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For Noora and William, tonight was another tranquil evening in bed. Both had agreed on being too tired to put on, and actually make it through, a movie without falling asleep. Here they were now - in bed. Noora, being either really warm or really cold these days, was only wearing a soft bra and her usual panties. Tonight if felt too warm. She was currently sitting, back resting against the headboard of the bed, reading her newly found literate treasure. Her belly was growing faster than ever now, and often got in her way, but it was always perfect for holding up a book.

William was currently stripping down to his underwear, not being able to tear his eyes off his glowing girlfriend. She was beautiful before, always, but the pregnancy did something else to her. Often having a hard time putting it into words, he simply ended up kissing her instead. The easy way out.

"Don't get too attached to that bump. You're going to miss it, when it's gone," he said as he opened his jeans.

Noora looked up from her book, smiling softly. "Right back at you. You'll have nothing to stare at... Perv."

William's chuckle got caught up in the fabric of his t-shirt, as he was pulling it over his head, but Noora did get to see the smile that followed behind. Her smile quickly disappeared though, when William carelessly threw his shirt on the floor, letting it rest right next to his jeans.

"William," she sighed. "Don't throw it on the ground, please."

Completely ignoring her request, he carefully threw himself on the bed, getting comfortable on his side, with his head being  propped on his hand. Not feeling like arguing , especially over laundry since he knew he'd end up doing it for her anyways, he ignored her last comment.

"You really think I only stare at you, because of this?" He looked at her, gently placing his hand, the one that wasn't holding up his head, on her bulging stomach.

The book was still open, being held between her hands and her stomach, but she was paying no attention to it. Right then, she was only looking at him. A hand let go of the book, reached down and ran through his brown, soft locks.

"No, I know I'm delicious all the time," this caused William to roll his eyes, as she continued, "but you've definitely stared more since month 5."

"How can I not stare?" He paused, removing himself from his pillow, wiggling his body down the mattress, so that his head came to rest next to her stomach. More interested in what came next, Noora finally closed her book and put it on the night stand. "All I can think about, every time I see your stomach, is that my son or daughter is in there..."

The hand, that had been resting on it for a while, gently stroked the stretched skin of her stomach. "And this might be jævla klisje, but that's the second most beautiful thing in the world."

Noora frowned.

"Second most beautiful thing?"

"Yeah, the most beautiful thing is you," he tore his eyes off the belly and looked up at her. Her hand was still in his hair, sending him a smile, which suddenly turned into a little smirk.

"But how can my stomach and I be placed differently, when my stomach is physically a part of me? Don't we, like biologically, count as one and the same unit?"

Noora was smart, witty and she knew it. If she saw a chance for teasing, there was no doubt that she'd grab it and use it against him. This of course earned a sigh from her boyfriend, before he got up on his hands and knees, as to allow himself to crawl onto her legs and use them to pull her downwards into a lying position.

"William!" She chuckled, surprised. Next thing she knew, she was lying with her back pressed into the mattress, with a hand of his planted on each side of her head. All of this allowed him, being careful around the stomach, to hover himself over her.

"Shut. Up." he said, his voice chopping up the sentence in staccato, before he leaned down close enough to breathe on her face. "...And take the damn compliment."

Totally intimidated, but in a very seduced and drawn in way, Noora's confident wit got caught up in her throat. Since being pregnant, Noora felt every single emotion ever a hundred times stronger than before. This meant literally every emotion. Also the more... physical ones. A blush crept onto her cheek.

"Aww," William cooed, teasing her, but not allowing himself to move his face as much as an inch away from hers. "I'm making you blush. Så søt."

She turned her head to the side, smiling into the pillow, trying to avoid revealing herself as she let out a whiny "Nei!"

He pecked the sensitive area right beneath her exposed ear.

"Jo," he followed up by pecking a bit further down, making his way onto her neck.

"William, stop. You know what you're doing..." She chuckled, lowkey not wanting him to stop, but still being a bit of a prude once in a while. Just for the sake of keeping him on his toes.

"Is that a bad thing?" He mumbled, this time with his lips pressed to her pronounced collarbone.

"Kanskje..." Noora barely managed to say this, letting it out in an almost out of breath whisper. By now, there was no going back for Noora, and they both knew. All William needed now was for her to admit it. Actual permission.

He kept placing kisses to the same collarbone, letting them grow longer and more intense. Once in a while, he'd switch to the other, or to the little dip between them. Noora, feeling her mind switching off and her body enjoying the attention, let him.

Next thing she knew, he had moved his head a bit down, allowing him to kiss the area between her breasts. Pregnancy did many strange things to a woman's body, but William wasn't about to complain... Especially not when it came to what it'd done to her chest area.
Ignoring her actual breasts, or at the very least trying his very best to do so, he kept kissing up and down the empty valley between them. Her cleavage had never tempted and teased him as much as it did right now. It went on for a bit, Noora's breaths growing heavier with time.

"Herredgud, William," she suddenly broke the lonely sound of their passionate breaths with a loud, almost uncomfortable, groan.

"Take that jævla bra off!"

xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx


Ahhh I loved writing this chapter! Sexual tension never hurt an author - not even me (Damn prude). I just feel like this is how it would happen, if it was on the show or whatever. These two just have to piss each other off a bit once in a while - Sex can't be too serious

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