DAY 122: OCTOBER 3rd

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4 months.

Noora was standing in their bedroom, only clad in underwear, looking at her reflection in the tall mirror. Her head tilted slightly to the side, recognising everything about herself; her blonde hair, which barely reached her breasts, her skinny legs, slender arms, everything. She recognised it all, but her stomach. It had definitely changed. The little bump had definitely grown into more of a medium big balloon. Now people could actually tell that she was pregnant. A little, careful smile was plastered to her face. Things had quieted down the past weeks, now that her and William had spilled everything. Everything was out and there were no secrets, concealed feelings or misunderstandings. They finally both happened to enjoy the progress of seeing her grow - not that it wasn't still kind of weird. Knowing that they had something that special and strong together felt right, considering the circumstances and timing.

"Noora?" She heard the front door close.

"Yes," her answer was brief, keeping her eyes glued on herself - the womb, specifically.

"You ready to go?"

William's vacation had ended 3 weeks ago, which resulted in Noora having the morning, and often early afternoon hours as well, to herself. Sometimes, when there wasn't any rushed projects to work on at school, he'd come home for lunch, and then leave again for the afternoon classes. She didn't mind though. It was nice to have some time for herself, and he always made sure to be home for dinner, so they had the evenings together. She did miss waking up, slow and sluggishly, with him every morning. This meant the weekends became more special to them, which was nice. They actually got to miss each other now, which they hadn't tried since being apart for 8 months during Noora's junior year.

His hands, cold ones making her shiver, were suddenly on her waist, sliding onto her growing stomach.

"What are you looking at?" He pecked the back of her hair.

"The balloon."

"Is that what we're calling it know?" He chuckled.

"What else do you want to call it? It's too big to be a bump now," a genuinely, toothy smile grew from the before small smile.

"Hmmmm," he pecked her head again, looking up as he thought. "Just call it the baby. That's what it is, after all."

"Yeah, you're right," she spun around, giving him a short, sweet hello kiss, before grabbing her clothe from the bed and getting dressed. "After today you can call it he or she!"

William immediately grew silent, nervous even, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, about that..."

She turned around to look at him, curious, as she closedher light mom jeans and pulled a white turtleneck sweater over her head. Staple.

"I was wondering, like I know that you're excited to know, but if we could... not know the gender. I kind of want it to be a surprise," he shrugged, trying to act nonchalant and cool, all while Noora could see right through him. It meant more to him that he wanted to admit. "I don't want it to play a big part in this process. I know we'll love them either way. It should just be about you, me and whoever is in there. Not what they are. I want it to be extra special when he or she finally arrives. I used to think that idea was insane, but I get the point now."

"Hmmm," she smiled teasingly, tip toeing her way over to him, before wrapping her arms around his neck. "I want to know, but I also want to be surprised. And it seems to mean a lot to you..."

He nodded, fully knowing that he couldn't hide anything from her anymore.

"So let's wait. I don't want to know before he or she is here either. We can keep calling it 'balloon' or 'baby' for 5 more months."

William smiled, widely, showing his nice, white teeth.


"Yeah. Of course."

She allowed one of her hands to leave his neck, sliding down his cheek in a loving stroke instead.

"I love you." He smiled tenderly.

"I know. I'm amazing," she chuckled, before pecking his lips as to ease the effect of the sarcastic reply. "Now let's go. The doctor won't wait forever."

She started walking out of the room, catching his hand mid-motion and dragging him along.

"Someone's excited to see Dr. Hansson."

Noora laughed as she put on her coat.

"What can I say? I love me some medical baby-talk."


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