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Huge snowflakes drizzled down on all of Oslo. It was looking out to be a perfect Christmas for everyone. Though snow had fallen, still doing so, the sun peaked out from it's hiding place behind the clouds. On their little balcony, dressed in some lose, comfortable maternity pants and a sweater, Noora stood with a mug of warm tea. The frozen fresh air hit her face, but the short part of the roof that jutted out a couple of meters above her, seemed to keep most of the snow away from her. No one was around, but she was smiling, widely like a clown. The last few months had been pretty calm, amazing considering the circumstances, but right then in that moment? She felt the happiest she'd ever been.

If someone had asked her why, she wouldn't be sure of what to answer. Noora, not coming from the most normal family, had never had a deep love for Christmas like other kids. But there was something special about this year. Her stomach had grown, which meant the baby did as well. There was something so comforting and exhilarating about looking out on a snow clad Oslo, as one hand held onto a warm mug and the other onto her pregnant belly. Never in a million years would she hate a warm summer day, or a vacation in an exotic, warm country, but she loved Norway and it's bittersweet winters. It felt like home.

The door opened, then closed, letting her know that someone was in the entré.


Next thing she knew, a drenched and snowy William stomped into the kitchen with two grocery bags, putting them down with a loud thump. She turned around, her smile growing wider as she saw him.

"Cold outside?"

William dusted some snow off his pants, looking up at her wide an exhausted expression and apple red cheeks.

"I'm frozen to the bone. I'm not going out there again before the temperature is higher than my age."

Hurrying, she put down the mug and closed the door to the balcony, figuring that cold air wasn't what he needed at the moment.

"I told you that I wanted to come with you, but someone insisted on walking there by himself. And why didn't you drive there?" she grabbed a bag and started putting away the groceries, but halted when he suddenly wrapped his arms around, placing a kiss to her temple.

"No way I'm letting you and den lille leave the house, when it's så jævlig kald outside. And with all this ice, I could walk back and forth to the store, before the car would be heated up."

As if she wasn't feeling so overwhelmed with happiness already, it only made it even better every time William would refer to the baby as den lille (The little). Since they didn't want to know the gender, and calling him or her 'it' felt impersonal, William had come up with 'den lille' - which Noora absolutely loved. Without even seeing it himself, he was slowly taking on the fatherly role. There was no doubt in her mind that they were going to be okay.

"But maybe we don't mind the cold," she giggled trying to carry on her unpacking of the groceries. William had other plans though, and kept holding onto his girlfriend's still petite body. "Williammm."

"But I'm so cold," he mumbled into her ear.

"Then let me unpack, so we can take a warm shower."

William immediately froze, lifting his head to look at her, like a small child finally getting his way. "Together?"

"If you let go of me," she chuckled, lovingly running a hand through his damp hair. The snow had melted a long time ago. Involuntarily, William let his arm slide off her and started helping her.

"So I was thinking chicken, pickled cabbage, potatoes and gravy tonight?" William placed a bag of potatoes on the counter.

Most people would get together with their families for a traditional, Norwegian Christmas dinner, but Noora and William had no interest in any family but each other. Which mean that each year they'd have their own little, very untraditional Christmas eve. They'd put on some music, eat, exchange gifts and eat crazy amounts of desserts as they watched movies all night. It wasn't what everyone else did, but they loved it.

"Uhum, and I've already prepared rice pudding for dessert."

He turned to look at her, as he placed the fresh cabbage in the fridge. "Noora, that shit is gross. How do you even eat it?"

"Hey!" She stopped unpacking, putting her hands on her hips in protest.

"It is not gross. It's comfy and loving. Unlike you right now..."

William knew she was joking, shook his head along with letting out a chuckle, as he finished up the first bag.

"You always end up eating half of mine anyways..." He could hear her mumble under her breath as she continued unpacking her bag.

"Only last year because there was nothing else left," he leaned back against the kitchen counter, observing her as she picked up the last item and put away the plastic bag.

"Oh please, William. It's not my fault that you'd eaten all of the Christmas cookies during the first two weeks of December."

Smoothly pushing himself off the counter with his hands, he took a few steps through the small kitchen, reaching her.

"Not my fault that your cookies are so amazing," he smiled, obviously sucking up to her, cupping her face in his still cold hands. Even though they were currently in a moment that was on the edge between a little, innocent fight and just plain, stupid flirting, he stared into her eyes like it was the most sacred in the world. She stared back for a few seconds, shifting to his lips, then back to meet his gaze.

"Stop sucking up to me and go turn on the shower... Willhelm."

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