts. Oh, daddy, you are lame as it can get. Lily giggles. Told off by your own daughter. That is sad. Atem smirks. Tai-Senpai is lame. Lily giggles. You like the word lame, don't you? Yugi chuckles. Pretty much! Lily chirped. Lily-Senpai-Chan! Blair cheered clinging to her leg. The little thing likes you. Tai chuckles. Lily stuck her tongue out at her Senpai. Really Lily. Tai laughs. It is time to. Duel! Blair mimicked Lily. Lily and Kari cooed over her cuteness. She is so cute I want to take her home with me! Lily squeals holding Blair. No, I do! Jesse argues with Lily. I saw her first! Lily argues. I want her first! Jesse argues. That came out wrong. Jesse blushes. She is mine! Lily glares at Jesse. Oh, my word. They are arguing over Blair! Joey giggled. No, She is mine! Jesse glares at Lily. She calls me Lily-Senpai-Chan! Lily fires back. Ohh, burn! Jaden says. Dude you are supposed to be on my side! Jesse glares at him. No! He is on my side! Lily fires back. Tell her you are on my side! Jesse shouts to Jaden. Lily gives Jaden the death glare. S S Sorry I am on Lily's side! Jaden whimpers. Smart boy. Yugi thinks laughing. You traitor! Jesse shouts at Jaden. Daddy! I want her! Lily and Jesse demanded. You!? She is mine! Lily and Jesse shouted at each other. Kari covers her mouth giggling at her best friend and boyfriend. Let her pick then. Lily glares. Find. Jesse glares back. I pick. Blair starts. Lily and Jesse stand on their sits. Lily-Senpai-Chan as my big sister! Blair chirped. Lily smiles smugly at her cousin. Jesse glares. I do love you too Jessey but there is a reason I picked Lily-Senpai-Chan. Blair mumbles. Blair sweetheart what's wrong? Lily asked concerned. Lily shares a look with Jesse. Honey, you can tell us. Kari says rubbing her shoulders. There is a reason I ran away to Duel Academy. Blair starts the story. Lily gasps in shock. You ran away. Lily says softly. Yes, you see My, My Parents, They. Blair shakes. Lily places Blair on her lap. Go on Honey we have time. Lily says encouraging her on. If she is like this with Blair then she is going to be a great mom to our baby's. Jaden smiles. T T They. Blair says choked up. They abuse me and molest me. Blair chokes up. W What?! Lily growls. Those good for nothing son of a. LILY! Atem stops her. Lily takes a deep breath. Her mark of miracles comes on her forehead. I swear to god Blair you won't go back to that. I promise you. Lily promised her. When did it happen? Lily asks gently. When I was 9. Blair sobs in her chest. Lily looked over at her dad. Dad, we have to do something. We seriously can't allow this! Lily protests at Yugi. Yugi agrees with Lily. We won't allow this to happen. Yugi said. I just have a question. Lily said. Yes, dear? Yugi asked. How can monsters like that be allowed to be free? Lily says in disgust. That is something we will never know. Atem says in disgust. Atem agrees with his Niece. Lily acts like a mama bear to Blair. It is cute. Atem smiles. She is going to be a wonderful mother. Atem smiles. You won't. Oh no, dear. We won't send you back to those monsters. Joey says to Blair. I won't allow it. Her daughter said stern. Joey smiles. Lily has grown into such a find and wonderful young lady. Lily-Senpai-Chan? Blair asks. Yes, sweetheart? Lily asks. Can I sleep with you tonight? Blair asks. Of course, you can. We can have a sleepover. Lily says looking at Kari begging. Kari nods. Thank you. I owe you one Kai. Lily mouths. No, you don't. Kari mouths back. Blair falls asleep in Lily's lap. Uh, honey. Yugi says. Lily looks down. Lily signs. Dad just explain to me why there are monsters out there like that. Lily signs. I wish I had the answer sweetheart but I don't. Yugi signs. I hate monsters like that. Lily frowns. Why can't everyone be nice happy and kind? Lily frowns. That's not how it works lil. A voice said. Lily looks up. Gohan. Lily breaths. You're here. Thank Ra Your here. I need my childhood friend right about now. Lily signs giving Blair to Kari. Lily hugs Gohan tightly. Thanks, Gohan. Lily signs. I am always going to be here for you. Gohan smiles the son smile. Oh, this is Rini. Gohan said. Your girlfriend. Lily chirped. Yeah I thought after Videl died I couldn't find love again but I was wrong. Gohan smiles. Hello Rini. I'm sorry we met at different times. Lily signs still in Gohan's arms. It's fine. Rini said. L L Lily-Senpai-Chan. Blair mumbles. Oh, you are a Senpai now. Gohan grins down at Lily. I can still kill you. Lily deadpanned. But yeah I am. Lily signs. Lily then whispers in Gohan's ear how she dueled Jaden but let him win. Gohan snickers. When do you plan on telling him? Gohan snickers. Lily again whispers it in Gohan's ear giggling. Gohan only smiles. Oh, guess what? Lily chirped. What? Gohan asked. You are an Uncle! Lily smiles. You're what!? Gohan shouts. You hurt her and I'll. Lily cuts off Gohan. Cool it. He got a lot already from dad and everyone else. Lily playful shoves Gohan. lets put her to bed. Kari said to Lily. Lily nods. The girls go to bed. Goodnight boys. Lily calls holding Blair. Lily puts Blair in her bed and Lily lays down next to Blair. Blair rolls over clinging to Lily in her sleep. Kari smiles at the sight. Kari falls asleep as well.

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