Chapter One: Taken

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I live with a bunch of were cats. And being the youngest of three were cats siblings is harder then you imagine. Especially if your not one. My oldest and most mature brother Dillion. My second oldest other brother Cooper. And the. There is the most god awful sibling of all my sister named Envy. Then there is my mom. Named Elizabeth and the most strongest were cat of all.

"Christina come here for a second." I look of the door of my bedroom into the hall way. I get up and slam my book onto my bed. I go around the corner into the living room. "What is it don't you have some mission to go to?" I scream and roll my eyes. "Just come here and sit on the couch. I slump over to the couch and sit down. I see a machine with a needle. "It's time to get your family crescent." I look strangely at my mom. "Do I have to I'm not even a were creature!" "Yes you are a part of this family so you have to." I pulled up my sleeve of my sweatshirt up and closed my eyes preparing for the worst needle going into my arm pain over. My family cresent was a heart that had been teared to shreds.

Dont look at me it wasnt my desicion. I squeeze my eyes shut and a loud beeping starts. I open my eyes to see that Cooper, Dillion, and my mom raced out the door. Ok, they normally go on missions and I don't. It is terrible just waiting to hear the story of what went wrong this time. The alarm stopped and I stepped out the door to see Cooper and Dillion racing out of the woods. But my mom wasn't there. Cooper being a WereCheetah, he was the first on the porch. He greeted me with push and ran inside. Dillion being a black leopard was the second and last onto the porch.

"Hey where's mom?" He shifted back into a human and with a sigh he spoke softly then ever before. "S-She was captured by the hunters. If we don't act fast she will be killed." He put his head back down and walked into the house. If only my bratty sister Envy was here then mom wouldn't have been taken. If only I was a WereCat then I would be there to help and avoid having my mother taken. I walk into the room where my siblings were meeting for a plan to free my mother from captivity. "Hey guys I have a great plan." I told them as I sat down at the table. "I had plenty of training. Pleeeeeease!!!!" They all look at me with a grin. Dillion stands and puts his hand on my shoulder. "It's to dangerous now if you don't mind we need to get to work." I storm out of the room and sit on the couch. "The door bell rings and I look over. It is Henry from the council and his son.

I hear Dillion run to the door and open it. The taller guy Henry steps in and following him his son named Derek. "Christina this is who you will fight in able to join our rescue mission." I look at Derek. Piece of cake I will totally beat him. "After dinner you will have to fight Henry or you can't help. Got it?" I look up at Henry and nod. When Dillion turns his back I find my opportunity to show this Henry person what I got. I pounce on Dillion and he falls to the ground. Suddenly, I'm on the ground with my arms pinned to the floor above my head. I look to see that Derek had tackled me when I was on my brother. I push and roll him so that I was now on top of him.

"Pinned ya." I told him. He got up and ran. I chased him and put my leg in front of his cause him to trip. I jumped and put his arms on the floor above his head. "Pinned ya again." I started to laugh. "Dad this is suppose to be your fight!" He struggled trying to get free. "Sorry my fight is after dinner. Your on your own." I he turned back to me and punched me in the gut. I groaned and shook of the pain. "At least they don't know that they are going to be mates." Dillion and Henry start laughing.

we get up and tackle them to the ground and start punching them in the gut. "We are not joking you two are destine be mates." I get up off my brother and run to my room. I lock the door behind me and sit on my bed. I pick of the b\picture of my mom and stare deeply into her glowing werecat eyes.  I pick up my book called Marked and start to read. The words lift my spirit into the Vampyre world and out of the WereCat world. I hear a knock on my door that brings me back into the WereCat world. 

"Chrisitna time for dinner." I slam open the door and slowly walk down the hall to the dinning table. Normaly where my mother sits Henry sat and since my sister was on a camping trip with her stupid boyfriend Derek sat in her spot. I sat down in my usual spot next to my brother Cooper. 

"What were you doing for three hours Christina? Preparing for your battle with Henry?" Cooper snickered.  I shot him a look that made him shake. "No I was reading. I don't even want to battle witha giant." I kept looking down. But I couldn't resist. Dillion did make my favorite. Chicken parmesian. After dinner we went into the lab and onto a giant mat to fight on. As Henry and I stand across from each other we lock eyes and we hear the starting bell. We rush towards each other and our bodys collided.

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