Chapter 56 Epilogue

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Lily pov And that is how I met your father. I told Yusei and Kari. Yes, I named my daughter after my best friend. How were we made? Kari asked me. I gasped. Sis! Yusei scolds her. That is an other story when you are older. I said. Aw but mommy! Kari pouts. Sweetheart go to bed. I smiled. Goodnight mum. Yusei said. Goodnight Yusei. I said and walked out of their room. I walk downstairs and see Dad and Jaden talking. Jaden Yuki! Well, you explain to me how our daughter is wondering how she was made! I demanded. I I I I I love you. Jaden whimpers. I cross my arms glaring at him. No matter how old Jaden and I get I always scare him. I am going to kill you someday. I growled. How are you doing dad? I asked. Since Mum and Blair are at their house. Fine dear. Dad chuckles. Oh and Jaden. I said. Yes? Jaden asked. You are sleeping on the couch tonight. I said. Jaden groans. You did this to yourself Son. Dad said. I smiled. What? Jaden asked. I still remember our teenage days. I smiled at him. Yeah. You were crazy for me. What your dad and Jesse said. Jaden smirks. I can't believe you too told him that. I scolded dad. Dad only smirks. Yeah yeah yeah. Smirk all you want dad. I roll my eyes. Do you remember your wedding? Dad smiles. Oh yeah. I smiled. I remember when I went to you for teaching me how to dance. I smiled. When was that? Jaden asked. Our Prom. I smiled at him lovingly. Jaden smiled back lovingly at me. Yugi pov Flashback. Dad, I need you. I need you to teach me how do dance. Lily said pulling at my arms. Alright. I said. Give me your hand Lily. I said. Lily placed her hand in mine. I put her down on my feet. I start to Walzt around the living room. Ouch. I winced. Sorry! Lily blushes. It's fine Lily. Let's give it another try. I said. Since we were too into the dance we didn't see Yusei Luna Atem Mana Joey Jesse Kari Matt and Tai walking into the room. Joey smiles fondly watching her husband and daughter dancing together. Lily and I stopped dancing. H H How long were you there. Lily blushes. Not that long. Joey said. Lily, you are a great dancer! Kari said excitedly. The next week before the Prom I was teaching Lily how to dance one more time. Skipping to Prom. Lily walks out of her dorm room with Kari. Whoa. Jaden gasped. Lily turns to Kari giggling. Kari giggles. Whoa is all you have to say. Lily teases Jaden. Lily turns to me. How do I look daddy? Lily asked. You look beautiful. Lily and Jaden were dancing with a slow song. Lily warps her arms around his neck talking about something. To Lily and Jaden. I love you Jaden Yuki. Lily whispers looking deep into his brown eyes. And I love you, Lily Muto. Jaden whispers staring into her purple eyes. Lily closed her eyes leading to kiss Jaden. Jaden kissed her back. Lily pulls away with a smile. Let's do it. Lily smiles. Do what? Jaden asked dumbly. Lily giggles whispering something into his ear. Jaden stares at her in pure shock. Really!? Jaden grins. My daughter nods her head kissing his cheek. End of flashback. I snapped out of my flashback seeing Lily and Jaden. Kissing. I chuckled. Nothing's changed since then. I smiled. The phone goes off. I'll get it! Lily said. hello? Lily said. W W What do you mean Uncle Yusei? Lily stammers. Bad Car accident. But mum and Blair. They are okay, aren't they? Lily asks. Lily's eyes widened in horror. No. They can't be. Lily whispers. Thank you, Uncle Yusei. I love you too Uncle Yusei. Lily whispers. Lily hangs up the phone. Lily turns to me and Jaden. Mum and Blair got in a bad car accident. Lily shakes in tears. Jaden wrapped his arms around her comforting. T T T They. The p p p p p p p p p person. Lily stammers. Baby just take a deep breath. Jaden said. Lily takes a deep breath. They got hit by a drunk driver. Lily trembles in Jaden's arms. Lily clings to Jaden's shirt crying silently. They don't know if mum or Blair will live. They are in surgery. Lily murmured. She's my mum. She can't. She was there with me through my time in the Digi world. And when I got in trouble with my enemy's she stood by me. Lily wipes her eyes. I'll go to the hospital tonight. You stay here for the night and come tomorrow. I said. But dad. Lily whined. You may not be