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Birds chirping, white curtains flowing from the open window, fresh air and William. Every morning, for the past 11 days or at least since they got the curtains installed, this is what Noora woke up to. It had taken a lot of work and time, but with help from their friends, the couple had quickly finished settling in. Their new apartment was definitely the best decision they'd ever taken. It had a kitchen, small but big enough for Noora to sit on the counter when William would make her cocoa and... other stuff. The living room was big enough for a couch, a TV and guests, but also small enough to feel intimate, when it was just the two of them. The bathroom had a bathtub, making them both send the other a well-knowing smile ,when they'd seen it for the first time. Last but not least; their bedroom. After the living room, it was the biggest room in the apartment. It contained a queen sized bed, since they'd passionately discussed the matter at IKEA and decided that a kingsize wasn't necessary. It's not like they ever used the edges of the bed, when they were the two of them. Close together in the middle of the bed? See that was their favorite spot.

She breathed in the fresh breeze coming through the window, as she decided to closer her eyes again and snuggle into William's bare back. The air wasn't cold, but felt fresh and tickled her bare skin. William always slept through these kind of things, she thought. So so fair away in his sleep. After lying there for 10 minutes, just trying to fall back asleep, Noora decided that she'd slept enough. Meticulously, she started planting small kisses all over the skin that covered his piercing shoulder blades. They, per automatic, quivered under the touch of her pale pink lips. This caused her to stop, as she didn't want to wake him. Instead she placed one last tender kiss to the right shoulder blade, before she carefully rolled over and out of bed. The room was lit up by the summer sun, and allowed her to discover their clothes scattered all over the floor. Quickly picking it up, she selected her favorite piece from the batch and slipped into it, before she placed the rest on a chair in the corner of the room. She'd have to sort that out later. Right now, all she wanted was coffee.

Walking into the kitchen, she immediately filled the electric kettle with water and turned it on, before she grabbed her charging phone and unlocked it. A few notifications popped up across the picture of her and William. She quickly scanned them with her eyes, before unlocking the newest one.

Noora started reading, scrolling and at times shaking her head, as she chuckled to herself before typing to continue the conversation.

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With that settled, Noora put down her phone, hearing the water boiling next to her. Reaching into a cupboard above the kitchen counter, she grabbed a mug and after that a spoon of Nescafe. Within seconds, she had herself a fresh cup of coffee. As the coffee was still boiling hot, she blew on it as she made her way to the door that hid in the back to the kitchen, offering her access to a tiny balcony. It just barely had room for a chair, but Noora loved to stand on it in the morning and look out the city down below. Trying to take a small sip of her coffee, she quickly realized that it was still way too hot and decided to place it on the chair next to her. After walking back inside to grab a hair tie, she walked back out and put her hair in a high, messy bun. Upon grabbing and sipping on the coffee once more, it was finally at a perfect temperature. Neither too warm or too cold.
As she leaned against the rail of the balcony, holding onto the warm mug, she could hear the city buzz down below as the summer sun hit bare legs and face. Life couldn't get much sweeter than this.

"Enough coffee for two?"

Two arms wrapped around her waist, letting the butterflies in her stomach flutter their wings.

"I just boiled the water a few minutes ago. if you're lucky, it'll still be warm."

"Hm," he mumbled into her neck, where he'd placed his lips just a few seconds ago. "You enjoying the view? Because I think the view is enjoying you."

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"Well," he started, removing his lips from her. "For starters, you're just insanely delicious."

She chuckled at his choice of word.

"Secondly, you're half-naked and people like naked. I like naked to, but preferably in the bedroom."

This caused Noora to spin around to look at him, mouth wide open but still a smile.

"What? I am not naked. I'm wearing your shirt!"

"Noora, it barely makes it way beneath your butt," he smiled.

"You do realized that you just made me turn me around, which probably means that all of Oslo is probably thinking the same thing right now."

Swiftly, William slid his hands down her waist and all the way onto her butt, gently placing his hands over it. "There. Now it's hidden, only for me to see."

This caused Noora to throw her head back in laughter, before leaning in to kiss him. Her lips left the taste of coffee on his. "Let's go back inside?"

He nodded, before pulling her in as close at the mug between them would allow, and kissed passionately. Lips tugging, tongues wandering and teeth biting. The kiss seemed to last a lifetime, before William decided to pull away.

"There. Now we can go. Now Oslo knows that you're my half-naked girl."

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