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"Thanks for the tea, Sana," Noora gave her friend a hug as they hugged goodbye in front of the door to the tall apartment complex.

"Of course. Thanks for the company. I've missed hanging out with you, just the two of us," her beautiful friend smiled. Sana had started university right away, and was almost done with her first year of studying medicine. This also meant that she was super busy, causing some lack of quality time between the two good friends. "But just before I go, could I borrow your bathroom? I don't want to pee my pants on the way home."

Both girls laughed as Noora unlocked the door, "Yes, of course. Come come!"

Within seconds, even Noora with her heavy load, the girls made it to the first second floor. William was out with the guys, so Sana patiently waited as Noora unlocked the door to their apartment and pushed it open. It was all dark, all the lights switched off. That was until...


It was Chris, Eva, Vilde, Linn and Eskild yelling as they all threw colourful streamers at Noora and all around the entré. The lights were finally turned on, revealing green balloons everywhere as well as well as matching streamers. Obviously very surprised, having no clue, Noora's mouth hung wide open as she tried to wrap her mind around it all.

"Herregud!" She laughed with delight, hugging all of her friends.

"Happy baby shower, Noora," Sana spoke up, still standing behind her from before. Noora turned around, giving Sana an additional hug.

"You knew?!"

They pulled back, but still held onto each other, "The magic hijab knows everything." Sana smirked and winked, like only she could.

"Thank you so much, you guys. I don't even know what to say!" This was addressed to everyone, as she spun around, still kind of confused.

"Don't thank us yet!" Eskild exclaimed. "The presents might be shit. I mean, mine isn't, but if I know Linn well enough, which I do duh, then she probably got the baby some sweatpants."

"No need to be rude, Eskild," Linn mumbled, walking back to the living room.

Rolling his eyes at his friend, he quickly followed her, "Jesus, Linn. Don't be a party killer!"

The girl squad all frowned with confusion, looking at each other, before all laughing it off in unison.

"Come come! We have a whole baby shower set up for you in the living room!" Vilde exclaimed, excited as always, dragging her friend towards the living room.

And a baby shower set up it was. As if she wasn't surprised enough already, her jaw dropped even more, when Noora entered the living room. Once again, just like the entré, it was decorated with green streamers and balloons. But besides this, they'd also plastered pictures of Noora and William all across the apartment. On the usually pretty empty coffee table, since Noora had way too much time at home to clean, there were now loads of presents and a beautiful, green cake. Linn and Eskild were already placed on the couch.

"Who planned all of this?!"

They all made their way to the couch, everyone taking a seat so that Noora could open the presents.

"We all helped set it up, while you were out with Sana, but Vilde came up with the idea and planned every thing. She was even the one who got William out of the apartment," Eva answered.

"And that's not easy, might I say," Vilde added. "That boy really doesn't want to be without you!"

They all laughed, as Noora leaned back into the couch and shrugged, clearly not mad about the fact that William loved her company... A bit too much, at times.

"What can a girl do?"

The rest of the afternoon went by filled with a lot of smiles, laughs, presents, cake and even some tears. Noora loved every single gift she got. The girls had assembled a big basket filled with everything from little toys to diapers. Eskild got her an adorable outfit, it being very 'gender neutral' as he said himself.

"When the crazy woman won't let you know what gender the damn baby is, you just gotta use your imagination and stay completely and utterly gender neutral," he exclaimed as they all admired the outfit. "10 points to Eskild."

"Sorry, Eskild," Noora laughed as she kept on admiring the little, tiny outfit. "But thank you for handling it with such grace. This is so cute."

"Anything for you, my little sunshine," he smiled, patting her leg.

Linn eventually forgot about Eskild's comment and cheered up, chatting and laughing with the others. Her gift was a beautiful baby blanket that had been her own. When Linn explained this, with a small, careful smile, tears immediately built up in Noora's eyes.

"Wow... Linn, thank you so much. It's beautiful." She couldn't help herself. She had to get off the couch and give Linn, who had also started tearing up, a big hug

"Of course. I'm glad you like it."

Noora sent her another smile, before she sat back down. "I don't like it. I love it. Thank you. I'll definitely use it and take very good care of it."

Noora looked around, taking in the half eaten cake, her smiling friends and the beautiful decorations and presents. Not that she didn't already know, but she once again realised that she was surrounded by the best people in the entire world. It did something to her. It almost felt like tugging on her heart strings. She took a deep breath before grabbing her cake spoon and gently hitting the edge of her wine glass (Filled with sparkling water, of course).

"I won't say too much, cause I'll probably just start crying or something, but..." She bit her lip, thinking of what to say, before continuing. Everyone was silent.

"Everyone in this room knows how much of a rollercoaster this has been. Not only the pregnancy, but also William and I's relationship. Honestly, we've never been happier, but I'd like to thank you for supporting us, both, when we had our rough patches. Thank you for not judging us or I don't know," she shrugged and sighed. "Just thank you for always being accepting of our love and especially this little project," she grabbed her belly to emphasise her point. "It's been my life's biggest and toughest decision, and it's not always smooth sailing... But it's worth it and I'm very happy. Knowing that I have all of you guys makes it feel so much safer. So just... thank you. Both William and I really appreciate it."

There was a moment of silence, everyone just smiling and taking it all in.

"To Noora, William and their beautiful little baby," Eskild broke the silence, raising his glass and dragging every one else along.

"To Noora, William and their beautiful little baby," they all repeated with raised glasses.

Noora was pretty sure that this was one of the happiest moments of her life. This was what life was all about.

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