DAY 1 : JUNE 4TH (pt. 1)

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It was the end of the afternoon, but the sun was still wide and bright in the sky, when Noora pushed open Kollektivet's front door. As per usual, she looked around, trying to spot eventual roomies, before she kicked off her shoes.

"Eskild? Linn? William?" She called down the hall, semi-expecting an answer since the door was unlocked - then again, it wouldn't be the first time Eskild or Linn had gone out without locking the door. There was no direct answer, but she suddenly heard voices coming from down the hall.

"Would you let it go, Eskild? I said I was sorry."

So William was home.

"I can't believe you guys used MY last condom. When I said that Noora needed pikk, I didn't mean that you guys should use this lovely, family apartment as your little hore-house. I swear, you two fuck like rabbits."

And Eskild. Definitely Eskild.

She immediately went to the kitchen to prepare some tea, deciding that the guys needed time to settle their argument - not because a part of her thought it was really endearing and entertaining.

"How was I supposed to know it was yours? It was on the kitchen counter. How fucking family friendly is that?"

"At least I choose to let the kids know about birth control instead of hiding it!" Eskild argued back, not giving up his case.

Noora couldn't help but chuckle as she poured the now boiling water into a mug and added the tea. This argument was so pointless, and she loved it. Being the rational person that she is, Noora decide to stop hiding and made her way to the living room.

"It doesn't even surprise me that you call that family friendly. You do happen to be the guy who invented The Lion King-blowjobs."

William had just finished up his comeback, when Noora entered the room. He was sitting on one of the couches, one leg slung over the other, arms resting on the back of the couch - confident as ever. She could tell Eskild was about to leave the room - and the lost argument - when he spotted Noora.

"Oh halla, TRAITOR!" He shot Noora his angriest look, as he stomped out of the living room.

Having barely entered the room, Noora looked after her friend as he stomped away, before turning back to look at her boyfriend. She sent him a look of confusion and raised eyebrows.

"Well," she walked over the couch and sat down besides him. "That sure did sound interesting."

He let his head fall back against the couch's back, sighing and placing a hand over his face.

"Don't even mention it," he stayed still for a while, before removing his hand and turning his head to look at her. It was still resting against the back of her couch, allowing her to start playing with his brown locks.

"I can't wait till we get a place of our own," he mumbled, closing his eyes in relaxation caused by her calm touch. She smiled.

"So we can "fuck like rabbits" without getting yelled at?"

William's lips spread into a wide smile mixed with a chuckle. His eyes opened, his deep brown ones meeting her pale green ones.

"I wont argue with that," he turned his head, allowing his lips to peck her hand that was in his hair. "you know what I mean. I love Eskild and Linn, you know that. But I miss having space that is just ours. It really hits me, when we're at my place, you know?"

Her hand slowly slipped out of his hair, down his face, before bopping his nose with her index finger. She was still smiling, simply more subtle than before. It was followed by a nod.

"I know. That's how I feel to. Because as much as I enjoy listening to you and Eskild's lovely argument," she paused, letting her hand fall into her lap, using the other to take sip of tea. "I do think a place of our would be nice. Full time. Not just every other week or so..."

This time it was William's turn to nod.

"Exactly. I miss having you all to myself."

His look was so intense and loving, it made her shiver. Even to this very day, almost 3 years after falling for each other for the very first time. She couldn't imagine not getting to feel his effect on her every day. It was too good.

"Which is why I won't stop looking," he sat up straight, before leaning over to peck her lips. "And looking," another peck. "And looking," followed by another, final peck. She smiled into all of it.

"Thank you."

"No problem," he leaned back into the couch. "I can't have you spend your time looking at apartments. I need to make sure that you have all the chances of nailing that Spanish exam next week."

He noticed that some of her red lipstick had transferred to the white edge of the mug. Perfectly.

"Wow, way to put some pressure on me."

She put it down on the table in front of them, allowing him to pull his into his arms. As per routine, she threw her legs onto the couch and rested her head against his firm chest.

"Like you're not going to do great anyways," he kissed the top of her blonde head lovingly, stroking her bare arms with his hands. "I know you habla español perfectly."

"Sant," A compliment? She was going to take it. "I know I'll do better than you did," she joked. 

This caused William to roll his eyes, even though she couldn't see it.

"Ain't that damn hard when I was in London, when I was supposed to attend my exam," his lips were still pressed to the top of her head, causing the sentence to be mumbled into her soft hair.

Noora laughed, both at what he said but also the feeling of his lips messing with her hair.

"Damn London," she continued the joking.

"Yeah, fucking London."

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