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"So after discussing it for a bit, Magnus and I finally decided to try something new. It's when he's like on the bottom..."

Noora was zoning out as Vilde was explaining another one of her and Magnus' erotic escapades. The girls were all together, at her and William's place, drinking tea and coffee in the living room. Three of them fit on the couch, while Chris and Vilde were seated on the on the floor, around the coffee table, where their warm drinks were waiting for them to take another sip. She wanted to tell them about the whole situation. It was why she'd invited them over, after all. William had suggested to stick around, but Noora preferred telling them themselves. Not questioning her wishes, William had headed to the gym with P-Chris about an hour ago, just before the girls arrived.


She suddenly hears Eva call out, waving a hand in front of her face, causing her to snap out of her thoughts. All the girls have their eyes on her.

"You okay?"

Noora quickly regained er composure, brushing some hair out of her face.

"Ja, I just... I have something to tell you. And I don't know if I should say it's good news or bad news, I just... I still have to figure this whole thing out myself, but..."

The girls were all looking at her, concern growing within their eyes.

"Did you and William break up again?" Vilde asked.

Noora immediately frowned, shaking her head, "Nei, Vilde."

Vilde who'd previously been resting her arms on the table, let them cross in front of her chest and looked down. "Well you never know. I had to ask."

Sana shook her head, smiling at her friends always honest actions.

"So... A some years ago, before Nissen, I went through a really tough time, where I didn't eat a whole lot. Sometimes almost nothing." She paused, folding her hands in her lap, looking down at them. "I became sick. Very sick. Actually to a point, where my body completely stopped functioning and I needed medical help to get out of it."

All of the girls had their eyes fixed on their friend, putting the puzzle pieces together in their head as they listened carefully. No one said a thing. Only Noora's voice pierced through the room.

"Anyways, luckily I got out of it, after a lot of work and time, and I'm healthy again," she smiled weakly, trying to reassure her friends. "I've been for some years, but my body still has some 'malfunctions' from back then. For example, my menstrual cycle is completely føkked. I maybe have my period once a year, if I'm lucky."

"Girl, you don't get your period? That's fucking awesome," Chris said excitedly, looking at the other girls, who were now all frowning at her.

"Chris, if her cycle is that unstable, it can have consequences for her future chances of having kids," Sana stepped in with her biology-fact, before looking back at Noora.

Noora nodded, "Yeah, that's what the doctors told me as well. My cycle was so messed up that the chances of me ever getting pregnant were very very slim."

"Does William know?" Eva joined the conversation.

"Yes," Noora sighed. "William knows and he's totally chill with it. Which is also why we don't always use protection, when we have sex..." She looked down, nearing the point of this whole conversation. This felt just as hard as when she had to tell William. What would the girls even think? She knew they loved her, but she almost couldn't bear to say it out loud again. It seemed so surreal.

"Fy faen, you're pregnant!"

Before Noora could get to say it herself, Eva did it for her. Noora looked up, eyes shifting between all of them.

"Yes..." The world trailed off as she bit down on her red bottom lip.

"Shit," Eva continued, mouth open in utter surprise. "How is that even possible?"

"It rarely happens, but it is possible if Noora has had her period just recently. Period equals ovulation and eggs, which can cause pregnancy. It way more complex than that, but it sums it up."

"I had my period like 2 months, very shortly, but since the doctors told me my chances of getting pregnant were so small, I didn't think much of it. I guess some eggs have... stuck in there for when William and I... You know."

A silence fell over them, as they all let the news sink in. No one knew what to say, neither how to react. It was hard, when they didn't know how their friend felt about the situation.

"What did William say? Are you guys going to keep it?" Sana started out, handling the situation with grace, like always. 

"William knows, and we talked about it... He was, of course, shocked and everything was a bit much, but I think we'll keep it. I haven't noticed any signs to make me think otherwise."

"Is that what you want?" Sana had to ask, look out for her friend.

"I mean... It's a lot earlier than what I'd imagine, if I could ever even have a kid, but... I'm so lucky to be pregnant considering all these odds. I can't abort this baby, knowing that I might never be able to be pregnant ever again. This baby is kind of a miracle." A weak smile smile appeared for the first time in a while.

"Understandable. But what about studies? You've worked so hard for good grades," it was Eva turn to speak.

"Yeah, I know. But I can take a gap year or two, if that's what it'll take. That way the baby will be old enough to attend kindergarten by the time I start uni. I've heard that university is a great time in your life to get children. You have a lot of time working from home."

Eva nodded in response.

"It's not what I had planned," Noora leaned back into the couch. "But this is also a plan. Simply a new one. It doesn't have to be bad." The smile from before crept back, telling the girls not to worry. "He or she shouldn't have to suffer from the fact that William and I were being irrational, not using protection. I want a kid. And if that means that I have to have it now, then so that be it. Not that I'v ever given it too much of my time, especially before William and when I was younger, but the thought of never being able to carry my own children was saddening. I have to cease this chance. It's scary, yes. But... I want this baby."

She noticed her friends smiling at her, seeming much less worried than 5 minutes ago.

"We're going to be aunts!" Vilde exclaimed with a big smile, causing the whole group to giggle and hug each other. Noora smiled to herself, as she felt their arms around her. This was the right decision. She was sure.

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