DAY 39 - JULY 13TH

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They were finally here. Paris.

The city flew by, as Noora and William both looked out through the cab's clear windows. They saw all kinds of old building, Parisian's make their way to work and elegant women having a cup of coffee by the many street corner-cafés. They'd taken off from Oslo airport at about 5 in the morning, meaning they landed at 7 in Paris, Charle De Gaule Airport. It was 7.45 by now, as the cabdriver finally pulled over. This meant that they'd arrived. Both felt the early morning sun hit their skin, as the emerged from the darkness of the cab, and took in the fresh air. Soon enough, they'd gotten their luggage out and were checked in to their new home for the next week.

"William... You said we were just getting a simple room," Noora said, in pure awe as she walked into their room for the first time. What was in front of her was simply, if not more than, magnificent. The room was pretty big - bigger than their bedroom at home, to say the least - and had a huge, antique floor-to-ceiling window. This also worked as a door, accessing their little, personal terrace. Framing these windows were huge, white curtains. When these were drawn aside, they revealed the majestic view of the Eiffel tower. This was what caught Noora's eyes at first. The rest of the room was decorated with ancient, wooden furniture; a bed, bedside tables on the right hand, and a small desk with a chair to their left. In between the terrace door and the desk, a white door with a golden pattern held access to the bathroom. The floor was beautiful, shiny wood as well, complimenting the walls covered in white, flawless paint.

"This is simple," he answered, dropping his suitcase before wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Speechless, Noora let out a laugh before managing to collect her thoughts. "This is simple to you? Either I have really low standards or I'm just really poor."

"No, neither," he pecked the hair covering her ear. "You're just modest, which is not always a bad thing... You deserve this, Noora. I'm happy to give you this experience with me."

"There is no way in hell that I'm letting you pay for this all by yourself!"

"Hush hush. You're not paying anything. Consider it a graduation gift from me."

"But, Will-"

He spun her around, cutting her off by looking right into her eyes.

"Noora," a pause. "You've worked so hard these past 3 years. Allow yourself to enjoy this and don't worry about money. I want to pay this. Okay? Be chill."

Once again, Noora didn't know what to say. This resulted in her grabbing his pretty face and kissing it. More than just once.

"I love you."

He smiled, gently bopping the tip of her nose," I love you too. Now let's unpack, then take a nap and then get the adventure started!"

Since they'd been up since 3 AM, having a hard time sleeping on the plane, Noora and William immediately passed out as soon as they hit the mattress of the hotel's kingsize bed. Content and exhausted, they fell asleep in each other's arms, only waking up a few hours later at the sound of cars honking and birds chirping. William was the first one to wake up, Noora lying on his stretched out arm, making it hard for him to move. Considering all odds, he managed to reach his phone on the bedside table to check the clock. He then rolled back to face Noora, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Noora? It's 11. Want to get up?" He whispered.

Her tired body moved a bit, telling him that she was awake but not entirely.

"If we weren't in Paris then no," she started stretching, allowing him to remove his arm from beneath her. "But I want to embrace every second that we're here."

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