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Matilda talked a lot and drank even more, if that's even possible. Beer after glass of vine after shot - it all slid down her throat with ease and grace. That was until she hit the 5th glass of wine, William had counted, then it went downhill from there on. Her words got slurred and gestures exaggerated. William liked a good party, and would never be against getting drunk, but he wasn't a horrible person either. Quite a few times, he'd tried to stop the chatty girl, offering her water or to go find one of her friends. She'd declined everything.

"Nei nei, William," she giggled, all but soberly, as she chugged down the last few drops of wine in her tall glass. "Water is for pussies."

William sent her a crooked, weirded out smile.

"By the way, you can totally have mine tonight," she poked his nose, causing him to lean backwards to avoid it. "I mean, not pussIES, 'cause I obviously only have one but-" she interrupted herself by erupting in laughter.

"Thank you for the offer, but no thank you. You and I both need to go home-"

"Your place or mine, baby?" She pokes his nose again.

"...To ourselves'."

A pout appeared on her face, "Noooo, William. Don't be like that. I can make you feel good," the young woman almost moaned out loud as she stared grinding onto the couch. Not that he wasn't already, but William grew really uncomfortable and got off the couch before she could grind her way onto him.

"I have to go find my friend," he quickly finished his beer, in one swallow, and put down the empty bottle before disappearing into the crowd. There was no doubt that he'd had a few beers by now, his head was spinning a bit, but at least he had no trouble thinking and finally finding Chris. Of course he was making out with a girl in the corner of the living room.

"Chris, we have to go."

It took a few seconds before his lips left his hook-up's, and when he finally faced William, it wasn't with a pleased expression.

"Bro... Why? Noora's fine."

"Who's Noora?" Chris' girlfriend for the night asked. Chris quickly turned back to her, kissing her heatedly for a few seconds as to keep her keen. "She's not you, baby. She'll never be. Don't worry about that."

"Okay," she giggled, before running a lazy hand all over his firm chest, before placing kisses all over his exposed neck. A few shirt buttons had been opened already.

"The alcohol is starting to get to my head and I don't want to get back home all drunk." William continued fighting for his case.

Chris rolled his eyes, as his mystery girl kept making out with his neck. "Noora won't mind, I'm sure. She told you to have fun!"

William let out a heavy sigh, growing impatient. Parties were still fun, of course, but he'd grown to prefer his fun with Noora a long time ago. He'd take a funny movie, or other stuff, on the couch with her over any party. Both he and Chris knew that. Chris, on the other hand, didn't always agree with this habit.

"Let loose! Get drunk!" Chris yelled, laughing before grabbing his girl's face in both his hand, starting a heavy, disgusting make out session. Not that it wasn't something William hadn't seen before, but he quickly spun around and walked away. Chris was useless in this state; horny and drunk.

But he couldn't help but wonder... Maybe Chris was right. Noora had never had an issue with him partying, as long as he didn't drag her along. She was the first person to take care of him, when he came home drunk. Even the day after, when he'd be deadly hungover. Sure, he'd be teased a lot, but never scolded. He loved Noora for that. That as well as a billion other things.

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