Chapter 31 Beach and Pregnant

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Lily pov I got up and ran to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. I felt Kari holding back my hair. I wipe my mouth. Lily how many times did you and Jaden have sex? Kari asked. I think back to last week. Oh god no... I murmured. I start to have a panic attack. My breathing goes short and I start to tremble and feel nausea. I start to breath heavy and I start to feel dizzy. Oh god. Lily breathe with me.. Kari says. I try to breath along with her but her lips are moving to fast. JESSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kari shouted. Jesse burst open the door and with him was Jaden and my parents. Luckily Uncle Yusei wasn't there. Lily look at me.. Kari takes my face. I look at her breathing heavy. K K K Kari... I say raspy. That's it... Nice and slow. Kari says. W W W Water.. I need water... I say raspy. Jesse bolts out of the bathroom to get a glass of water for me. Jesse comes back with a glass of water. I take it and drink it.. I close my eyes signing. What brought that on? Jesse asked. I then remember Kari's question. 5 times. I whisper in her ear. Kari widened her eyes at me. Lily you could be... Kari trails off. And I am willing to take a test. I breathed. Everyone get out expect Jaden. Kari said. Dad had a glare. Dad go! I snapped. Everyone walks out of the bathroom expect for me Jaden and Kari. I shaken take the test. A pregnancy test. Jaden said looking at me. I grab his hand scared. I'm scared Jaden. We're only 17. Hey... You well be a great mom.. Jaden said to me stern. How do you know that? I asked. I know you.. Jaden smiled. So how do I do this thing? I asked Kari. You pee on it. Kari said. I had a grossed out look. I do my business. Now we wait. Kari said. I cling onto Jaden's arm. What do we tell my parents if I'm pregnant? I asked worried. Well. Jaden says sheepishly. We wing it. I look at Jaden. Yeah we wing it. Jaden said. I was worried you would say that. I groaned. It beeped. I look at it. My eyes widened in surprised. What does it say? Kari asked. Yeah baby? Jaden asked. Well... In months or so we well have a baby girl or boy.. I smiled. You mean... Jaden smiles. Yes I am pregnant. I smiled. Yes! I am a aunt! Kari throws her arms up in the air. I look at my boyfriend. I giggled. I have a name if it is a boy.. I said. What? Kari and Jaden asked. Yusei... I said with a smile. After your Uncle Yusei? Jaden asked. Yes... I smiled. And if it is a girl? Jaden asked. Say you will name it after me! Oh please! Kari begs. I giggled looking at Jaden. I have no problem with it. Jaden said with a smile. Our little prefect family. I smiled up at Jaden. Nothing can take that away from us. I will protect the both of you. Jaden said resting his hand on my flat stomach. lets go tell them now. I said. Oh god..... Kari.... We forgot one thing.. I winced. What? Kari asked. Tai-Senpai! I winced. Kari gasped. We forgot about my brother! Kari winced. Oh no.. Matt-Senpai too! I gasped. Shit shit shit! How could we be so careless! Kari curses. Jaden when Kari and I tell you do run. You run got it. I said. Okay baby. Jaden said. I saw Uncle Yusei and Uncle Atem. SHIT!!!!! I cursed loudly. Everyone starts at the three of us. Baby are you alright? Mum asks worried. Dad you remember when you told me to use save sex.. I winced. Yes Lily. Dad rises his eyebrows. I bet you 30 bucks she is pregnant. Uncle Atem whispers to Uncle Yusei. My niece is smart a enough not to do that. Uncle Yusei scoffs. Oh Uncle Yusei.. Why do you give me that much credit. I whined. I I I I I I I I I I'm....... I stammered. Jaden grabbed my hand for support. I I I I I'm... Lily are you trying to tell me you are Pregnant.. Dad twitched. Yes daddy.. I'm pregnant.. I well not kill my baby.... I can't daddy... I just can't... I wipe my eyes. Dad gets up.. I watch dad.. D Daddy? I asked.. Dad hugged me. I'm upset.. But I would never tell you to kill your baby.. I can see you love your child already.. You are like your mother. You mean... I stammered. Yes... She was 17 and pregnant with you. Dad smiled. I'm sorry dad.. I hugged him tightly. Your a teenage with hormones. Dad said chuckling. What names did you have if it was a boy? Mum asks excited. Tell them Lily... Jaden smiles. Well if it was a boy.... I trail off and look at Uncle Yusei. Yusei... Since Uncle Yusei is my favorite. I giggled. Uncle Atem pouted. Oh come on! uncle Atem whines. Baby.. I scoffed. And Kari begged me too.. I giggled. If it was a girl to name it after her. I giggled. Tai whines. Why not me! Tai pouts. Kari starts laughing. What about you.. I scoffed. Dad laughs. The kid well take after you for sure. Dad chuckles. I then smiled. Now that is out of the way.. Lets go to the beach! I shouted. Tanning! Kari giggles. We look at each other. Looking hot! We grinned. Lets go put on our swim suits two pieces! I