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Chapter 10

So I walked down the hall and I hear this down the hall way.

"Wait! Taylor!"

She ran and jumped on my back and I hopped her to where I could get a better grip.

"So how's the jock doing?" She said Leaning forward to wear I lost my balance.

I flipped her so I wouldn't land on her. We ended on top of each other. She landed on my rib cage almost taking my breath out. But we were in a romantic pose and I couldn't help myself by the way she looked. I brought my hand through the back of her ear pushing the hair that was in her face back.

"Your a hot mess, you know that Taylor?"

I picked her up carrying her on my back so I can take her by my lockers. Kids down the hall were saying:

"Mrs.! PDA!!"

I honestly didn't care what my dad would say at this moment.
I took Autumn to the 1000 lockers and slammed my hand right next to her head and leaned in. Her leg was leaning up against my straddle, and I just repeated the moments in my mind of the night of the championship. I opened my eyes and I noticed I was kissing her once again.

"I love you Taylor Harriet."
"I love you too babe."

We were interrupted by a tap of the shoulders. Are lips smacked when they separated.

"Hate to ruin this moment but, Taylor you need to get to class before the whole school has to have an assemble."
"Thanks Clark to always ruin the mood."
"That's what I'm here for."
"Well Mrs. Autumn would you like for me to walk you to... Where you going?"
"First period math. Right there."
"Really me too! Darn I love you."
"Yeah you've said that." She winked.


By the time class was over we head to the cages for practice. Apparently if you're already in, you don't have to try out again. That's good news for me and Autumn.

"Guys and girls line up for roll call."

We lined up from tallest to shortest boys and girls.

"I'm feeling sexy and free!" knowing Clide, he would do that. Gosh I've got weird friends.

The roll call went on and there were some people I never knew before. I wonder where they came from.


Practice ended as usual, until I saw a girl looking at me with a group of girls. She wasn't attractive, and the rest of her friends were kinda tagalongs. Just around this time Autumn grabbed my arm.

"Hey, that's jean. She has a major crush on you and she keeps telling those girls that your her boyfriend."
"What? No I'm yours."
"Yea I know that stupid. So what can we do to tell them were together?"
"Um kiss me?"
"No problem."

We kissed for a long time until they noticed. I stopped when I see Jean get pale. Jean walked towards me. Crap.

"Hey boyfriend! You just making me jealous?"

Autumn blurted in.

"No sweetie he is never going to date you. Not as long as I'm here."

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