Chapter 18 Clash of Best Friends part 2 And the win

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Lily pov Are you ready Ken!? I shouted over the screaming and cheering classmates. Yes I am Lily! Ken shouts back. Lets go! Both of us said together. My draw! I've been saving this for awhile now Ken! So get ready! I said determined. Bring it on! Ken said confided. I shall bring it on. I smirked. I Summon Toon World! I shouted. Toon World!? Ken examined. But's that's not all! I Summon Dark Rabbit in attack mode! Dark Rabbit comes on the filed. Dark Rabbit grins at me. Hello my bunny. I laughed. I am going to need a monster on the filed when I send Dark Rabbit in Toon World. I think. I look at my cards. Red Archery Girl. I grinned. I summon Red Archery Girl in defense mode! Red Archery Girl comes on the filed and turns to me smiling. My bunny go hid in your new home! I told Dark Rabbit. Dark Rabbit hid's in Toon World. I place one face down and end my turn. I said. My draw! Ken said. I Summon D.D. Warrior in attack mode! D.D. Warrior take out Red Archery Girl! Ken orders. You just set off my spell card! I smirked. W What!? Ken gasped in surprised. Atta girl Lily! Tai shouts. I blushed in embarrassed. Tai knock it off! Matt hisses. Dark Hole! I called. It took Ken's and Mine's Monsters. Ken lost 800 life points and gains 700 life points. I lost 700 life points and gains 600 life points. Then card can even take her monsters. Jaden said confused. Yes it can. Jesse explained. Still my turn. Ken said. I summon Vampire Lord in attack mode! Ken said. I end my turn. Ken said. My draw! I called. I summon Spirit of the Books in attack mode! I then Summon Harpie Lady Sister's in defense mode! I place one face down and end my turn. I said confided. My draw! Ken said. I Summon Luster Dragon 2 in attack mode! I end my turn. Ken said. I play my face down. Harpie Lady's Sister's Electro-Whip Vampire to the graveyard! I ordered. My Harpie Lady's Sister's did what I ordered them to do. Ken loses 700 life points and gains 600 life points. I end my turn. I said. My draw! Ken said. I Summon Droll Bird in attack mode! Droll Bird take out Spirit of the Books! Ken orders. Droll Bird takes out my monster. I growled as I lose more points. I lose 600 life points and 500 gain life points. That's not all! Ken said. I Summon X-Head Cannon in defense mode! X-Head Cannon take out my Harpie Lady's Sister's. I growled as I lose more life points. I lost 500 life points and gain 400 life points. Lily isn't looking too good. Yolei said. Don't say that! Even when Lily as been in worst things like this before she always finds a way in the end! She always pulls threw in the end! She is the child of Miracles! Don't doubt her! She is our friend! We always cheer for her! No matter how hard or tough things get! Kari defends me. She's right Yolei. Lily is our best friend. We know not to doubt her. Lily has always been there for us. Now it's our turn to be there for her. TK defends me. We are here for you till the end Lily! Kari calls with her hands around her mouth. That's right Lily! We know you can pull this off! TK cried. What am I doing!? Lily needs me! We are here for you Lily! All of us are! Yolei cries. Kari and Tk share a smile. They got threw to her. I end my turn. Ken said. My draw! I summon Dark Magician in attack mode! That's not all! I Summon Dark Magician Girl in attack mode! I then Summon Peacock in defense mode! I place a face down and end my turn. I said. My draw! I summon Baby Dragon in defense mode! I end my turn. Ken said. My turn! I'll start by playing my face down. Magical Hats! I said. Dammit! Ken curses. My draw! Ken said. I need do play something. I know she is planning something. Ken thinks. I Summon Gemini Elf in attack mode! Summon Gemini Elf take out the hats! Ken orders. I winced. I lose 500 life points and gain 400 life points. I end my turn. Ken said. I Summon Mystical Elf in attack mode! I then Summon Sky Scout Harpie Lady's brother in attack mode! Sky Scout take out Baby Dragon! I ordered. Sky Scout takes out Baby Dragon. Ken loses 600 life points and gains 500 life points. I'm not done yet! I shouted. Mystical Elf take out Gemini Elf! I ordered. Mystical Elf takes out Gemini Elf. Ken loses 500 life points and gains 400 life points. It's a match! They are down to the same life points! Tai examines. I end my turn. I said. My draw then! Ken said. I Summon Sea King Dragon in attack mode! I end my turn. Ken said. I need to end this. I think. Heart of the cards don't let me down. I pray. I look at my hand. This is it Ken! This duel is over! I shouted. W What!? Ken examined. I summon Red-Eyes B. Dragon in attack mode! I then play this card time of faith! I said. Time of faith!? Ken examined. What's time of faith mean? Jaden asked. It means Lily wins. That card is rare of all cards Lily ever found. Jesse explained. It gives your duel monsters more points then the person you are dueling. Jesse explained. That's right Ken. And guess what. I won this duel! Red-Eyes B. Dragon take out Sea King Dragon and along with the rest of Ken's life points! I ordered. Red-Eyes B. Dragon takes out Ken's duel monster and the rest of his life points until it hits zero. Lily Muto wins this duel! The Host said. I walk over to Ken giving him my hand to help him up. That was amazing Lily. You are a amazing duelist. Ken smiles at me. So are you. I winked playful at him. You won! You won! You won! Kari shrieks hugging me behind my back. I giggled hugging her back. I knew you could do it! Kari shrieks. Dad is your offer still standing? I asked. Obelisk blue I mean. I said. Of course Lily. Dad said. I'll only join if... I was cut off. Don't worry Jesse Jaden Kari Gohan and the rest of your friends are gonna be in Obelisk blue too. Dad smiles. How? Didn't they have to.. I was cut off again. We all dueled him when you were busy with Alexis. Jaden explains smiling at me. Ready? Dad asked smiling. Hell yeah! I said excited. I well let that go. Dad chuckles. I put on the Obelisk blue jacket. Wow.. Jaden drools. I sweat drop at him. So cute! I squealed. I know right! Kari squeals. Bye dad see you tomorrow! I called. Tomorrow is Saturday Lily! Dad laughs. Ah okay then! I grinned warping my arms around Jaden's neck. This is amazing! I giggled. We walk to the Obelisk blue dorm. Lexis! I squealed hugging her. Hey there Lily. Alexis hugs me back giggling. That was some duel.. Lexis said. Yeah at first I was surprised to duel Ken. I mean we are best friends. But in the end it turned out find. I smiled at Ken. Yeah it did. Ken smiles. Well I'm beat. I'm gonna go to bed. Coming Kar.. I yawned. Yup. Kari said. Night Tai. Kari and I said. Night girls. Tai said. I'll been in there a little later. Alexis said to us. Okay.. Kari and I yawned and walked to our new room and fall asleep on our beds.

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