giggled. We run off to our room and change. I put on my red two piece. Kari puts on her pink two piece. We put on a shirt and pants and walk out of the room. Ready... I said smiling. Then lets go! Jaden grins. See you later mum dad! I called running out of the dorm and down to the beach. Kari and I sit down in the sun to get a tan. Remember that one time. I laughed. Oh yeah. When we met the new Digidestined. Kari giggles. Wills had such a crush on you back then. Kari giggles. Jesse and Jaden were in the water. Then it got dark. What the hell? I said. I know. Kari said. The boys came over to us. What's going on? Jaden asked. I have an idea. It's Myotismon! Kari gasped. What are we gonna do? Jaden asked. We are the Digidestineds! We fight! I share a look with Jesse.. Golden Armor Energize! I cried. V-Mon Golden Armor Digivolve too... Golden Armor Energize! Jesse shouted. Terriermon Golden Armor Digivolve too... Magnamon! Rapidmon! Is that the coolest thing you've seen or what? Gotamon asked with a smile. Rabbit fire! Magna blast! Myotismon laughed evil then he was destroyed. We then relaxed again. I yawn and stand up bumping into Jaden. Hello... Jaden smirks. I roll my eyes at my boyfriend. Yes you idiot. I teased. Jaden pouts at me. I giggled. I lay in his arms watching the sun. We have class tomorrow. I said. Jaden whines. Why! Jaden whines. I roll my eyes at him amused. What you rather kiss me then do classwork. I smirked. Yes! Jaden examined. There there there. You big baby. I giggled. I am not a baby! Jaden whines. Yes you are my Jaden. I giggled. We just sit in each other's arms smiling and watching the Sunset like nothing is wrong in the wold. We whisper quiet things in each other's ears. I smile up loving up Jaden. Jaden just smiled pecking my forehead. I lead on his bare chest watching the Sunset turn pink. I love you Lily... Jaden whispers. I turn around and warp my arms around his neck. I love you too jay... I am happy I am carrying your baby. I kissed his cheek. So am I... Jaden smiles. But if you ever leave me I will kill you. I said with a dark aura around me. Jaden shivers. I would never leave you... Jaden whimpers. I smiled. Love you too baby. Jaden smiles. I gasped as I felt the baby kick. What? Jaden asked. I put his hand on my stomach. Jaden gasped. Our baby is kicking. Jaden smiles. Who knows he or she may be like their father. I giggled. Jaden smiles. Jay what if we get twins!? I asked excited. Then we will have a bigger family. Jaden smiles. I can't wait for our first ultrasound next week! I squealed. Either can I. Jaden smiles. Next week. I was laying on a bed in the hospital wing. Are you too excited? Aunt Mana asked smiling. Oh yes. We are.. Lily won't stop talking about it all week. Jaden smiles. Excuse me! Are you the one pregnant! I don't think so! I snapped. I'm sorry! I sobbed. Shh babe it's find.. Jaden kissed my forehead. This may be a little cold dear. Aunt Mana warns me. Okay.. I said. She puts some of the gel on my stomach. I winced at the cold. What's that? I asked as I take Jaden's hand. That is your baby twins. Aunt Mana smiles. Twins? I whispered joyfully. Twins. Jaden said with a big grin. Would you like to know the sex? Aunt Mana asked. You can tell already? I asked. Yes.. Your baby's are health. Aunt Mana smiles. Yes! We both said smiling. A boy and a girl. Aunt Mana smiles at us. A girl and boy.. I smiled. Yes.. I well leave you too alone. She smiles and walks out of the room smiling. Twins Jaden! Twins! I smiled hugging him. I am happy Jaden! I hugged him tightly. I can't believe we have twins! I giggled. Yeah they will learn everything from me. Jaden says proudly. You mean get your game on. I teased. Hey.. That is my catchphrase! Jaden pouts. It's is time to duel. I giggled. Lets go tell everyone. I smiled kissing his cheek. Jaden picks me up and walks out of the room. Jaden walks to the Slifer Red dorm. Everyone turns to us. Well what is it? Kari asks excited. We we we don't know yet.. I giggled teasing Kari. You do know! Stop teasing me! Kari whines. I look up at Jaden loving. We are having twins. Jaden said with a smile. That's amazing sweetheart! Mum hugs us tightly. I smiled. I'm a grandpa. Dad laughed. Yes you are a grandpa. I giggled. And Don't worry. I will teach them all about the Heart of the cards. I giggled. Just like I teached you. Dad chuckles. Yup. I giggled. How did you teach Lily? Kari asked. My daughter would not stop bugging me to teach her about the Heart of the cards. Dad smiles at the memory. I cross my arms smirking. I even used your look Kari. I giggled. No way! Kari giggled. Yes way! I giggled. Everyone laughs at that. I smiled. Lets go to bed. I am tried. I yawned to Kari. Yeah... Kari agreed yawning. Night everyone. Kari and I said. Night Lily Night Kari! Everyone said. We walk in our room and get ready and fall asleep.

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