DAY 51 - JULY 25TH

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Chris' family's car was packed with a deadly silence, as he parked it outside the doctor's office. Noora was in the passenger seat, looking straight ahead into what seemed like an endless void. It all still seemed too surreal. They sat there for a while, in a silence that somehow seemed to scream at them.

"So..." Chris used as a catalyst for conversation. "Your appointment was at 12, right?" He looked at the watch that clung onto his wrist.

Noora nodded, still staring at nothing at all.

"It's in 5 minutes. We have to go in."

At that very moment, Noora made a decision, trying to soften the blow that would be if William found out at some point.

"You just wait here, okay?" For the first time since she stepped into the car, she turned her head to look at him. "I'll go in myself."

Chris wasn't even going to try and protest. He could easily tell, from her worried eyes and dark circles, that this wasn't a matter that she wanted to discuss. It was just easier for everyone, if she went herself. They both knew, and he quietly nodded. Next thing he knew, she pushed open the door, stepped outside and pushed it shut behind her. Chris didn't move for the next 30 minutes. All in all, it was a shitty situation. Not only was Noora pregnant, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just bad timing, but Chris knew it and William didn't. That was bad. Guilt had been a constant emotion since she told him 5 days ago.

Ripping him out of his thoughts, he noticed the doctor's door open and Noora emerging from behind it. As soon as she'd stepped outside of it, onto the small front steps, she collapsed onto the ground and started crying into her cold hands.

"Shit," Chris lightly punched the steering wheel in frustration, before getting out of the car and joining Noora. He sat down next to her and got her to stand up.

"Hey hey," he said as cheerfully as he possibly could in the moment, trying to soothe her as he rubbed her back. "You'll be okay, Noora. William loves you and I know he'll support whatever decision you take it."

She kept crying for a bit, before letting it fade into small sniffs as she dried her eyes with her hands.

"I know, but... You have no idea how scary and impressive it's been to see him go from this rude, cocky fuckboy to what he is now. Like that guy has changed his life completely around for me, and I don't feel like I can demand any more from him. Not this big. Not this soon. He's not ready." Another sniff worked as a period for her sentence.

"I have no idea? Fuck, Noora. Don't you think it's been hella scary for me to experience my bro ditching his entire identity for you? Not that it's a bad thing. Not at all. But one day he was sleeping with random girls for fun, partying hard, and the next day he couldn't stop talking about you, ditching Russ and everything for you. You completely changed him and I'm honestly happy you did, because I've always loved that guy, and always will, but honestly he's a much better person now. It was scary to see his development, but also really comforting. I'm so happy for him now, and so is he. This won't ruin it. Trust me, Noora. That guy will go to the end of the fucking world for you. Just give him a chance to do it, and he will."

Noora's sniffing had stopped and the tears were beginning to dry in the summer sun. She was still scared out of her mind, but definitely felt comforted by the best friend's words. Chris knew William just as well, if not better, than her and she knew he was right. She took a deep breath, and dried off the last tear stains.

"Okay. Let's go home."

They got back into the car.

"So you're pregnant, right? Or did you just cause a dramatic scene and I totally fell for it."

Not in the mood for jokes, Noora looked up from her fixing her seatbelt, with a dead pan.

"Kødder," Chris said in his famous Chris-way, putting the keys in and turning on the engine.

The whole ride home back to Noora and William's place was pretty quite. Neither knew what to say, especially Noora who was trying to come up with a solution. Sadly, she wasn't really succeeding. Only to make matters worse, William had just parked his car and was on his way to the front door of the apartment complex, with a grocery bag, when Chris and Noora arrived. Mostly confused, but also deep down feeling very insecure, William haltered, put down the bag and crossed his arms in front of his chest. They hadn't seen him yet. As Noora stepped out of the car, and finally saw William, she stopped and stumbled. Almost like someone had pushed her back.

"William? Wh-"

"Don't ask me what I'm doing here, because last time I checked, I live here." It could be William joking, but all sarcasm and joking was drained from his voice. Now it was just plain bitter. Noora's lip parted, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

"Hey, bro," Chris said, nonchalantly as ever, as he locked the car.

"You come driving back with my girlfriend, and that's all you have to say? Look, I trust you both and I don't want to be the crazy jealous type, but... What the fuck?"

Chris' always wide smile quickly disappeared, realizing that no amount of friendship would save his ass this time. He made his way over to Noora and William on the other side of the car.

"Noora had some stuff to do, and she needed a ride. That's all," he shrugged.

"And I don't have a car?" William's gaze switched back and forth between the two.

"But y-you were out, and I didn't want to bother you." Noora finally intervened.

William's head shot back, just slightly, allowing him to roll his eyes just enough to show that he wasn't convinced. At all. His stupid long, but famous, bangs only added to the dramatic effect of it all.

"I was out grocery shopping. And I asked if you wanted to come. Just two hours ago."

"I just-" Noora almost gasped for air, not knowing what to say or do. She could definitely understand William's reaction. Her and Chris had been acting kind of shady the past few days, a bit too close for any boyfriend's liking, but it was too soon. She had yet to come up with a good way of announcing the huge, maybe devastating, news.

"Look, W... Don't be mad at her, okay?" Chris defended. "I needed her help. With Eva and shit. We went out to get a coffee and talk. That's all."

William looked a bit more convinced, but still not completely. At all. There was no doubt that he was absolutely and utterly William-pissed. He turned his gaze back to Noora, staring at her, as if he was trying to figure her out. Noora's gaze, feeling threatened by his, shot to the ground.


And with that said, William picked up the groceries and walked back inside without another word or glance.

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