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All of the old Penetrators, dragging a reluctant William into it all as well, had booked a room at a quite nice hotel in the centre of Oslo

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All of the old Penetrators, dragging a reluctant William into it all as well, had booked a room at a quite nice hotel in the centre of Oslo. Julian's father worked there, meaning they got a nice discount. For the rest, they split the costs between them, managing to put on a quite nice New Year's Eve party. All the familiar faces were there.

The Penetrators, Noora, Sana, Vilde, Eva, Chris, Jonas, Isak, Even, Eskild, Linn, Mahdi, Magnus, along with a couple of other Nissen-people and some new friends from new schools.

The room was quite big, containing a dance floor, a bar and an area with tables and chairs. Together, everyone had showed up the day prior to help decorating with sparkly and colourful decorations. Everything came together beautifully and the night was certainly going to be awesome.

"Happy new year," William whispered, leaning in close, resting his arm on the back of Noora's chair. His seat was right next to hers.

She chuckled, quickly pushing some of her blonde, curly hair out of her face before looking back at him. "Not yet. It's only 11.30."

The music was pumping in the background, as most of their friends had already consumed quite a lot of alcohol and were dancing. She let one of her hands run through his still and always too long bangs, sending him a warm smile. William could only smile back, admiring his glowing girlfriend. All she had to do was sit there, and she looked like a damn model. How did he get so lucky?

"I'll go grab myself some water. Want anything to drink?" Noora pushed her chair back, away from the table, getting up.

"Hey, let me go grab it!" But William was quicker, getting to his feet and gently pushing Noora back into her seat. She chuckled, her mouth open in astonishment.

"William," she tilted her head. "I'm pregnant, not handicapped. I can get us drinks myself."

"Shush," he leaned down, shutting her up with a gentle kiss. Their lips parted, but his face didn't move. "Stay put and I'll be back with water." Another kiss followed this, before he straightened up and started walking away.

"Don't forget to get something for yourself!"

She yelled after him, not sure if he actually heard her. For a few moments she simply sat there, by herself, looking out upon all of her friends. She smiled. All of them, even the ones who'd only found out today, were so supportive of her and William's situation. The scared feeling she had before, grew smaller and smaller every day. Instead, confidence now bloomed and she felt more and more ready.

"Heiiiii, du!"

A clumsy, probably also drunk, Eva stumbled into the chair that had been William's. Noora chuckled, helping her friend get properly settled into the chair. "Hei. You doing okay?"

"Me? Ja! I'm doing perfectly fine. I took like, maybe, 12 shots," Eva giggled, holding up 8 fingers.

"Wow," Noora nodded, jokingly putting on a impressed facial expression. "I would ask you to show me your ways, but yanno," she put her hands on her stomach.

"Oh yeahhhh," Eva smiled widely, resting her head on the pregnant belly. "Hei, lille du. Could you come out tonight, so your mommy can do shots with me? Please." The drunk girl gently stroked the stomach as she spoke.

"Sorry, Eva," Noora's head diverted in the direction of William's voice. "No babies or shots tonight." He put down three bottles of water. "Just water. You should probably drink some too."

Noora sent him a thankful smile, understanding that he must've noticed Eva's state from the bar.

"Drink up. Especially you, Eva."

He handed Eva a bottle, as he sat down in the seat on the other side of Noora.

"Or you won't make it till midnight."

Eva removed herself from Noora's stomach, basically ripped off the bottle lid and chugged down almost the entire content.

"Føkk midnight, William. When you're alone," a hiccup escaped her drunk body, "like me, midnight is shit. I just get to stand there and make out with a bottle of champagne." Her head hung against her own shoulder.

"I'm sure Chris wouldn't mind helping," William smirked, looking at Noora who simply rolled her eyes.

"Oh ja?" Eva's head suddenly shot up in excitement. "He said that?"

"I mean," William suddenly looked overwhelmed, not sure of what he'd started. Noora could only sit by and look at him with a satisfied smirk. That'd teach him. "He hasn't said anything, but I mean, it's Chris... And you."

"Sant! I can't let this slip. This is perfect!"

And with that a still very drunk, but now slightly more hydrated, Eva stumbled out of the chair and ran off to find Chris. Exhaling in relief, William leaned back in his chair. That didn't last for long though. He felt Noora's eyes on him. He slowly turned his head to look at her.


"You're aware of what you've started, right?" She crossed her arms in front of her, resting them on her stomach.

"Yes yes, I'm aware. But come on, it's not like they haven't hooked up before?"

Noora sighed, biting her lip, as she realised that Eva would forever be Eva, "Sant..."

Suddenly they heard the crowd counting down towards midnight. The couple, both surprised by how fast time had flown by, looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Dritt, already!?" William exclaimed.

"Yeah, time flies by when you're sober," Noora laughed, getting up for the first time in a while. William hadn't as much as touched alcohol all night. A true trooper. She reached out for his hand. "Kom."

"What are we doing?" He took her offered hand, getting up and letting her drag him to the dance floor. Everyone else was still counting, just 3 seconds left. They were now in the middle of the dance floor.

"3, 2, 1... GODT NYTT ÅR!!!"

William immediately cupped his girlfriend's beautiful face in both of his hands, pulling her in for a long, tender kiss. Her hands automatically wandered to his waist, grabbing onto his white dress shirt for dear life. Everyone around them seemed to disappear, as the kiss deepened, never slowing down. The room around them exploded; popping champagne, confetti and yelling turning into one huge explosion of happiness and new beginnings. This didn't matter to the young lovers. The kiss went on, like only they could make it, as everyone around them seemed to disappear.

But after a while, the young couple had to pull away for air, but kept their foreheads glued to the other's.

"Here's to us and this new year," she spoke, just loud enough for him to hear. Then it was her turn to grab his face and pull him in for another long kiss. This forced him to let go of her face, placing his hands on her stomach instead. William loved holding his girlfriend like this, especially with the special curves her pregnant belly gave her. He loved her so much, and it hit him daily. This was going to be the most special year so far. He couldn't be any more scared or excited. All at the same time.

In the other end of the room, Chris had Eva pinned against a wall, giving her the New Year's Eve of a lifetime.

Everything was how it was supposed to be.

A/N: This weekend, I've reached the point, where I have to write the birth! Can you believe that - where did time go? Anyways; I still haven't decided on a gender and name, so if you wanna leave your vote, don't forget to vote for a name via the link in chapter  the chapter called "Vote!" And leave a comment with the gender you're hoping for!


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