living with me anymore but I can always still ground you. I said with a smile. DADDY! Lily gasped. See you tomorrow. I said and walked out of the house and drive to the hospital. Lily pov I looked up at my husband. I can't lose my mum Jaden. I can't lose Blair. I wipe my eyes. Lily look at me. My husband said. I looked at Jaden. You are not going to love your mum and sister. You promise? I asked. I promise. Jaden said. I snuggle up in his chest. Did I tell you I love you lately? I smiled. Every day of our life since we got married. Jaden smiles. I make the right choice marrying you didn't I. I smiled. Of course, you did! Jaden grins. I laughed. Mum? I turn around. Yusei what are you doing up? It is past your bedtime. I scolded him. I had a nightmare. Yusei mumbled. Come here, sweetie. I hold out my arms. Yusei jumps into my arms. What was it about? I asked. It was about someone saying he knew you and dad. You hid me and Kari so the man wouldn't find us. Dad told you to run off with us but you stayed with dad then. The Man killed Dad first then killed you. Yusei said. I look at Jaden horrified. I did have a vision about some man coming to our house lately. I told Jaden this and he had been super protective of us lately. What are we going to do? I mouthed. I have no idea. Jaden mouths back. Sweetie, it was just a nightmare. I kissed his forehead. I start to sing the song mum always sang to me when I had nightmares. Yusei fell asleep. Jaden I had a vision of this man. He comes to our house. What are we going to do about this? I said in fear. Lily, I promise with everything in me. I will protect our family. Jaden kissed my forehead. I just hope I'm wrong. I whisper. Me to. Ha. That's a first. I hope you would be wrong for a first time. Jaden smiled. I roll my eyes at my husband. Four months later. Mum and Blair were fine and everything was back to normal but with that man in my visions. Lily, please calm down. Kari places a hand on my shoulder. I stand up and start pacing back and forth. Tai stood up with Matt and grabs me making me sit between him and Matt. Calm down. We will figure this out. Tai-Senpai said. I signed. Jaden and Dad came in the room. I stood up and walk over to Jaden. He won't bother us anymore. Jaden said. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. I kissed his cheek lovingly. I love you Jaden Yuki. I made the right choice marrying you. I smiled. Let's go home to our baby's. I smiled. That's sounds good. Home. Jaden smiled. See you guys later. Jaden said as we walked out of the house and drives home to our children. I open the door. Mum and dad are home! I shouted. I hear running footsteps coming down the stairs. What did I say about you running now the stairs? I crossed my arms glaring at my children. Jaden snickers behind me. You yell. Yusei points out. She is allowed to yell because she is your mother. Jaden gives Yusei a pointed look. Yusei crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Don't roll your eyes at me Son. Jaden threatens. Kari and I giggled. Whatever dad. Yusei mocked him. You are so your mother's son. Jaden groans. Excuse me? I narrow my eyes at my stupid husband. I mean. I. Jaden stammers. Yusei smirked. I love you. Jaden pouts cutely. You are luck you are still cute. I roll my eyes. Kari giggles at Jaden. And what is so funny missy? Jaden asked picking up Kari. You got own by mommy and big bro Yusei! Kari giggles. I share a look with Yusei smirking. Like mother like son. We put Yusei and Kari to sleep. We walk into our room. Lily.. Jaden whines. I want sex. Please. Jaden pouts. Okay but before that. I smiled. What? Jaden asked. I'm pregnant! I squealed. I'm a dad again? Jaden says with a large grin on his face. Yes. And the sex all the time is back. I giggled. I forget how tired I was after that. But I didn't mind one bit. Jaden grins. I felt his warm hand slide up my legs. I moaned quietly. J J J Jaden. I moaned. God, your already wet. Only I can make you this way. Jaden growls. J Jaden take me dammit! I whispered angrily. You asked and you shall receive. Jaden growls. I moaned and already cum. I love you. Goodnight Jay. I mumble and fall asleep. Goodnight baby. Jaden mumbled and fell asleep after I did.

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