Chapter 49 People are disappearing

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Lily pov after Jaden and I got back together. Which made everyone scream for joy. There has been some weird things going on here at the Academy. People are disappearing. I haven't told dad this yet because I want to be sure this is not some prank. As I got done telling my friends what I think is happening here. They agree with me about waiting to see if it is really someone kidnapping kids here at the Duel Academy. What is your theory of the kids disappearing here, Izzy? I asked Izzy on my computer. I agree with your theory Lily. But if this person wants the powers of Miracles. Then why is he kidnapping all of the students at Duel Academy? Izzy questions. Could it be that he is trying to bait me out? I asked. Prodigious! You could be on to something Lily! Izzy examined. If he is then. Why would he go for people I'm not close with? I asked. He probably knows you would try to save them even though you don't know them will. Izzy theories. But wouldn't it make more sense to go after you guys and my family? I questioned. That is another good reason. Izzy said. Have you told Yugi about this? Izzy asked. Not yet. And knowing my dad. He is going to be pissed. I said. You better tell him before any more students get kids get kidnapped. Izzy Advices. Alright, I'll do that. Thanks, Izzy! Talk to you soon! I said. Talk with you soon Lily! And Lily. Izzy said. Yeah, Izzy? I asked. Be careful. Izzy said. I'll be fine. I said hanging up on the computer. I walk to Dad's and Mom's room. Dad? Can I come in? We need to talk. I said. Come in. Dad said. I walked in the room. What's up sweetheart? Dad asked. Dad there as been some disappearing going around the Academy. People are disappearing. It's because of me. And.. LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I turn around with Dad. Tai-Senpai? I asked confused. L L L Lily it's Kari. Tai-Senpai shakes in tears. I felt my body go cold. Tai-Senpai. What are you saying? I asked fearing the worst. Kari was next. Tai-Senpai cried. K K K K Kari was kidnapped. I clenched my fists. How dare this son of a bitch! You don't go after my loved ones or you die! Especially Kari! I growled feeling the powers of Miracles bright. He's gone too far. Whoever this person is. He's gone too far. Now he made a death wish. You don't go after my loved ones and go unpunished! I growled. Lily! Jesse said. I turn around and saw him and Jaden. We know his name! Jaden said. What's wrong? Jaden asked. Just tell me the bastards name so I can go after him! I snarled. He took Kari. Tai-Senpai said. Tell me his fucking name now! I grab Jaden by the shirt. Daisuke. Jaden said. I growled loudly. I run off. Lily wait! Jaden yelled running after me. Jaden tackles me to the ground. Jaden Yuki! I have to! I protested. He has my best friend! I protested. And we can't lose you! He brainwashes the people he kidnappers. Jaden examined. He is controlling Kari. I trembled. Yes. Kari is under his control. If you go running into the trap he will brainwash you as well. Jaden said sadly. I'm sorry about Lily Kari. I know how close you to are. I know this is hard for you to hear. But if it makes you feel better. She tried her hardest to fight the control. Jaden tries to cheer me up. I just want my best friend back. I said letting tears fall. Jesse wants his girlfriend back. Jaden said as we walked back. I'm sorry about before. I signed. Hey, we understand Lily. Kari is your best friend. Tai-Senpai smiles at me. Daisuke is going to regret kidnapping Kari. I said. Tk called everyone. We are gonna need the whole team here. I said. 4 hours and the whole Digimon team besides Kari is here. I got done telling them what happened. Sora and Mimi looked heartbroken. Izzy this is what we talked about that other day. I said looking at him. Izzy nodded. I have a feeling Daisuke is going to make Kari duel. I said with tears in my eyes. Ken places a hand on my shoulder. We are all here for you Lily. We are a team. We fight as a team. We will save all of the poor souls that got kidnapped by Daisuke. Ken said confidently. That's right Lily. We will save Kari and all of the students here. Cody said. Nothing won't stop us from saving the world. We are the DigiDestined. Yolei said. You helped me once. Now it's my turn to return the favor. Wills said with a grin. We will save Kari together. I know it. We are all best friends. Tk smiles at me. You didn't get my crest for anything. Tai-Senpai grins at me proudly. I am proud to be your Senpai Lily. You show Friendship and give Friendship to new people you met. Matt-Senpai smiles at me. I look at everyone. Your right guys! We will save Kari together! All of us! I cried. Daisuke I am coming for you. I thought glaring. No one messes with my loved ones. Third person pov Too Kari who was trying to break free. Let me out! The light side of Kari yelled at her evil side. Not for a long shot sweetheart. Evil Kari grins. My friends will find me! Lily will find me! Light side of Kari glares at her evil side. And that's just what Master Daisuke wants. He wants Lily to come here alone so I can duel her. Evil Kari grins. I won't let you touch Lily! Light side of Kari glares. You can try all you want sweetheart. But Lily will be a pawn in Master Daisuke plan. Evil Kari grins. You lay one finger on her and I'll kill you I swear! Light side of Kari growls. Light Kari stops taking to her dark side. I can't let them brainwash Lily. Kari thought. I won't let them hurt her! Back to the Team. Lily was going out of her mind wondering where Kari could be. Tai places a hand on her shoulder. Lily, we will find Kari. She wouldn't want to see you like this. Tai said. He's right. I haven't slept in weeks. Lily signs nodding and fall's asleep in Tai's arms. The next week in class. As you know there are some disappearing going around the school. Yugi said. One classmate is very close to my daughter. You should all know her. As she always sits with Lily. Yugi said as he looks at an upset Lily. Lily buries her face in Matt's shoulder crying silently. Tai rubs her back soothing. She shakes in tears and her throat was raw. Lily was crying all night. Her name was Kari Kamiya. Yugi said. Lily froze up. Still hearing Kari's name is raw. Kari Kamiya!? Isn't she and Lily like inseparable?! The whole class gasped. Lily cries again on Matt's shoulder. Matt rests his chin on her head. Luckily for Lily, the bell rang. Lily bolts out of the room crying silently. The team and Jesse and Jaden followed her. Lily stops at her and Kari's favorite place. Lily turns to her friends and family with red eyes and raspy breath. You know. She starts the story. Everyone listens. This was the place Kari and I always came to just to hang out. Even before we starting dating Jaden and Jesse. We always came here to talk about.. Lily trails off with a blush. Kari's more than my best friend. She is my sister. My other half. We did everything together. Faith brought Kari and I to met all those years ago. If faith didn't. Then I don't know what I would have done if I didn't meet Kari as a kid. I always protected her. Even when we went back to the Digiworld. I still was protective of her. I am always protective of Kari. Now that Daisuke has her under his control I can't protect her. Jaden warps his arms around her. Lily looks up at Jaden. We will save Kari. I promise you, Lily. We will save her. Jaden promised. How can you promise that? Lily asked. I just can. Jaden grins. Lily warps her arms around his neck hugging him back. Too Kari. Evil Kari watch's Lily hug her boyfriend. I wonder how Jaden would feel if Lily was under Master Daisuke control. Evil Kari grins. Light side of Kari. That would break Jaden's heart seeing Lily like that. NO! You leave my sister alone! Light side of Kari demands. You don't make demands here princess. Evil Kari laughs. Lily. Please, my sister, be safe. Light side of Kari pleads.

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